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MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews- Page 12

MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews

RippedMan Profile Photo
#275MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 6/29/18 at 2:37am

I don't think she was off, at all, because I had the same experience. She just kind of went stone cold when the songs happened. "Loverly" should have been such a sweet moment, but it felt painful. I just didn't get her portrayal or how she could have beat out so many actresses for the part. I don't get it. Everyone else was great - sans Freddie. 

#276MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 6/29/18 at 5:43am

Elegance101 said: "She’s fine in the book scenes, but once she started to sing, she got this pained look in her eyes and wasn’t making any choices. [...] Once Ambrose got to singing, she lost all acting and looked like she was worried about hitting the notes. "

I agree with you.

#277MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 7/21/18 at 10:25pm

So I went to see today's matinee. This is the second time I watched the show since the preview period where I able to procure a third row center orchestra seat during a blizzard (as I overheard a classy older lady say, 'this is the only way New Yorkers can see My Fair Lady for a decent price'MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews. When I first saw it, I felt the show was in great shape for where it was in the preview stage and that there were things that needed to be worked on.

Now that it's been a few months and we're in the post-Tony season in the middle of summer and the cast had a few months of performances under their belt, it felt like such a different show. Yes, this is a more grounded, human version of MFL still. However, the pacing was was much quicker, the actors were way more comfortable in their roles, and the timing and even physical cues of some jokes (especially Ambrose during the Ascot scene) was so much more on point and got tons of laughs from the audience.

One woman in the front row where I was sitting gave Ambrose a standing ovation after "I Could Have Danced All Night" and people were even more enthusiastic about that number than they were in March. I think it was both the fact that Ambrose has really settled into the role, but also we're more in a mood to stand up and applaud than we were during a cold wet blizzard.

This time, I sat in the far left side orchestra (4th row) and this time I saw it with a bunch of my friends and my brother (last time I saw it alone) and this was actually their first time hearing and seeing the material (with the exception of one of my friends who used to do choir and my brother who I made watch the Rex Harrison/Audrey Hepburn film countless times as children). The last time we all saw a show together as a group was The King and I, which they all loved even though most of us were Asian and made plenty of jokes about the orientalism of the piece but recognized it came from a real sincere and non-racist place. I was surprised at how much they loved My Fair Lady. I was worried that they were more used to modern Broadway pieces and wouldn't be into a 3 hour musical that is HEAVY on the book scenes and social commentary of George Bernard Shaw but they really got it and loved all the commentary on class and "middle class morality".

I know this is going to sound false for a lot of you who have been dogging Ambrose and I know I'm one of her big defenders, but I asked them what they thought of her performance. Keep in mind my friends were not familiar with the material so they have no point of reference for comparison nor are they knowledgeable about the current Broadway scene to compare her to other Broadway veterans, but they were shocked when I told them she lost the Tony. To say they were impressed with her is an understatement and that includes my brother who saw The Band's Visit with Katrina Lenk and Tony Shalhoub. We were all in agreement that Ambrose's acting in the book scenes was perfection. For me, compared to when I saw her in March, she seemed a lot more in-character while singing and she was much more comfortable hitting those notes while minimizing that hunched singing face I saw back in March (there was a lot less hunching going on this time around). I felt she had so much energy. I also think it helped that we were sitting on the far left side orchestra, and to me I actually preferred where I sat this time than last time even though on paper the seat I had previously should have been better. This time, I felt more like a voyeur who somehow was able to eavesdrop on the going ons of the characters and that added a level of intimacy. I also didn't realize how much Sher directed the piece in our direction because we really saw every facial expression, every physical movement so vividly. They were just on.

One thing I was distracted by when I saw it this time was that during the Hungarian scene with Higgins at the Ball, I got super distracted because I was overhearing Diana Rigg having an in-character conversation off to the side with the other Ball attendees and she said "your carriage was late?" so loudly that I wanted to hear the rest of the conversation that I think I missed key dialogue in the Hungarian/Higgins conversation. It was ok for me because I know this book inside-out, but my friends said they also overheard it and their attention went that way that they missed a chunk of that dialogue as well. That just added to the voyeur aspect of this show.

Me and my female friends all thought Freddy was super handsome and dreamy (of course it's Jordan Donica). One negative of where I was sitting was that my friends didn't get see all the extra stuff Donica was doing as Freddy when Eliza returned to Convent Garden and how he was listening in and letting the wheels turn inside of his head. I think that adds so much to his performance that missing it, we missed a lot of the performance. Another negative of where I was sitting was that one angle of the House...the entrance...our view was blocked by the giant staircase and we were all so grateful when Ambrose went on the stairs to sing a part of "Just You Wait" because we were able to see her clearly). One more negative is that we lost a lot of the bathroom/shower scene.

Harry Hadden-Paton is even better than I remembered him. He just hit his cues perfectly and even added more intensity to the role than I remembered. Also, compared to the cast recording and last time, this time, he let more the lines land which got the intended laughter I felt was missing in previews. His "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face" and the scene preceding it between Eliza and Henry was even better than in previews. There was a lot more little touches and looks and such he gave to Ambrose this time around and she reacted to it that thought it was just a little difference, it added more of a connection and even romance between the two compared to March. The audience was also on because they were just reacting to everything perfectly. My brother, who remembers the Rex Harrison portrayal, said he didn't remember Higgins being that mean and nearly brow-beating and nearly abusive to Eliza in the movie. I was surprised as I felt Hadden-Paton played him sort of softer, and my brother said it was because Harrison was so loud and bullying that it sort of comes off comical, while Hadden-Paton's Higgins seems much more real and somebody who'd you deal with in real life where he seems soft and nice and well-spoken but then has moments of seriously covert abusive behavior that women would stay. He works in mental health counseling and deals with clients in abusive situations, so he said this portrayal sort of triggered that.

For those of you curious, regarding the ending, I told them how the original musical ended after the show and asked them what they preferred, and they said they really loved the Henry/Eliza dynamic BUT they were SO happy Eliza left. They think at that point of the musical where it ended, it made no sense for her to come back to the house, and they didn't think an ending where she stays with him made sense with the way the show was written preceding that scene. 

All and all, I am so happy I revisited the show again, and this performance confirmed what I felt about it the first time around except it was even better than before. I also understand all the super ecstatic and positive reviews Ambrose got this time around. I know people have an idea about Eliza being this charming, energetic, almost spunky 20 something year-old who wins your heart at the start and is full of sass. I think Ambrose's more mature, pained, and grounded portrayal does lose a bit of that, but I think what we gain is worth much more than the typical Eliza performance we all come to expect. This time she did add more energy to the performance which worked well. Yes, when she does sing low it's not as strong as a better singer would hit, but she really knows how to build the song up from that point and I wouldn't trade her book scenes for anybody else's. Her and Hadden-Paton together are simply magic.

One last note, they all loved Norbert Leo Butz. My friend even turned to me after the first "Little Bit of Luck" and asked "who is that? He's really good." By the time the reprise occurred, he had us eating at the palm of our hands. During previews, I wasn't very impressed with him in the first act and I thought his scene with Higgins about middle class morality, and being men of the world and all that was a missed opportunity. This time, he really nailed it.

Updated On: 7/21/18 at 10:25 PM

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#278MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 7/22/18 at 7:02pm

^ ^ ^ THANK YOU for this wonderful write up! I’m seeing the show in just 27 days and super excited!!! Now that I have “Hamilton” behind me, I’ll return my focus and ears to the amazing “My Fair Lady” Original Broadway Cast Recording. Eagerly awaiting the day until my return to NYC, and my first ever visit to the Lincoln Center. :)

#279MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 7/22/18 at 8:50pm

You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and thank you so much for taking time to read my incoherent review.

Itonlytakesajourney Profile Photo
#280MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 7/22/18 at 11:04pm

I saw My Fair Lady at yesterday night’s performance. The cast recording was beautifully orchestrated and seemed to reinvent the production, so I was excited to see this new production.

First of all, the production design is absolutely gorgeous. The set is minimalistic -in some aspects- and compliments the more simple, less idealized, humanized version of the show. Higgins’ study/house is a stunning piece; and gives the production a sense of grandeur prior to the embassy ball. The costumes are beautiful, yes, but the lighting design is just magical. The pastel purples and blues immerse you into the show; it really feels like you’re there looking in.

The company is fantastic, they’re all giving A+ performances that’ll surely only improve going forward. I haven’t spoken much about her, but I am a fervent defender of Lauren Ambrose. Her performance is quite honestly one of the most luminous and thoughtful performances I have ever seen. She lights up the stage in a huge theatre and just gives a profoundly nuanced characterization. I was second-to-last row all the way back in the loge, and saw every facial expression, every movement, every switch of emotion from her. Everyone was vividly directed; but Ambrose just had something...present about her. Definitely a definitive performance, at least for me.

Harry Hadden-Patton is such fun to watch. Higgins is an unsympathetic character until the end, but really, you can’t help but like him from the start. He’s got the charismatic charm so often not seen in the character. As Scotty mentioned, his take on Higgins is scarily similar to an abuse perpetrator. He can seem nice and polite in public, but is really nasty and harmful behind closed doors. I feel his characterization is a bunch of different contradictions; mannerly but impolite, charming but irritating, and somehow it all fits together to make a meaty performance. By Accustomed, you really do feel bad for him, but not without remembering his harshness.

Jordan Donica was a very sweet Freddy. He sang On The Street Where You Live beautifully; the audience loved him. In the Loverly reprise, he was walking around in the back, analyzing the situation and seemingly understanding Eliza more. It added a nice layer to Freddy- a small touch, but appreciated.

Norbert was everything you’d ever want him to be! A very funny, fun, loud, reckless Alfred, but also one that really understood the more emotionally charged scenes. Get Me To the Church was a blast that incited so many cheers and claps.

Overall, it was a great production that was full of incredible performances. Everyone, but especially the main cast, was very energetic and fresh. The ending was another fresh spin that I really loved. Not everyone is going to enjoy it -as I heard some older folks say on their way out- but it’s all a matter of taste, and I quite liked it. The chemistry between Ambrose and Hadden-Patton is spirited and heartfelt; they are a commendable pair.

#281MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 7/23/18 at 3:50am

Great to hear these updates! One of the things I love about Bart Sher's work is that somehow, his productions seem to only get better the more they run. Often, several months into a run, you'll see cast members starting to ham it up and sacrifice moments to get cheap laughs, or the excitement early in the run just seems to wear off. In interviews he has said that he tries to create productions that allow the cast to dig deeper rather than grow broader after he leaves and rehearsals stop. I have truly no idea how he does it, but it's really incredible, and a big bravo must be said for this great company of actors!

#282MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 7/23/18 at 9:55am

Ravenclaw said: "Great to hear these updates! One of the things I love about Bart Sher's work is that somehow, his productions seem to only get better the more they run. Often, several months into a run, you'll see cast members starting to ham it up and sacrifice moments to get cheap laughs, or the excitement early in the run just seems to wear off. In interviews he has said that he tries to create productions that allow the cast to dig deeper rather than grow broader after he leaves and rehearsals stop. I have truly no idea how he does it, but it's really incredible, and a big bravo must be said for this great company of actors!"

I saw The King and I in July and i had a very similar experience. Everything was just so perfect. I think I'm learning that if you see a Sher-directed musical that has preview periods in March, then try to see the show in late July because I've had two amazing experiences thus far doing so.

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#283MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 7/23/18 at 5:19pm

Itonlytakesajourney said: "I saw My Fair Lady at yesterday night’s performance...

...Jordan Donica was a very sweet Freddy. He sang On The Street Where You Live beautifully...”


Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed review. And “On The Street Where You Live” is my favorite song on the OBCR. Can’t wait to hear it live! 

Itonlytakesajourney Profile Photo
#284MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 7/23/18 at 7:51pm

dmwnc1959 said: "Itonlytakesajourney said: "I saw My Fair Lady at yesterday night’s performance...

...Jordan Donica was a very sweet Freddy. He sang On The Street Where You Live beautifully...”

Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed review. And “On The Street Where You Live” is my favorite song on the OBCR. Can’t wait to hear it live!

No problem! That’s one of my absolute favorites too. I hope you enjoy it!

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#285MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/16/18 at 8:29pm

I’m seeing the evening show this Saturday, was wondering if anyone remembered what song ended Act 1, and began Act 2? Thank you! :)

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#286MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/16/18 at 8:47pm

Act 1 ender - On The Street Where You Live

Act 2 opener - The Embassy Waltz 

MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#287MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/16/18 at 8:55pm

^ ^ ^ VERY cool! Thank you! :)

EllieRose2 Profile Photo
#288MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/16/18 at 8:56pm

I saw this a few weeks ago and it was just wonderful.  The entire cast is great and they all just killed it.  I love Lauren Ambrose so much, Bartlett Sher had already cast her in Funny Girl, but it did not go forward, so I was not at all surprised he cast her for this. I went mostly for NLB, what a star.  

My only critque was Lauren was literally whispering her songs.  I was in the second row and I could barely hear her. She had a slightly pained look on her face and had to force her voice. Her book scenes were strong and had excellent chemistry with everyone, I just couldn't believe anyone could hear her past maybe the 5th row. When I went to the restroom a few older ladies were complaining about not being able to hear her either, so I guess it was not just me. Has anyone else had this experience on here?  I know she had to preserve her voice, I just figured she would do that off stage on her days off. 

Elegance101 Profile Photo
#289MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/16/18 at 9:44pm

EllieRose2 said: "My only critque was Lauren was literally whispering her songs. I was in the second row and I could barely hear her.She had a slightly pained look on her face and had to force her voice.Her book scenes were strong and had excellent chemistry with everyone, I just couldn't believe anyone could hear her past maybe the 5th row.When I went to the restroom a few older ladies were complaining about not being able to hear her either, so I guess it was not just me.Has anyone else had this experience on here? I know she had to preserve her voice, I just figured she would do that off stage on her days off."

That's exactly what I experienced when I saw her. At intermission, every person in my group agreed that she was wildly disappointing. I really wish I could've seen the Eliza everyone is talking about here, but as of late June, she didn't seem at all settled in the role.


EllieRose2 Profile Photo
#290MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/16/18 at 10:12pm

So, in June and July she has been doing this.  I've read a few things that has said she wasn't prepared for this show, she didn't understand how difficult it would be for her voice, she misses her children, etc.  Don't get me wrong, she was great, but her performance at the Tony Awards was thrilling, I guess her voice really went downhill after that, or she put everything she had in that performance and she's been whispering the whole time.  My friend I was with couldn't believe they were the same person. 

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#291MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/16/18 at 11:48pm

I saw the show tonight and Lauren's Eliza is excellent. I'm guessing there was something going on few weeks ago when you guys saw it, maybe she wasnt feeling the best? I thought she sounded quite well (I could hear her and she did the songs justice). I wouldn't mind her being a bit louder because I'm used to those songs being belted, but her book scenes were so phenomenal that it didn't matter to me.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#292MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/16/18 at 11:56pm

Agreed. I think she was crazy good in her book scenes and those scenes zipped along, but her voice was not great. I'd like to see her understudy just to get a reference point. 

#293MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/17/18 at 2:33am

I saw the show in late july. My seat was in row M and I had no trouble hearing Lauren from there. I really didn't have high expectations (I was there mostly for NLB) but I thought she sounded lovely and was wonderful in the role.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#294MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/17/18 at 2:43am

The understudy on Sundays has a wonderful voice and she brings the house down at the end of I Could Have Danced All Night. Ambrose finds an emotional core where as the understudy has crisp comic timing and has an intelligence about her. The male understudy for Higgins is serviceable (nice looking) but Harry is much more nuanced. To be fair the male understudy has not had much time or experience to explore the role. Yes, the show clips along much better than it did previews and it has a stronger sense of humor about it. I still found it a little long and I thought the cut that was made in Get Me To The Church was awkward. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#295MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/17/18 at 11:21am

RippedMan said: "Agreed. I think she was crazy good in her book scenes and those scenes zipped along, but her voice was not great. I'd like to see her understudy just to get a reference point."

Of the nine productions I saw on my June trip, this was my least favorite. Not sure why except I didn’t feel emotionally invested and that new ending makes no sense in regard to the scene that preceded it. It felt...redundant and nonsensical. 

I was in Row L Orchestra and could hear Lauren just fine. Some have commented her portrayal (not necessarily her voice) doesn’t reach beyond the second row. Maybe that was it. I don’t know. The only one I was disappointed in was Rigg (this was prior to the brouhaha) although after the first scene, her portrayal grew on me a bit. Granted, the book doesn’t give her much to work with. 

I didn’t hate it and I am glad I saw it if only for Butz who is a national treasure. I just realized my two least favorite shows on my trip (MFL, OOTI) both put women in the roles of either being transfigured into a man’s fantasy (the new ending, as I said, tried to fix this, but it didn’t work for me) or a young girl who surrenders her life for a boy who doesn’t love her. No wonder Spongebob (the only other musical I saw; the rest were plays) was my favorite musical of my trip. 

Updated On: 8/17/18 at 11:21 AM

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#296MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/18/18 at 7:43pm

Have front row Loge seat A312. So far the view is amazing!

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#297MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/19/18 at 12:00am

How’d you like it?

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#298MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/19/18 at 5:14am

After coming from “Hello, Dolly!”, this show was something of a totally different animal. That should have been expected, but my energy was still very high after seeing the incredible cast and crew from that soon-to-end, joyous revival.

I had already been listening to the OBCR of “My Fair Lady” since the day it was released for sale back on June 8th, and truly enjoyed it. My all-time favorite song from it is “On The Street Where You Live” sung by Jordan Donica as Freddy, which most certainly did not disappoint.

Some things that did disappoint were the thick Cockney accent in which Lauren Ambrose as Eliza spoke, which was almost impossible to hear/decifer at times. That is, until she learned how enuciate rain, and plain, and Spain correctly. Once we cleared that hurdle, it was fine. It was sort of the same with Norbert Leo Butz as Alfred P. Doolittle. But I just got used to missing some of the dialogue when they both spoke, albeit the latter of the two was quite a bit louder.

From the front row Loge you could see the entire stage all the way to the back. Which was enormous. As was the stunning, rotating set of Henry Higgins home. It was simply remarkable. I was fine with my seat, but as others have said, if seeing clear facial expressions and small nuances of the character’s actions are that important to you, a closer orchestra seat would be much more to your liking.

“Ascot Gavotte” was stiff, unemotional, and quite funny, as it was meant to be, and elicited quite a few chuckles from the audience. “The Embassy Waltz” scene was stunning, especially with the on-stage orchestra and chandeliers. And “Get Me To The Church On Time” was a spirited ball of fire against the many other songs in the show.

Harry Haden-Paton was absolutely remarkable, and IMHO should have won the Tony Award. Lauren Ambrose did quite well, but I think that I expected more from her character. Not sure what, but there was just something missing at times even when she was the lead in a scene. And I loved Jordan Donica’s soaring voice when he belted out his key, incredible song.

As for the ending of the show... I had Googled that from the classic movie with Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn so that I’d least have a reference. When Eliza Doolittle walked away, hesitated, and then ran up the stairs out of the theater, even though I knew it was coming, was a bit of an oddity. The couple who sat next to me, lover’s of the aforementioned movie, didn’t know the ending of this revival. And I didn’t tell them to get their honest reaction. They were a bit shocked, but said it was ambiguous, and that it is was open to many interpretations. I’m not sure they understood, or maybe I didn’t, that it was clear Eliza left him. Right?

Overall, I enjoyed this performance quite a bit. The costumes at times were stunning, and the songs were delightful, lovely, and beautiful. Lauren Ambrose and Jordan Donica were the best, and Harry Hadden-Paton’s stage-storming and ranting songs kept my undivided attention.

This revival is a definitive must-see for any fan of Broadway shows, if nothing more than to see the sets, here the music, and see the sumptuous and elegant clothes.

As for souvenirs, I collected the Playbill, the LCT Review booklet, a program, and magnet. I had already purchased the brilliant window card from Triton Gallery, since I didn’t want any issues flying back home in a super-economy seat.

I did find a few minutes to walk about the Lincoln Center Plaza and enjoy the fountain show, but I was running short of time and never made it to the Opera House gift shop or spend time among the trees in the plaza near the Vivian Beaumont. Maybe next time.

Updated On: 8/19/18 at 05:14 AM

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#299MY FAIR LADY (2018) Reviews
Posted: 8/19/18 at 10:48am

Glad you had a very good time. Harry Haden-Paton was very good even if I’m glad Shaloub won the Tony. I agree the stage craft and costumes were stunning. .
