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Munk's RENT film review

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#50re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:34am

Carl, I think that's how a lot of fans will be responding to the Rent film. There will be some who think it's perfect because it IS Rent, but like munk said, he enjoyed the film, but looking at it critically it's a mess. But how can we not enjoy it anyway?

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#51re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:36am

Did anyone expect the movie not to have flaws? That's why I'm not nit-picky and enjoyed the experience for what it was. To have such a talented cast who is so deticated to the material, it really shines through on screen. Munk, I do think you were way harsh. It's gonna kill me trying to imagine how critics will's a crapshoot at this point. On one hand, I was thoroughly satisfied with the movie, and I think all RENTheads will be. It was made for US, so, mission accomplished. But I would hate for it to get ripped apart and turn people away fro mthe stage show...because as much as I love the film and as many times I will be going back to see it, it can't replace the stage show in my heart.

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!
Updated On: 11/11/05 at 10:36 AM

Carl Magnum Profile Photo
Carl Magnum
#52re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:37am

Well said Emcee! Well Said! And besides what do the Oscars even mean anymore? It's all political. The only right thing that they have done in recent history is give Adrian Brody the oscar for Pianist and Denzel the oscar for Training Day. If the Oscars truly celebrated the best work in film Peter O'toole would have a room just for his Oscars and Johnny Depp would have won at the very least 3 (In my opinion). The Oscars and most other movie award ceremonies are antiquated and irrelevant. Shouldn't a performance stand on it's own merits and not need a full page add reminding you to vote for it. If RENT wins Oscars Great! But remember, if it doesn't it wasn't robbed as a little tiny statue does not make it a good or bad film.

I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#53re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:39am

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson
Updated On: 11/13/05 at 10:39 AM

#54re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:39am

luvthemcee, has your benadryll worn off already? You need your rest for a big night out! Especially since we are counting on details, details, details!

Have a Blast!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#55re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:39am

EIR, don't you see what he's saying? He said that the movie is enjoyable, as a Rent fan -- but that critically, it's a mess. As I said in another Rent thread last night "it's a fine, fine line...."

*continues singing*
I'm going to rip my hair out....

Twelve hours from now, I will have an opinion. ee!

Thanks, Carl.

ETA -- no, I woke up at 9 and started fidgeting. I'm still exhausted, though! I tried to go back to sleep, but I gave up!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 11/11/05 at 10:39 AM

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#56re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:39am

"It might seem like an entirely ridiculous idea because there has never been a film that did that before. But I can't help but wonder how a sung-through film might've come out..."

I have to respectfully disagree. Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita were sung through and they worked fine in my opinion !

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#57re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:41am

My bad, Greekmusical fan! I admit I'm not well acquainted with the body of film musicals that exist. Thanks for the correction.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#58re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:41am

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson
Updated On: 11/13/05 at 10:41 AM

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#59re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:42am

Wait, huh? Why should RENTheads be upset? The cast and director started over and over and OVER again that this was for US, the fans, and to expose new people to the material too.

Has there ever been a movie made without one single flaw? Not that I can think of, but ::shrug::

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#60re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:43am

No problem baby re: Munk's RENT film review

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#61re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:43am

They should be upset, if they are, because they might feel it could've been done better. Or, they could be blinded by love.

*lays head on desk*

We/they... whatever. agh.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#62re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:44am

Munk, ya know I love ya and I respect your opinion but I think I will see the movie before taking your review at face value. Some things you pointed out were nit-pickey things that was changed from the musical that I think I could get past. But, like I said I still love ya so don't take this negative or anything. **Hugs Munk**

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#63re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:44am

EverythingIsRent, I'm a huge rent fan, and I dn't understand why fans of the show wouldn't be THE MOST upset if this movie falls short. Don't you want it to be documented for all to see in the best possible way?

And no. Nothing's perfect. But that doesn't excuse lazy direction, half-assed writing, or the removal of two incredibly essential scenes to the piece as a whole. Now, I haven't seen the film yet, so I don't know if the first two are the case and I'll make my judgement when I see it. see what I'm saying?
Updated On: 11/11/05 at 10:44 AM

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#64re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:45am

emcee, you do know that I am counting the hours for your review, don't you ? re: Munk's RENT film review

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#65re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:47am

Thanks. I have a lot to live up to, after the ringer I've put a lot of people through over this. eek!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#66re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:49am

I think we are looking to a new "emcee thread response" record tonight, hehehe

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#67re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:50am

Well, after a message to a cast member at four something in the morning that read very much like "I can't sleep. Fix this!" I'd better have something good to say.


A work of art is an invitation to love.

Carl Magnum Profile Photo
Carl Magnum
#68re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:52am

Agreed Bway. If I was a huge RENT fan I would feel let down if the film was butchered not just happy BECAUSE it exsists. And I think Spider's post brings up an excellent point. Munk has written an excellent review based on his opinion and knowledge. We all need to make our own decisions about the movie based on seeing it. That is the problem with most reviews, it deters or encourages people who have not seen the thing being reviewed. We should all make our own decisions based on seeing the thing and not let a review keep us from seeing something. I personally try to read reviews after the fact to compare and contrast. Cause lets be honest how can you make a decision whether you liked something or not based on someone else.

I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them

DreamFlyer22 Profile Photo
#69re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:55am

I still can't fathom the removal of the second half of Goodbye Love... more like Goodbye Mark's Character... *sigh*

Worried about this, but still excited to go and planning on having a good time. Hopefully this won't be like last year at this time when I was all amped up on Phantom...

*~* Every time you double-post, God kills a kitten. *~*

Kay, the Thread-Jacking Jedi
Quando omni flunkus moritati (When all else fails, play dead...)

"... chasin' the music. Trying to get home."

Peter Gregus: "Where are my house right ladies?!"
(love you, girls! - 6/13/06)

BWLVER34 Profile Photo
#70re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 10:57am

I had been in denial about all the bad reviews I had been seeing on this board but this one really makes me sad because it is very believeable that I will feel the same way. I am ESPECIALLY dissapointed about Goodbye Love being cut. What were they thinking?

Does anyone think there is anyway that it will be put back into the film? I mean someone from the movie MUST know about all the negative reviews it is getting because of it.

Munk-do you think it would have been better if Goodbye Love and Halloween were back in?

DreamFlyer22 Profile Photo
#71re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 11:01am

Honestly, if the producers of the film have been listening as closely to the fans as they say they have been, then now is the time to prove it. I think the overwhelming consensus is that without the rest of "Goodbye Love" things just don't add up. I don't know if they cut it for length issues or whatever, but leaving it on the floor now with the promise of 'On the DVD!!' is foolish. Sure, when we get the DVD in a few months' time, THEN it'll all make sense... but that'll be months too late for the film's reputation as a whole.

*~* Every time you double-post, God kills a kitten. *~*

Kay, the Thread-Jacking Jedi
Quando omni flunkus moritati (When all else fails, play dead...)

"... chasin' the music. Trying to get home."

Peter Gregus: "Where are my house right ladies?!"
(love you, girls! - 6/13/06)

EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#72re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 11:01am

I'm waiting until the 23rd to see the film in full. No way in hell I'm going to pay a Broadway partial seating price to see it in advance.

"Sure, when we get the DVD in a few months' time, THEN it'll all make sense... but that'll be months too late for the film's reputation as a whole."

EDIT: The point of Munk's review - or at least this is what I'm reading - is that with or without Goodbye Love, the film would still be a disaster. Updated On: 11/11/05 at 11:01 AM

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#73re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 11:09am

DReamFlyer, I have to wondered if they've just listened to what THEY wanted to listen to. I recall Columbuc promising he would not wimp out on this. That he'd take this material with all its intensity, the drug references, etc, and he'd keep it as griity and real as he could.

Now he's turned around and not only wimped out on two parts of the film because they were "too much," but he's removed the suicide issue from it. That's a cop-out and break of his promise if you ask me.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#74re: Munk's RENT film review
Posted: 11/11/05 at 11:15am

Now he's turned around and not only wimped out on two parts of the film because they were "too much," but he's removed the suicide issue from it. That's a cop-out and break of his promise if you ask me.

Eh. I'm still holding to the notion that overall, it's got the themes. I'm not saying that that's the only thing that'd be important -- I mean, if he REALLY, TRULY butchered it, but kept it about love and friendship and whatever, that wouldn't be okay. But you've got to, once you've even seen it, maybe be willing to understand that the minor things can be messed with. This refusal to read only the very surface of what Columbus says baffles me. This taking his phrase "too much," and because it's conveniently useful to saying that he's taking the easy way out, ONLY taking it at the very barest face-value is really closed-minded to me -- thought too dense to try to see what he means by it. I just don't get why, other than that people *want* to blame the guy, they can't see beyond "too much" as what they've decided is him wimping out and going "I can't handle it, it has to go!" Use some common sense, people -- think, and stop clamoring for just one second.

ETA -- there are drugs. There are needles. There's police bruality. There are VISIBLE signs of AIDS. If he was wimping out, would that be there? He didn't not entirely "keep his promise."

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 11/11/05 at 11:15 AM
