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NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)

NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)

#1NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 12:53am


I'm still organizing my thoughts and I'll update shortly, but I was IMMENSELY impressed. By the performances and direction alike.


So I must admit I was a big fan coming in to the show, but actually seeing it live was an incredible experience. I had only "seen" the 2nd stage version, and I think the production has improved 10 fold.

I'm by no means a stage direction scholar, but I thought the direction was amazing. I love how the scenes overlap one another. For example, like during Everything Else, J. Robert Spencer actually proceedes to clean up Alice's sandwich fixins' on the lower level. And in ...Invisible Girl, the 'aftermath' of "I am the One" is taking place on the lower level. And I cannot get the image of J. Robert Spencer squeezing that red rag in "I've Been", I was NOT expecting that! Which brings me to my next point. The one area that I thought was a little lacking was J. Robert Spencer. I mean he was great, don't get me wrong, but I just miss Brian D'Arcy James. Brian was the PERFECT Dan. It's a shame Shrek is keeping him occupied...with him, the cast would be unbeatable.

On to Alice Ripley. Coming into the theater, I thought she was perfectly fine, but I didn't necessarily see why people were fawning over her. In person, she's captivating. Alice IS Diana, I don't think the character would be the same played by another actress. Although I do agree what's been said in other threads...her voice is a little...strained?

Jennifer, Aaron, and Adam are all fantastic. Can't say enough good things about them.

Having seen both Billy Elliot and Next to Normal in the past few days, I bet BE will win the best musical tony, but n2n deserves it.

The crowd was SUPER responsive, laughing at jokes I didn't even realize were funny, and gasping and collectively shifting uncomfortably lol.

Please feel free to ask any questions!!

Updated On: 3/29/09 at 12:53 AM

#2re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 1:32am

Updated! : )

#2re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 2:10am

I don't know. I don't get all the Alice hoopla. She's alright in the role, but at times she just feels so "I'm Playing A Character Not A Real Person" that it just doesn't work for me.

#3re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 2:20am

Really? I thought she was pretty realistic. But occasionally, she was a little...cartooney. Like overly demonstrative. So I can see how one could think that. But I loved her!

#4re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 2:37am

just ignore rent boy, he's a known ripley detractor.

#5re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 8:53am

Glad you enjoyed it heo1128!!!! I am head over heals in love with Michael's directing and can't WAIT to see how he pulled this off.

1) How full was the theatre?
2) Were there lots of young people in the audience?
3) On the forbidden site, there is and Audio of Norbert singing "I've Been" in the feeling electric workshop, are the current lyrics similar to those?

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#6re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 10:41am

Ah can't wait for you to see it!

1. I didn't get a look at the balcony, but the orchestra was pretty packed, I'd say probably 10 seats at most unfilled.
2. Actually, not really. I'm 20, and I'd say I was one of the youngest people there. From what I saw there were a few high school students, a handful of college students, but the majority of people were probably 30 or older. The people sitting around me were all easily 45+. Which I thought was REALLY surprising.
3. Hmm I have a version of Feeling Electric, but I don't think it's Norbert. The one I have is from 9-21-05, if that helps. Those "I've Been" lyrics have been changed significantly, I just listened to it and I think there's maybe only 5 or 6 identical lines.

#7re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 10:44am

The one I have is from 9-21-05,

That's from NYMF. So it's (i believe) Joe Cassidy.

#8re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 10:47am

Thanks :)

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#9re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 11:21am

The 2002 (Norbert) version is almost identical to the 2005 (NYMF ) version (the NYMF version doesn't not have the lines about looking in the mirror and seeing an old man's tears). The current version is different in a lot ways. It's substantially shorter (by more than a minute) and there have been significant lyric changes. But there also many lines from the older versions in the current version.

Here are the lyrics to the new version

Standing in this room
well I wonder what comes now
Will I have to help her
Hell if I know how
And all the times, I?ve been told
The way her illness goes
The truth of it is no one really knows

And everyday this act we act
Gets more and more absurd
And all my fears just sit inside me screaming to be heard
I know they won?t go, not a single word

I was here at her side,
When she calls, when she cries
How could she leave me on my own
Will it work, this cure
There?s no way to be sure
But I?m weary to the bone
And whenever she goes flying
I keep my feet right on the ground
Oh, now I need a lift
And there?s no one around

VOCALIZING (with gabe)

And I?ve never had to face the world
Without her at my side
Now I?m strolling right beside her
As the black hole opens wide
Mine is just a slower suicide

I?ve been here, for the show
Every high, every low
And it?s the worst we?ve ever known
She?s been hurt and how
But I can?t give up now
Cause I?ve never been alone
I could never be alone

DrTheatre Profile Photo
#10re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 11:58am

Does anyone have the recording of I'M Alive...I would love to hear, or even the whole recording...PM please!

"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim

#11re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 4:15pm

"2. Actually, not really. I'm 20, and I'd say I was one of the youngest people there. From what I saw there were a few high school students, a handful of college students, but the majority of people were probably 30 or older. The people sitting around me were all easily 45+. Which I thought was REALLY surprising."

Heo, why is it surprising that N2N would appeal to people 45+? People in their 40's are in fact Diana and Dan's generation- parents with older teenagers. The story of their marriage is surely of interest to people who also have raised children together. Really, what is more universal than the issue of a family in crisis?

Kad Profile Photo
#12re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 4:17pm

See, I thought the audience last night was more balanced in terms of young and old.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#13re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 4:42pm

Yay Ripley detractors!!! There should be many more!!!

#14re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 9:13pm

teka21-very true. I was just expecting the modern set-rock score to bring in a younger audience. But then again, it's only the first weekend so the average theater go-er probably wasn't aware of those things.

#15re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/29/09 at 10:00pm

ya know, we old farts invented Rock...

#16re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/30/09 at 12:48am

Hahah oh I didn't mean any offense by that. I'm from the Chicago area, and the theater crowd here seems a little younger. This past weekend was actually my first time seeing shows on Broadway, so I'm not familiar with the NY audiences at all. Just surprised me, that's all!

bwaygal1 Profile Photo
#17re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/30/09 at 9:46am

Add me to the fanbase for this show. It is simply amazing. I can't believe how moving it was and how impeccable the acting was. Alice Ripley should pick up the Tony. She really is amazing in a truly difficult role. And I was impressed with everyone else, including Jen Daminiano, J. Robert Spencer and the other two gentlemen (don't have my playbill here to give their names). And the fans of this show seem like a nice, friendly bunch. I will be going back soon! Love this show and can't wait for the release of the recording.

"A birdcage I plan to hang. I'll get to that someday. A birdcage for a bird who flew away...Around the world." "Life is a cabaret old chum, only a cabaret old chum, and I love a cabaret!"-RIP Natasha Richardson-I was honored to have witnessed her performance as Sally Bowles.

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#18re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/30/09 at 7:45pm

I saw the show on Saturday and it was a nice mix of young and old. It was actually very different from Arena and 2nd Stage which skewed much older. Arena's situation improved when they started to do heavy marketing of their $10 ticket policy around campuses for those 30 and under.

I was bothered by inappropriate laughter from young and old in places regardless of the audience composition. Even when I went into the show not knowing anything about it at 2nd stage, I knew when things were serious and when they weren't. I guess it all depends on the person how they pick up on these things.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)

#19re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/31/09 at 1:48am

Yeah, I was really surprised but all of the outbursts of laughing. And I kind of loved in Song of Forgetting when Diana said "...and who are you?" there was sort of an "oh no she di'int" gasp from the crowd lol.

LeaGirl Profile Photo
#20re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/31/09 at 9:33am

It's been my experience when people laugh at something serious in this show that its like... awkward laughter which I don't mind. It's like they laugh because they think somebody on stage is joking and then when they realize they aren't, there's a dead silence immediately afterwards.

I don't think there's anything wrong with that - and I don't understand why it bothers people. I've seen this show a few times and I've never seen it with an audience that was "laughing at" the show in a way I felt was weird or inappropriate. Sometimes people laugh when things make them uncomfortable.

I actually sort of like when people laugh at the birthday cake - and then drop off into mortified silence when they realize what is going on.

Now what would you say if today I started over? Without a thing but this taped together four leaf clover And I'll pretend like everything is already alright And I'll run toward the sun till the castle's out of sight

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#21re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/31/09 at 11:36am

Its fine when the laughter subsides when the audience realizes the issue, but when it doesn't (which it didn't on Saturday in one place), I get annoyed.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)

changinandhow Profile Photo
#22re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/31/09 at 12:25pm

^ When was that? Curious because I was there Saturday night too.

Kad Profile Photo
#23re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/31/09 at 12:57pm

I was there on Saturday as well, and didn't notice anything inappropriate about the audience response.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#24re: NEXT TO NORMAL 3/28 Review (spoilers!)
Posted: 3/31/09 at 1:30pm

It was at the end of Just Another Day where Diana is making sandwiches. Maybe it was just the few people around me, but it took a while for the laughter to subside before Dan spoke. Not really a big deal, but it was noticeable for me.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)
