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re: The Moment You Fell in Love With Theater
 Mar 13 2007, 12:32:01 AM
When I was younger I wanted the chance to see Beauty and the Beast on Broadway even before I knew what Broadway was (sadly I will not get that opportunity any time soon). And I love the movie to this day. So it will always be one of my favories.

And though I love musicals, what actually got me hooked on theatre was seeing a production of A Streetcar Named Desire put on by the very same junior college I attend now. I was a freshman in high school. And it is so great to know that I will g

re: 'Jersey Boys' San Francisco
 Mar 4 2007, 07:23:47 PM

I saw the show on the 24th. And I just wanted to say that I thought your performance was incredible. You're very talented and I hope to see the show again. Take care and break a leg for the rest of the run.


re: 'Jersey Boys' San Francisco
 Feb 25 2007, 08:49:12 PM
I was @ yesterday's matinee too. The show is so awesome! I'd love to see it again. Maybe I'll rush next time. The only thing I didn't like was that I felt Chris's falsetto needs to be a lot stronger. But other than that I loved the show! Especially Erich as Bob. And someone's cell phone went off in my section which pissed me off the rest of the night. I wanted to hit them.
re: any bad seats on the Pantages Theater in LA?
 Feb 9 2007, 10:42:52 PM
What about second mezz. level row k seats 111-112 center? Are those any good? I may see the show in July and those were the best I can find at the third price level on ticketmaster.
re: Jonathan Larson
 Jan 25 2007, 07:52:59 PM
I know Jonathan won't read this. But I just wanna say that RENT is still the biggest influence in my life. It made me look at my life in ways I've never seen it before. This next statement may seem a bit silly but I have never been more thankful for anything in my life. RENT is a HUGE part of the bond I share w/ my boyfriend. If we hadn't seen the movie on my 17th bday together (and then the tour July of last year), we wouldn't of found out how much more we had in common besides our love for thi
re: Jersey Boys weekend rush in sf
 Jan 19 2007, 07:34:13 PM
Oops! I guess I should of been more specific and say that I'm planning on seeing the matinee. But seeing as the rush for the evening is more crowded I'm assumong we might get tickets (there will be 4 of us)?
Jersey Boys weekend rush in sf
 Jan 18 2007, 06:46:36 PM
I may go down to sf on saturday. How is the rush on weekends? What time should I plan on getting there?
 Jan 9 2007, 05:29:51 PM
Personally, it would feel awkward to me if I were to see any woman who's not a caucasian sing the role of Belle. Not to say that there aren't talented woman of color who are capable of singing the role. It's just how Disney envisioned her.
re: Beauty and The Beast=Worst Audience in History!
 Jan 8 2007, 02:11:30 PM
That's very disappointing (but not surprising) to hear that's going on w/ the Disney shows on Broadway. I'll confess that I'm a total Disney freak, but I save my "theme-park" behavior for the parks. Not the theatre.

Just to throw in my two cents, I had taken my boyfriend to see the RENT tour in SF. Seeing as he is an actor himself he should know how to behave in a theatre. But boy, was I wrong. So he starts singing along w/ the score. At first I thought it was cute and that he would sto

re: What's with all of the teens obsessed Wicked and RENT!?
 Jan 5 2007, 03:15:24 PM
I've seen the RENT tour twice and loved it. And I have yet to see Wicked (hopefully I'll see it in LA over the summer). And I love the music in both shows. But the more and more I listen to them I get bored. Why be so narrow-minded about something as broad as music?

And I know both stories are engaging and interesting but they're not the only ones.

I'll admit I first got into RENT when I saw the movie. After I saw it live I had a lot more respect for the show.

Wicked a

re: What is your first show of 2007?
 Jan 2 2007, 01:12:27 AM
Jersey Boys in SF Feb. 24th then possibly followed by Wicked in LA this summer. By the way, does anyone know when Eden's contract is supposed to end?
Wicked to be performed in Germany by the end of '07
 Dec 30 2006, 03:03:34 PM
Wikipedia stated just a day after the London opening that it will be performed in Germany.

P.S. Sorry if this has been posted before

re: 'Jersey Boys' San Francisco
 Dec 29 2006, 04:34:29 PM
Thanks for the heads up! So would they come out in between shows or no?
re: 'Jersey Boys' San Francisco
 Dec 21 2006, 07:04:27 PM
Yay! I'm so thrilled to read positive feedback. I'm going to see it the 24th of feb (matinee). I'm so psyched! By the way, does anyone know when the best time to get souvenirs is? I was thinking either before the show or @ intermission because everyone's either heading home or to the stage door afterwards. And if someone could give me a heads up on where the stage door is, I'd appreciate it.
re: General seating question for anyone who has seen the Jersey Boys tour
 Dec 20 2006, 12:06:48 AM
I'm in row H. So hopefully I'll have a decent view.
General seating question for anyone who has seen the Jersey Boys tour
 Dec 19 2006, 09:06:18 PM
I have tickets for the 24th of feb (matinee show). My seats are in the mezzanine seats 15-17. Are those good?
Golden Gate Theatre Question
 Jul 25 2006, 11:36:51 AM
I'm seeing RENT tonight in SF. I was wondering. do you think they will let me bring my big RENT book into the theatre? I was going to have everyone sign it afterwards and I want to have it on hand.
re: Broadway Songs You Listen To Several Times A Day.
 Jul 16 2006, 03:48:57 PM
There are so many but I'll narrow it down:

For the first time (Tarzan)

Who loves you (Jersey Boys)

Show Off (Drowsy Chaperone)

Sherry (Jersey Boys)

Spoonful of sugar (Mary Poppins - west end)

For Good (Wicked0

Defying Gravity (Wicked)

Take Me Or Leave Me (Rent)

I wish I had TWS 'cause I love "It's your wedding day".

re: RENT w/The 'Rents
 Mar 11 2006, 09:40:12 PM
So what can I say that hasn't already been said? Basically I have yet to see the film w/ my mom and my grandparents refuse to watch it w/ me (which is ok cuz I know they'd be asking lots of questions and I rwally don't like explaining things). My dad went to see it w/ me and my brother the day after the movie premiered. He liked the movie and has lots of respect for jonathan's genius and of course his music but was kind of turned off at little things. He gets grossed out at seeing Angel and Coll
re: Anthony Rapp SF Signing - VERY DETAILED
 Feb 20 2006, 11:45:58 PM
I met him at his show two days ago @ the Swedish American Hall. He is so sweet. The only thing was that I was so starstruck I couldn't even look him in the eye half the time. I also regret not asking him for a hug and kiss (on the cheek) or a tango pose pic. I know it's really no biggie but still...I have no idea when he's coming back to cali. And I shouldn't have acted like such a stupid fangirl either oh well.


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