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Nosebleeds Onstage?

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#1Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 3:33pm

Has anyone seen a professional production where an actor had a nosebleed onstage? If so, what did they do to cover it up?

I've had some extremely severe nosebleeds in the past two days (about twenty minutes and fifty tissues each) and have a performance tonight. I'm really, really worried that I'll have a nosebleed onstage. I'm onstage for the entire show after I make my entrance, and I won't be able to leave the stage. In case I do have a nosebleed, does anyone have any tips?

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

Weez Profile Photo
#2re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 3:35pm

What's the show? Do you have a lot of talking? Have a stash of tissues in either wing, and be prepared to dash off, grab one, and bleed quietly in a corner onstage if you can. Warn your stage manager and anyone else in similar authority as soon as you can.

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#2re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 3:38pm

What's the show? Do you have a lot of talking?

It is a one-act called "Employees Must Wash Hands Before Murder," and I have about ninety lines. I'm a health inspector who serves as the detective, so I'm interrogating people pretty much the whole time. I figured that if my nose started bleeding just a little, I'd say something about the food at the restaurant where it takes place being bloody terrible. But when I have a nosebleed, it's usually like someone turned on a faucet.

I am thinking about stuffing my trenchcoat with tissues, though. It might be an interesting character trait to be constantly wiping my nose and messing around with handkerchiefs.

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

blondebaby589 Profile Photo
#3re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 3:38pm

Oh goodness, I don't even know what I'd do! Tissues is a good idea though Weez.
During a show last week my friend ran into a set piece and cut her arm pretty deep. She was gushing blood but couldn't do anything about it since we were all dancing. But at least the blood wasn't coming out of her nose lol

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#4re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 3:41pm

put the blood on your hands and be like... THIS IS WHAT YOUR HAND LOOKED LIKE BEOFRE YOU WASHED YOUR HANDS! lol no jk
but yeah, tissues galore

Weez Profile Photo
#5re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 3:42pm

It sounds like you'd probably be okay bleeding and acting, as long as everyone else would be okay with you bleeding and acting. :3 Um, isn't there this thing you can buy that basically coats the entire inside of your nose when you have a cold to prevent running? Would you be able to get something like that for this evening, and do you think it might work on your nosebleeds?

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#6re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 3:43pm

Ewww, Pianolin, I guess I'd at least get marks for originality! I could say, "Apparently, employees should wash hands AFTER murder as well!" re: Nosebleeds Onstage?

You should've seen me when I had my first nosebleed today during chorus. It's on the other side of the school from the clinic, so my hands were dripping with blood. I looked like Lady Macbeth! The reactions of the people who saw me were HILARIOUS-- the clinic people kept asking me if I was in an abusive relationship or had trouble at home, since I have a history of nosebleeds!

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#7re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 3:44pm

Um, isn't there this thing you can buy that basically coats the entire inside of your nose when you have a cold to prevent running? Would you be able to get something like that for this evening, and do you think it might work on your nosebleeds?

OH MY GOSH, I have never heard of this! Do you know what it's called and if you can get it over the counter? Curtain is in three hours..

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

Weez Profile Photo
#8re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 3:47pm

No idea of name or over-the-counter-ness, I'm afraid. Get your phone book out and give your pharmacy (um... drugstore? Chemist?) a ring. I mean, if I haven't dreamed this magical substance up and it does exist, there's no guarantee that something designed to stem a little dribble would stand up to the might of a Schmergy nose-fountain, but it might help a little.

#9re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 3:49pm

Why do you get such bad nosebleeds? Is it because of the cold dry weather? I know that I get horrible ones in wintertime. I hope you don't get one onstage or that you find something to prevent them from happening.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#10re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 3:52pm

DG, I think it's a combination of weather and stress, because I always get them on the same week I have a show. This is the first time I've had TWO on the day of, though. Oh well, maybe that just means I have no more blood left in my body and can't bleed anymore! ^_^

Weez, I just asked my mom about the medicine stuff, and she said she didn't want to try out any new medicines or stuff on me right before a show just in case something goes wrong (wouldn't THAT be fun?), but I will keep that in mind next time it's nosebleed season and I'm preparing for a play! I've never even heard of that before!

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#11re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 3:59pm

Schmerg, if it's a comedy, you could get some pretty killer (haha, pun) sight gags with tissues shoved up your nose. Just a thought.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#12re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 4:03pm

Saline spray is available at any grocery store or pharmacy.

And I know it sounds gross but try putting chapstick on the inside of your nose. When I was on accutaine I'd get horrible nose bleeds and my dermatologist recommended both of these products.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

Madcap Maisie Profile Photo
Madcap Maisie
#13re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 4:07pm

Best of Luck Schmergie. Hope you dont even have to worry about it...

but if it DOES happen, I'm sure you will handle it like a pro and get RAVE reviews :)

"You know what really makes me mad? When girls think they can sing just because they are on the Disney Channel."

#14re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 4:15pm

"And I know it sounds gross but try putting chapstick on the inside of your nose. When I was on accutaine I'd get horrible nose bleeds and my dermatologist recommended both of these products."

I was on accutaine also and the nose bleeds were non stop. I thought I was dying some days. I didn't know a person could lose that much blood and remain alive.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#15re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 4:31pm

You can coherently operate with 50% of your blood supply

you can survive with 30% of blood supply but only for about 45 minutes...

#16re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 4:32pm

Not tissues, -- a piece of cotton ball, a little more than half, can be compacted and placed into your nostril, even if you are only worried about the nose bleed occuring.

Try first so that you don't have a big sideways bulge deal on your nose -- that's too much cotton, and it will feel uncomfortable anyway. The right amount of cotton will feel ok after a minute or two, and you can leave it in place while you are onstage. And sing, even.

If bleeding starts, it shouldn't get past the cotton ball, but just in case, keep tissues handy in case you get a gusher.

[from experience]
Updated On: 1/30/09 at 04:32 PM

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#17re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 4:39pm

Awww, you guys are so HELPFUL! I'm feeling very calm about all of this now. And I WILL try the chapstick trick and the little bit of cotton ball fluff; that's great.

ColorTheHours-- not only is it a comedy, it's a MURDER MYSTERY comedy. So at least I picked the right play to be in. And the other play we're doing is a medical comedy, so if it's really bad, we can just call in Dr. Polaris Reddington from the other play!

you can survive with 30% of blood supply but only for about 45 minutes...

Ohhh, good! Our one-act shouldn't run much longer than that! re: Nosebleeds Onstage?

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

Madcap Maisie Profile Photo
Madcap Maisie
#18re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 4:42pm

Break a Leg :)

"You know what really makes me mad? When girls think they can sing just because they are on the Disney Channel."

Patronus Profile Photo
#19re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 4:47pm

...and a nose. re: Nosebleeds Onstage?

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#20re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 4:50pm

It could end up being a nosebleed like that woman got in that episode of "Six Feet Under."

...She died. Sad.


Weez Profile Photo
#21re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 4:54pm

The most confusing thing I ever did was take a break in the middle of a three week Six Feet Under binge to catch up on House. I was ever so confused when the focus of the pre-credit scene didn't die. O_O

Moving on! :P

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#22re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 4:55pm

I love HOUSE

#23re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 5:05pm

Coating the inside of your nose with vaseline also works pretty well.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

dchesnutny Profile Photo
#24re: Nosebleeds Onstage?
Posted: 1/30/09 at 5:14pm

i'd also reiterate the vaseline suggestion. try applying a lot, particuarly after a shower (the steam helps).

it works.
