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Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS- Page 8

Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS

#175re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 10:42pm

Nathan Gunn's vocal on "If Ever I Would Leave You" was superb, phenomenal, amazing, and deserving of the sustained applause and bravos!

Opinions are more valid when you see the whole program, not when you admit that you stopped watching after the first few minutes.

I love this show, despite Byrne's flaws as a vocalist.

I hope Nathan Gunn comes to broadway!!! (:

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#176re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 10:44pm

Act II starts out great with Mazzie and Gunn and than the Train wreck starts.
I know this is nasty but Lonny Price should be shot.
The staging of the secound Act was horrible, and technically even worse.
The camera was not even on some of the leads at times.
The climatic scene was totally lost.

The score does remain beautiful but the sound was just atrocious, technicians talking throughout.
Why were some of the dancers wearing glasses?
Bobby Steggart went with the character but, yes Modred can be effeminate, but a Drag Queen?
Fran Dresher is funny, but the concept broke the entire mood of the piece.

The staging of Guenivere's arrest and burning was just sloppy.

I know it was a concert with little rehearsal but just standing there singing would have been much better.

Congrats to our little Esparza.

My mind is kinda spinning because you have a great orchestra and the talent and just mess it up.

Some great moments. mostly Gunn, but a train wreck in the secound act none the less.

I do now want to listen to the original cast album and calm down.
Updated On: 5/8/08 at 10:44 PM

morosco Profile Photo
#177re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 10:45pm

Price should have simply trusted the material and avoided the temptation to throw in all these gimmicks.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#178re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 10:46pm

I admitted that I tuned in late. But I watched it through to the end. Just wanted to clarify.

Pitch isn't subjective, that's true. My 'opinions' were about the production in general. My 'ears' were hearing the pitchiness.

But, again, I am looking forward to seeing it tomorrow night.

And congratulate esparza 3333! Very exciting and a wonderful opportunity to perform with such gifted artists.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

morosco Profile Photo
#179re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 10:48pm

Modred looks like a drag Joan Collins.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#180re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 11:01pm

No agenda. Just sharing:

Shining moments brief in N.Y. Philharmonic's 'Camelot' Article Rating

Thursday, May 8th 2008, 3:45 PM

Gabriel Byrne as King Arthur and Marin Mazzie as Guinivere in the New York Philharmonic's lackluster 'Camelot.'

Lerner and Loewe returned to Avery Fisher Hall last night in the New York Philharmonic semi-staged concert of "Camelot," following the triumphant production of "My Fair Lady" last year.

Even though it's got those beautiful songs, "Camelot" pales in comparison. The story of King Arthur and Guenevere — played in 1960 by Richard Burton (who won a Tony) and Julie Andrews — is told in matter-of-fact fashion, with little finesse.

To make the material work requires a luscious, elegant presentation. But the performance at Lincoln Center is a hodge-podge.
Tracy Christensen's costumes ranged from tuxedos and Converse high tops to punk get-ups. Exactly what era we in? Dancers in shiny crimson Capri pants, who looked like holdovers from the sixties TV show Hullabaloo doing Josh Prince's spirited choreography, didn't answer that question.

Nor did set designer James Noone's gold wooden blocks, which were constantly carted around the stage. Director Lonny Price doesn't set the show in a specific era, perhaps to make it more universal. But the idea backfires. Nothing seems to go together.

Film star Gabriel Byrne makes an unsure and uncomfortable King Arthur and mostly talked his way through songs like "How to Handle a Woman."

Broadway belter Marin Mazzie showed off her gutsy soprano voice, particularly rich in "The Lusty Month of May." Opera star Nathan Gunn got the evening's most rousing applause. The audience cheered wildly for Lancelot's plaintive "If Ever I Would Leave You," made famous by Robert Goulet.

Broadway regulars Marc Kudisch, Christopher Sieber and Will Swenson joust and sing with panache as round-table knights. Fran Drescher appeared briefly in full "Nanny" nasal honk as sorceress Morgan le Fey. Up-and-coming stage star Bobby Steggert played the malicious Mordred in a get-up suggesting that he's touring in "Mordred and the Angry Inch."

The irony is that despite the wonderful Lerner and Loewe tunes, the memorable performances came in non-singing roles — Christopher Lloyd as the ancient Pellinore and Stacy Keach as magical Merlin.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#181re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 11:04pm

"Broadway regulars Marc Kudisch, Christopher Sieber and Will Swenson joust and sing with panache as round-table knights."

Those three were the best parts of the show.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#182re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 11:05pm

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)
Updated On: 5/8/08 at 11:05 PM

#183re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 11:10pm

Nathan Gunn & Marin Mazzie have tremendous chemistry.

If this were on CD, i'd just skip Bryne's solos. The orchestrations were fantastic!

I wonder if they cleaned up the sound on the tape delay since I haven't heard any of the extraneous noises others have written about...

Critics are ALWAYS hostile towards this show. It's one of my all-time favorites, so I guess that's why I'm loving it more than others.

Marin is not pitchy nor flat, and I am right about this. dont' know why others insist otherwise, they are wrong. Flame me all you want, it doesn't matter.

Nathan Gunn, please come to broadway!! (: He can act, he can sing, and he's SEXY SEXY SEXY!!! (:

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#184re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 11:11pm

The Burton, Andrews and Goulet legacy is safer than Fort Knox!

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#185re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 11:17pm

Marin was a bit pitchy but she could come up to you yourself and say that and you'd probably tell her she's wrong.

I'm listening to Ron Raines sing "If I Ever Would Leave You" and I'm a happy girl *s*

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#186re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 11:27pm

jazzysuite: "gay 80s" is not the same as "glam" at all. i tried to paste in some photos of bowie in his hey-day, but cocked it all up.

"glam" had a lot of very not-gay men in heels and wigs ... i promise. re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

#187re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 11:34pm

yes I know...but I don't see him as glam 80's so much as Boy George.

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#188re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 11:35pm

I was there tonight. I liked Christopher Lloyd, but the rest of it confused me.

JMVR Profile Photo
#189re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 11:49pm

Here's my two cents: The fact that Byrne can't sing would have been less relevant if he had been able to pull off the speak-singing while staying in synch with the orchestra and having some sense of the melody. He was way off in his first two solos, it was like he couldn't even hear where the orchestra was in the song.

I liked his nervous, self-doubting Arthur but I think he should not have maintained the same tone throughout. I think this kind of understated, subtle acting was good for the earlier scenes but not for the ACT I finale monologue when a little more grandiose behavior is called for (it IS a musical after all) and the same goes for the final scene. For example, I thought when he orders Mordred to join the table, etc. he lacked any semblance of authority or strength or character.

I thought Mazzie was very good. I think considering how little rehearsal time they had to put this together, her Jenny was decently acted and very well sung.

Lancelot was of course, incredible and a surprisingly decent actor for someone who comes from Opera instead of theater.

After my initial shock at Mordred's outfit, I found the performance to be very good in both singing and acting.

Christopher LLoyd was a very pleasant surprise. I laughed a lot and found his acting zany enough to be funny but realistic enough not to be annoying or over the top. Who knew?

I thought the staging was serviceable or adequate. The camera work was erratic and strange with some strange sweeps and pans.

I enjoyed and think it was overall a good show considering the broadcast was live and these things are put together quite hastily. I think some people on this board might have expected the layered performances, chemistry and command of the material you could only get from a full-out rehearsal process like you would have for a full-scale production. I would not buy the DVD though or watch it again in the near future and as far as the theatrical or dramatic value of the piece, I would much rather watch the Richard Harris version taped at the Winter Garden.

The meat is always leaner on somebody else's dinner plate!

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#190re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/8/08 at 11:50pm

Because it was confusing...
On the broadcast during dramatic moments there was a very visable EXIT sign.
The camera angles were so bizarre and jarring.
The costume choices were all over the place.
Everyone in THE LUSTY MONTH OF MAY was dressed in Black!

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#191re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/9/08 at 12:04am

We just lost the feed here in San Diego. There's a "please stand by" message.

#192re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/9/08 at 12:17am

Nathan Gunn was a splendid Lancelot in every way.

The rest was a staggering embarrassment, live on national TV.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#193re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/9/08 at 12:29am

I agree,
Gunn did a fun French accent,
Byrne had some kind of accent
and Mazzie didn't even attempt an accent.

#194re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/9/08 at 12:37am

I will get flamed, but considering what it was, a simi-staged concert, I really enjoyed it. Marin and Gunn made the show along with Christopher Lloyd. Perhaps because I was not expecting a fully rehearsed and full costumed show, I could not really fault what was done. I somehow liked Byrne's interpertation. It seemed like a person who had the kingship forced upon him and was unsure of many things. Why else does he keep wishing Merlin were still there to guide him? I found Dresher to be an unneeded distraction. No wonder this scene is often cut from most productions.
I recorded it to DVD and know I will watch it a lot.
It is easy to find fault with most shows, but in a case like this, don't look for more than is possible in the conditions.

It Sucks To Be Me

amalou Profile Photo
#195re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/9/08 at 12:37am

Knowing pretty much nothing about CAMELOT, I found it just by flipping around. I had no idea it was going to be on tv. I loved Mazzie, Byrne and Gunn (liked him a whole bunch, in fact. *wink*) but after the opening of Act II, I was baffled by Modred. My first reaction was "what the ****!?" and then when he started to sing...well his whole look combined with the song/music just did not come together. I'm just sitting there thinking someone who looks like that would sing something that sounds like this! Maybe that's just me. He left for a bit and I felt like things could go back to normal.

And then I heard Fran Dresher's voice before her entrance and it was all over for me. It kind of ruined it, especially for my first time being exposed to this musical in general. And I have to admit that at that point, it was clear I had no choice but to switch over to LOST so I missed the rest of the performance.

But I did come away with an appreciation for Nathan Gunn. So that's good.

"But I can tell you that Raoul, who was so handsome in "The Phantom," is now a drunken wreck."
Updated On: 5/9/08 at 12:37 AM

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#196re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/9/08 at 12:43am

I'm not liking Byrne at all. He was behind the music for all of "I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight" and lost all the joy in "Camelot". He's also paraphrasing every single line as if he can't remember exactly what his next line is.

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#197re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/9/08 at 12:45am

Also, did anyone think that Christopher Lloyd would have made a fine Don Quixote if he could sing? He looked ready to battle a windmill.

amalou Profile Photo
#198re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/9/08 at 12:49am

That did actually cross my mind at one point.

"But I can tell you that Raoul, who was so handsome in "The Phantom," is now a drunken wreck."

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#199re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
Posted: 5/9/08 at 1:33am

I hope with Byrne's embarrassing performance broadcast on national television that more care will be taken in the future in terms of casting actors in these concerts who can actually fallow the music. I did enjoy the inclusion of Michael Learner's book revisions. The whole first scene in act two was his, pretty much all the scenes between Arthur and Pellinore and Arthur and Mordred included his changes as well as moving "Before I Gaze at You Again" to the second act. Though they still left "If Ever I Would Leave You" in its original position which was a mistake.
Updated On: 5/9/08 at 01:33 AM
