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Profile for CrAzIaBoUtReNt

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Member Name: CrAzIaBoUtReNt
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re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
 Jun 13 2007, 12:46:10 PM

re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
 Jun 13 2007, 07:05:28 AM

re: Intelligent Reactions To The Tony Awards, Please
 Jun 11 2007, 12:58:24 PM
In your response to the lyrics question:

I think that :

She said: "Give me that hand, please
And the itch you can't control
Let me teach you how to handle
All the sadness in your soul
Oh, we'll work that silver magic
Then we'll aim it at the wall"
She said: "Love may make you blind kid-
But I wouldn't mind at all"

- The Bitch of Living

They changed that to "silver castle" and what not... probobly because this could be taken in a ve

re: what are your thoughts on the alterations made to Spring Awakening in t
 Jun 11 2007, 07:35:09 AM
I found that after I watched it it, I had to take a moment to comprehend what I had seen. There was so much going on. I liked it though. Totalally F***** is one of their best songs. In my opinion, how could they not do some of it? Did John Gallagher run out of breath or something in the Bitch of Living?
re: Hairspray Movie Website goes live today!
 Apr 19 2007, 05:44:15 PM
The soundtrack clips sound AMAZING!
re: BROADWAY Survey
 Apr 8 2007, 07:26:49 PM
Name 10 of your favorite Broadway shows

1. Rent
2. Dreamgirls
3. Chicago
4. Hairspray
5. West Side Story
6. Les Miserables
7. A Chorus Line
8. The Sound of Music
9. Wicked
10. POTO

Have you ever seen these shows live? If so, where?
1. 5 times, 4 in NYC, 1 in New Haven, and I am going again Friday
2. No
3. Yes, twice
4. Yes
5. No, I wish
6. No, but hopefully next week I will see it
7. Yes,

A Chorus Line 3/17/07 Matinee Review
 Mar 17 2007, 10:01:35 PM
I saw A Chorus Line this afternoon and I loved it. It's such a classic, whats not to love? I was upset almost to the point of tears when I found out Charlotte D'Amboise, Natalie Cortez, AND Chryssie Whitehead were all out. They are three of my favorite characters and I went in a bit scared of what I would be witnessing from their understudies.

Lyndy Franklin (Kristine): My favorite understudy of the show. She had me in a giggling fit during her big number "Sing". I have'nt seen Chr

re: Most Boring?
 Jul 6 2006, 06:08:18 PM
Least boring is Rent and Hairspray. Most boring is Lion King and Phantom.
re: Will I..? from RENT when done badly
 Jul 3 2006, 09:45:53 PM
Ahhh! The horror of a high school version of Rent!
re: Current Cast of Rent on Broadway?
 Jul 3 2006, 05:44:53 PM
The current cast is so/so. They are very different. I never got to write a review for the last time I saw the show, so this is a good chance to:

May 20, 2:00

Tim Howar (Roger)---He had a very rocker type voice which I loved. His acting and chemistry with Antonique was okay, pretty good. The only thing that was distracting was his angry facial expressions during What You Own. I swear the viens in his neck were about to explode all of the first two rows.

Matt Caplan (Mar

re: The Official RENT Love Thread
 Apr 29 2006, 08:22:54 PM
I heard of Rent while in line rushing for "Chicago" and listened to samples online, didn't get it. Then about a few months later I listened again and fell in love and saw the show live finally, after years of obsessing over the computer trying to get every once of Rent love I could find (you know what I mean *shifts eyes*). Now I have seen the show four times. The movie came out, everyone who had not heard Rent at all loved it while I hated it. Now apparently being a Renthead is a fad and "cool"
re: Casting for RENT
 Apr 28 2006, 08:54:18 PM
"The problem is people are actually walking out thinking that what is going on at the Nederlander these days is Rent. But it's really not. "


re: Casting for RENT
 Apr 28 2006, 06:50:59 PM
Here are my thoughts:

-Matt WAS a good Mark...but now his time has come.
-Never saw Tim, but Will Chase rocked my world
-Antonique is extremely talented, but I believe her talents should be used somewhere other than Rent...
-Justin. Just, wow. Best Angel I have ever seen. I'll be extremely sad when he leaves. If there was anyone I could keep fomr this cast, it would no doubt be Justin.
-Destan's really annoying voice makes me want to leave the theatre. He has a goo

re: BWW TV: RENT's 10th Anniversary On The Scene Video
 Apr 26 2006, 03:33:50 PM
Wow! They still got it!! And look at Daphne up on those bars! Idina didn't look so happy...and Fredi hit that high note Wow! This makes me even more jealous of anyone who got to see the OBC.
Please no ***More RENT remixes***
 Apr 12 2006, 07:43:11 PM
Ugh I was on iTunes and they just came out with Take Me or Leave Me, Out Tonight, and Light My Candle. It's TERRIBLE. Search Rent. What has this become seriously? I would feel very akward in a dance club listening to two people singing about lighting candle's to a techno beat....

re: RENT - How long do you give it?
 Apr 12 2006, 03:29:15 PM
"i think all rent needs to do is go back to its roots and hire a cast of new YOUNG unknownsas opposed to the tired, oft recycled actors who just don't care and are far too old for their roles (there has been 4 benny's on broadway total... in 10 years, and the first 2 were in for roughly a year or so each) and it will run a very long time to come. "

ditto. Everyone needs to go besides Justin Johnston. Rent is getting sloppy. Period. The producers need to rehire a younger ENERGETIC cast.

New Rent Tour Pictures
 Apr 11 2006, 07:11:23 PM
New Promo pictures from the Rent Tour.

Rent 10 Anniversary Article w/ pictures
 Apr 10 2006, 08:57:03 PM

Interview with Matt Caplan, Tim Hower, and Antonique Smith. New pictures of them too. Very hot cast.

Rent Tour New Haven 3-11 mat. Review
 Mar 12 2006, 01:32:40 PM
Well I saw Rent on tour at the Shubert yesterday and it was....interesting. You could tell that it was a work in progress. Some people were great, and some need a lot of work.

Roger---Bryce Ryness---He was really good. His voice rocked, his acting was pretty good, but his appearance didn't scream "Roger".

Mark---Jed Resnick---I really enjoyed his performance. He brought out the more emotional side of Mark. His "Halloween" was great.

Angel---Ano Okera---He was so cute

re: Wicked 2/25 mat. Review
 Feb 25 2006, 10:47:48 PM
"Threadjack: Kyan is hott. Yes, with 2 t's."

And he's even hotter in person! He was skinny as hell though!

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