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Legally Blonde preview review *may contain spoilers* (04.11.07)- Page 3

Legally Blonde preview review *may contain spoilers* (04.11.07)

#50re: Legally Blonde preview review *may contain spoilers* (04.11.07)
Posted: 4/15/07 at 12:39pm

re: Bundy being a diva, maybe she doesn't take pictures WITH people so she can avoid getting sick. Also, it is more efficient to have people take pictures of her then have her be mobbed during previews after a 12 hour workday. how bout we cut her some slack. she works her tail off in Blonde.

#51re: Legally Blonde preview review *may contain spoilers* (04.11.07)
Posted: 4/15/07 at 12:41pm

As my original post said, what it seems you will have to worry about is catching Bundy. Two days into week two of the New York run and Ms. Bundy is already pulling every divas favorite card - "You can take pitures OF Ms. Bundy but she will not pose with anyone"

Not true. She is more than willing to take pictures with you if you ask politely, but everyone is hesitant to do so after the security guard's announcement. It's the security guard who wants to hurry things along, not her. Not to mention he follows her every step like a sick puppy. She is a very, very sweet girl. She graciously took a picture with me and was incredibly nice. She is in no way a diva.

And yes, Kate Shindle comes out. And she is also very sweet.

(Edited for clarity four months later because apparently I care too much.)

Updated On: 8/7/07 at 12:41 PM

Craig Profile Photo
#52re: Legally Blonde preview review *may contain spoilers* (04.11.07)
Posted: 4/15/07 at 12:46pm

Bundy is no diva. Period.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

MimiLovesRoger Profile Photo
#53re: Legally Blonde preview review *may contain spoilers* (04.11.07)
Posted: 4/15/07 at 3:15pm

Excellent review. I cannot wait to see it!

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#54re: Legally Blonde preview review *may contain spoilers* (04.11.07)
Posted: 4/15/07 at 3:17pm

Laura is no diva. She is also Elle Woods. She has the most costumes in the show...and while she may not need to get them she may want to take some time to herself before she comes out.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#55re: Legally Blonde preview review *may contain spoilers* (04.11.07)
Posted: 4/15/07 at 3:56pm

I think your statement about rush was true to an extent, but not every person who rushes and sees the show multiple times falls into that category, just to be clear.

If you are willing to get up early and get the tickets, you deserve them. I do hate when people hold spots for their friends. Completely rude and unfair, but the producers were smart in creating rush because they know it encourages the teen/tween fanbase to come back. Cheap tickets - front row...huge draw. As for other people - you snooze, you lose. I have been victim to having to wake up at five in the morning to beat the crush of Saturday fangirls that swamp the rush line, but at least people are buying tickets and supporting the show.

As for the understudies, I could not be more excited to see some of them go on. I am a huge fan of Annaleigh's just from seeing her in the show and I can't wait to see waht she does with Elle. Efe also manages to impress me with her bit roles, she even sings her face off as the shop manager during "Omigod you guys" and I bet she would provide a hilarious turn as Paulette.

i agree though - Leslie Kritzer as Paulette would be awesome to watch. (Sidebar: Leslie looks INCREDIBLE. Not that she needed to, but she lost a ton of weight. The girl is rocking her cheerleader uniform on stage.)

Laura Bell Bundy is far from a diva. I have watched her at the stage door and she is always gracious, no matter how long she has been there and how many people are waiting. When I stopped to talk to her, she posed for pictures with my friends and stopped to chat about the changes in the show from San Francisco to New York.

kate Shindle does come out and is also, a complete sweetheart. The whole cast seems to be incredibly nice and gracious and I give them major points because that stagedoor seems to always be packed and always contains at least two packs of SCREAMING, teenage girls.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

Urbansavages Profile Photo
#56re: Legally Blonde preview review *may contain spoilers* (04.11.07)
Posted: 4/15/07 at 6:12pm

re: Legally Blonde preview review *may contain spoilers* (04.11.07)

profile on legally blonde writer heather hach:

denver post article

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#57re: Legally Blonde preview review *may contain spoilers* (04.11.07)
Posted: 4/15/07 at 6:24pm

what a cute article.

i never realized how much she looks like LBB.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

Mistress_Spouzic Profile Photo
#58re: Legally Blonde preview review *may contain spoilers* (04.11.07)
Posted: 4/16/07 at 12:53am

yes p2, I was with bg2 at Legally Blonde.

I have to say, I liked the show a whole lot more than I expected I would. Its a great show and i look forward to going again which isnt to say it was perfect. Laura Bell did a pretty good job even though she seemed upstaged a few times by the strong ensemble. Unfortunately I thought most if not all of the songs written for the men were forgettable, which is sad because Christian and Richard are both so great. I also thought parts of the show seemed... rushed? especially in the second act. I think viviennes 180 on her opinion of Elle comes a little out of nowhere, maybe they need to change the staging of the callahan-elle scene such that vivienne stays and watches the whole conversation with some changing facial expressions to see her growing sympathy for elle? and I think if they gave Kate Shindle bangs and long hair it might help her to look a little younger. And I know its musical theatre and silly fun and you can get away with a little more here, but one thing about the movie that I liked was that in elle's video essay, she gave somewhat more believable reasons for her admission and while I liked the marching band in the office idea, I wouldve liked it to have been more than 'watch me use legal jargon'
