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RENT - new cast members

#25re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/20/05 at 4:19pm

YES! He was my first Angel and he was totally the best thing I have ever seen and I love him and...I LOVE HIM! I am thinking of seeing RENT again during December and I wanted to see a different cast than I saw on July 23rd (my first time seeing it so i remember the date)even thought almost EVEREYBODY had an understrudy except Kelly, Justin, and Cary.
Updated On: 10/20/05 at 04:19 PM

#26re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/20/05 at 4:53pm

Yes Cary still has that blondish hair (my avatar is pretty recent). Well from the last time I saw him. I agree he needs to find a new show to be with but he is still amazing to me.
Updated On: 10/20/05 at 04:53 PM

#27re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/20/05 at 6:46pm

I saw the show on October 15th and thought Jay was pretty good. A lot better in second act than first. As for Ava...I think shes got a GREAT voice but meh...her Over the Moon was okay when I saw her but what really bothered me was her extreme lack of chemistry with Merle. It was like she didnt want to be touching her at all. Like whenever they hugged or kissed or whatever it was like...just zero chemistry. Other than that I didnt mind her. Shes an extremely sweet woman too.

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#28re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/20/05 at 7:29pm

Unless you catch Ava on a really, really good night.. I think what you saw is what you'll get from her each time you see it. She's had more than enough time to "grow" into the role, as she was Maureen on the latest tour.

Tiff - in regards to her new last name, she got married this spring.

Also? Keep your eyes peeled for the cast list when the next tour gets ready to start. There might be more than one familiar name on there. re: RENT - new cast members

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#29re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/20/05 at 8:11pm

probably a long shot that anybody would know the answer to this--but who do you think will replace Cary once he leaves? I was thinking that probably Jay.

#30re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/20/05 at 8:22pm

I translated this from Japanese so I am not sure if I am reading it right but Mark Richard Ford might be joining the China tour of RENT


Roger - Jeremy Kushnier
Mimi - Karen Mok
Benny - Darryl Brown
Angel - Andy Senor
Steve - Jeff Scott Cary
Paul - Dan Domenich
Mrs. Cohen - Erin Grener
Mrs. Jefferson - Rebecca Jones
RENT... RENT is serious. It became the situation whose also movie release and the angular arm are good privately. From next month (?) _ Asia tour be be do, but cast... cast...! ... Being the still undecided way, it does, the other cast but as for Mark as for Trey Ellett and Maureen it is whether there is no Caren Lyn Manuel. The ‚Á ‚Û where also Dominique Roy comes at after swinging it is and is.. Something very much is the person of ‚Ä Roger! That to rub, the person comes in Japan...! In addition with Jeremy/Roger there is to rumor of new CD production of next year RENT, it is...! You wander about yesterday net the time, being to know, it does, but absent-mindedly o my God you shouted. ƒl stating ƒ`ƒJƒ‰ is felt, it is even. The N when ‚¿it is the mail it does, returning by the telephone, you laughed. So as for feeling it is understood. Being kind of to turn with Hong Kong & Beijing & Shanghai & Seoul & Japan, it does, but until it comes to Japan, it is just a little worry whether you can wait with the child where by his is good. When perceives, Korean Airlines the kana which does not ride. Also Angel of Andy Senor being lovely, being to love, it is delightful, is. When Andy it comes, when it becomes, that now it comes to Mark Richard Ford or the undecided Collins cast which is not it is it is not in BW expectation. It is enormous everyday it commutes the RENT. Karen Mok is famous even in Japan, don't you think?. The air which is not the bean jam ball Mimi ‚Á ‚Û ‚­ does, but with the latest casting the eyeball (the Asian tour to put out) it seems, is. So 1970 it is born...? Roger (as for Jeremy 30 years old) from Mimi above...?

#31re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/20/05 at 8:23pm

Updated On: 10/20/05 at 08:23 PM

C is for Company
#32re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/20/05 at 8:27pm

I saw jay my third time in i believe june? He was excellent, and was a refreshing change considering I have seen cary twice before

TheHumanTorch Profile Photo
#33re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/20/05 at 9:52pm

i saw RENT a couple months ago... but I saw Ava as Mimi...

i thought she was an incredible Mimi...I liked Karmine better, but I can't imagine Ava playing Maureen... anyone else see her as Mimi?

Also Destan had me in tears for the last half of the second act...more than any other Collins has

#34re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/21/05 at 12:03am

Based on information I recieved from a reliable source JOHN ERIC PARKER has been cast as Collins on the Asian tour.

#35re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/21/05 at 12:36am

Whoa, whatever that was that was translated is kinda strange!

I really don't think Jay looks anything at all like Cary, he looks better! Vocally, I don't think he's as strong as Cary is on a strong night but the problem is, Cary doesn't always have strong nights, and Jay's acting is better. Rumor tonight is that Cary is still out and Jay is now billed in the playbill as Roger so who knows what's going on at the Neder. And yes, Jay's not new, he's been with the Broadway cast for almost a year.
Updated On: 10/21/05 at 12:36 AM

Anakela Profile Photo
#36re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/21/05 at 12:38am

won the Rent lotto tonight (Thurs 10/20) and feel like I should post this here as I had *three* u/s- Jay in as Roger, Ava in as Mimi, and Nicolette Hart in as Maureen.

Jay and Ava were great, but I was OMG blown away by Nicolette- her Over the Moon was the best I have ever seen (granted, I have only seen Rent 3x in NY, 1x on tour), such high energy, and she completely owned the audience at the end of that number. (random story: The 2 guys sitting next to me spoke no English the entire night, except for during the intermission when one was singing "only thing to do is jump over the moon" over and over again, it was great.) Nicolette and Merle (more random: Merle Dandridge in Rent and Tracy Miller in Hairspray are my two favorite performers right now) had awesome chemistry, and I was just overall blown away by her Maureen.

I saw Antonique on Monday, she was good, but I enjoyed Ava a little more tonight, for the same reasons that the first poster liked Antonique- I thought her Mimi was too smiley and laughing, while I liked Ava's take more. But they're both good.

The projector didn't turn on during the first part at the end (where the title Today 4 U: Proof Positive appears, etc.), but Jay and Matt totally covered well there- when Mark says "first shot Roger..." Matt pointed the (dark, off) projector at Jay as if he was filming him with it, etc. I've read about those projector problems before, it was the first time I'd seen it happen. I don't think those watching for the first time realized they were missing anything though.

(eta: I completely agree about Destan's I'll Cover You: Reprise. For three times now I've seen him as Collins, he's come on stage and on that first "live in my house" I tear up every time, it's just so hauntingly beautiful. I actually did cry the first time I saw him, now I just almost-cry.)

And now I feel like one of those 'you know you're a Renthead' lists: when you've seen the show twice in one week, and start referring to the performers on a first name basis... :)
Updated On: 10/21/05 at 12:38 AM

#37re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/21/05 at 12:42am

I don't like Jay's singing style much. He always sounds like he's pushing. He is hot though (more attractive than Cary!). I didn't get much out of his Roger though. Nor do I get all that much out of Cary's. Give me Kobak or Kushnier any day.

I'm excited to see who will be in the next tour. I'm curious if it's equity or not. I wouldn't be surprised if Andy Meeks did it. I hope Dan Rosenbaum does too though!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#38re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/21/05 at 1:05am

I wonder what ever happened to that motion to get Dan into the Broadway cast.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#39re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/21/05 at 1:11am

I don't know, but we should bring it back. One of the best I've ever seen, that's for sure.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#40re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/21/05 at 1:12am

That's what a lot of people say. But the fact that there's an overwhelming opinion saying he's better than Adam, or the best since Adam made me very, very curious.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#41re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/21/05 at 1:21am

I haven't seen Adam to compare the two, but Dan is probably the best I've seen- and he was sick at the time. The combination of him and Andy was awesome, definitely the best Roger/Mark combination I've ever seen, so I'd love it if Andy and him could work together again, on tour or on Broadway. And I love Dan's nosering.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 10/21/05 at 01:21 AM

#42re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/21/05 at 1:29am

Dan acts Roger like no one else (the only person I can even think to compare him to as in how much thought goes into every little thing is Joshua Kobak). Seriously EVERY LITTLE THING has meaning behind it. He has the best acted "One Song Glory" I've ever seen, and his "Without You" is among the most heartbreaking also. I loved sitting in the front when I saw him in the show, because he had so much going on in his eyes even. I would kill to see him with a stronger Mimi (Tallia Brinson was not so hot). I did love Dan's voice, but I can't say I even noticed it all the time because his acting seriously blew me away. I'm not the hugest Andy fan out there, but he and Dan have one of, if not THE best Goodbye Love, and I've seen more than I can even remember. I haven't seen the guy in over six months and he still makes me gush like I just saw him yesterday!

DancNdaMoonlite Profile Photo
#43re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/23/05 at 8:09pm

OMG. I saw the shoe on Saturday and it was AMAZING!! It was my first time and it was sooooo good. Antonique Smith (Mimi) was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo AMAZING. OMG. I want to be as good as a peformer as her. Go see her if you can.

#44re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/23/05 at 10:31pm

Interesting news, aparently Merle is leaving on November 20.

TheHumanTorch Profile Photo
#45re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/23/05 at 10:54pm

Merle's leaving? Wow.... who's replacing her? It seems like she's been in the show FOREVER.... i'm pretty sure out of the 4 times i've seen rent she's the only Joanne I've senn

Anakela Profile Photo
#46re: RENT - new cast members
Posted: 10/23/05 at 11:11pm

Merle's leaving?? Bummer. Well I guess hopefully good for her, as this is because she's on to something bigger? (NOT that Rent is not big, etc. etc., it's just that I always want to see so much more of/from her than what Joanne allows.)

Now I have another reason to go and see the show again. :)
