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Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening- Page 3

Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening

alliez92092 Profile Photo
#50re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 8:06pm

Christine Estabrook is back. I loved her as the Adult Women. I saw Kate Burton the second time I saw the show and didn't think she was even close to the level that Christine was on.

And Glenn is actually horrible. Every one of his characters is the same. His best part is being the creepy guy talking to Ilse, and that's one line.

#51re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 8:09pm

Yeah, Glenn is no good. Christine is so amazing, though. No one could have been as bad as Kristine Nielsen. She gave probably the worst performance I have ever seen on a Broadway stage.

insertclevernamehere Profile Photo
#52re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 8:29pm

I'm excited that they decided to make the hayloft scene darker. I can understand why the producers wanted it to be more ambiguous, but that scene always bugged me. And I just watched a few of Kyle Riabko's youtube videos, and I'm excited to see how he does.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention...I'm the good cop, he's the bad cop.

#53re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 8:30pm

Iluvtheatertrash, so you've yet to go through puberty or apparently suffered amnesia sometime after you went through puberty? re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening! My dad, in his late fifties, is a conservative and embittered old WASP, yet he adores the show, and I've heard of other similar Spring Awakening fans, so, iluvtheatertrash, it seems there are people out there who can not only recall but relate to what Spring Awakening is all about! With that said, let's please stay on topic and keep this thread about the new leads! Love for the show is always appreciated though!

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#54re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 9:32pm

Blaxx, I love you.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#55re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 9:39pm

"Good as it should be"
"It's how the scewne should play out"

Please explain those comments further.

In the original play it is actually a rape.
It was changed to consensual sex for the musical.

Yes, that's exactly my point. One of the most powerful things about the original play was sacrificed in the musical for the sake of romanticizing the relationship between Melchior and Wendla -- the same old argument that crops up over and over again. From what Kyle says in this article, it seems like what they're doing now is closer to what (some people, myself included) feel that it should be. It's supposed to be rape; having it start out as an assault and then morph into, "Oh, okay, go ahead," is very, very different from two characters who have fallen in love and collectively choose to have sex.

I saw the second Broadway preview of Spring Awakening, and have been meaning to give it a second chance for a while. I think the cast changes might be motivation to go.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 5/26/08 at 09:39 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#56re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 9:41pm

I generally stay out of the "Is Spring Awakening any good?" debates, because they're pointless, and I loved the show and don't care if people on BWW did or didn't.

However, to say the show only appeals to tweens is an absurd statement. The critics that raved about it weren't tweens, nor is the majority of its audiences. The last time I was at the show (Groff and Michele's last performance), while there were a decent amount of teenagers there, the vast majority of the audience was adults, and they enjoyed the show every bit as much as the "tweens."

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#57re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 9:46pm

I haven't seen the show with the two new leads but I hardly doubt they are playing that scene as an out and out rape, it would throw the whole second act off.
Actually I kinda doubt the changes are that drastic at all but I will have to see it for myself before I speak any further.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#58re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 9:49pm

No, I don't think they're playing it as an "out and out rape," either. It doesn't sound that way, it just sounds closer to the original intention of Wedekind's text, which, if it's true and noticeable, I'm glad to hear. It wouldn't fit because the entire show is still tilted to romanticize the story; it's what the writers chose to do.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

jessica0414 Profile Photo
#59re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 9:51pm

It's interesting that they've chosen to make the sex scene darker. I've only seen the show once (before the change) so I don't really have an opinion one way or the other, but it does make Wendla's line later ("and he touched me, and I let him love me") a little bit confusing, imo...

"You don't just stop posting horse s*** on the web!"-The [Title of Show] Show

NYCboy2 Profile Photo
#60re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 9:54pm

I can't wait to see the show again with Kyle this time.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#61re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 9:57pm

" but it does make Wendla's line later ("and he touched me, and I let him love me") a little bit confusing, imo..."

If they're doing it as its an assault that becomes consensual, her line makes perfect sense. She didn't ask him to touch her, or to have sex, but once they do, she doesn't try and stop him, and seemingly enjoys it.

#62re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 10:03pm


You completely missed my point. If someone who's a fan of the show says that an older person can't enjoy it - then it proves my point: THE SHOW DOES NOT WORK. And this person who loves it but who's mom's, dad's, great-grandfather's uncle didn't like it? Well, then they don't even see the problem there

Does ANYONE get what I'm saying besides TDH?

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

adamgreer Profile Photo
#63re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 10:05pm

I get what you're saying, but I don't agree with it. Plenty of older people have and do love the show, as I explained further up.

jwonjy119 Profile Photo
#64re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/26/08 at 10:14pm

Aww, I'm glad to hear that Kyle's on a certain degree. Just worried how many times some people are going to try to maul him.

I remember my friend who saw him open at a John Mayer concert told me to listen to his CD a while back.

gottagettagimmick Profile Photo
#65re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/27/08 at 3:19am

i think that if you want to see better acting in this show then seeing it with bashoff riabko and socha would be a good idea. I truly felt a little uncomfortable seeing the female nudity because she seemed so young. her and kyle bring a whole new meaning to the sex scene and its better that way.
as for kyle playing melchior differently it didnt seem like he was trying to make it different it just seemed like he adjusted it a bit to fit how he looked. i wouldnt expect to see a competely different take on melchior from him

#66re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/30/08 at 12:05am

As someone who clearly qualifies in the "old" category in the age based part of the thread, I can say with certainty (if anyone still cares)that it is possible to be "old" and still love the show. My daughter and I have seen it three times (don't hold that against us as we live five states away) including Jonathan and Lea's final performance where we were both on our feet clapping nearly non-stop. The only acknowlegement of age was that my daughter also screamed while I settled for clapping my hands black and blue...

As an "old" person, I love the show for more than just the songs i can't stop singing, the energy and enthusiasm of the performers and the refreshing break from typical Broadway. I also love the show because it manages to bring up so many issues that will always matter. When I forwarded a link to one of the videos from that last performance to my "old" friends I explained: "It is a rock musical adaptation of a previously banned play on teenage angst, sexuality, homosexuality, idealism, depression, suicide, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, love, sex education, back-alley abortions, and parental expectations in an oppressive and conservative society – Germany 1891." The show manages to bring every one of those issues to the audience without ever lecturing or feeling overwhelming. The comic moments and the driving "in your face" songs take the edge off the heavier moments. It is rare that a show works on that deep an emotional level and an intellectual level.

Nothing works for everyone, but I'll be back. In fact, i found this thread because I was looking to see what people thought of Kyle's peformance.

tommo2k Profile Photo
#67re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/30/08 at 2:41pm

I saw the show with the new leads last week and I just thought I would add my thoughts.
I haven't seen the show before so can't comment on the old ending to act 1 but as I saw it, it was like Melchior forces himself onto Wendla and she initially says no but then goes along with it and seems to enjoy it.
Kyle's acting was OK but I did not like his singing much - he cracked a couple of times on high notes. His performance was good but not excellent. Oh, my partner seemed to think his butt cheeks were pretty good for those who were concerned!!!
The best performances came from Martha and Moritz though.

Upcoming Shows: 9 to 5 (Birmingham), Priscilla (Wimbledon), Matilda (London), Cats (Manchester) and others TBC.

canmark Profile Photo
#68re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 5/30/08 at 5:38pm

I second that "old" emotion. I'm 40+ and thoroughly enjoy the show, and am looking forward to seeing Riabko as he leads the touring production. I imagine by the time the show reaches Toronto next year he will have well settled into the role. I saw Groff/Michele last month and thoroughly enjoyed their performances (having had the cast album since last year I had some idea of what to expect from the show, but was still surprised by a couple of things). What also impresses me is how the show is bringing young people into the theatre. If a quality piece of drama/theatre/music can turn on young people the way movies/video games/concerts/clubs can, than that is a truly great thing.

Coach Bob knew it all along: you've got to get obsessed and stay obsessed. You have to keep passing the open windows. (John Irving, The Hotel New Hampshire)

Kris Elliott
#69re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 6/8/08 at 12:29pm

I saw the show twice this week when I was in NY. After the first time, I was so blown away by Kyle and Blake Bashoff that I HAD to see it again. All this talk about it being for young people is wrong because I am 44 and my sister is 41 and we are as obsessed as the young'ens. LOL! Kyle's acting is very good but it's his emotion and singing that stands out and compensates for any weaknesses in his acting. His chemistry with Alexandra and Blake are phenonemonal.

I was unaware of how the hayloft scene was different, since I'd not seen the show prior to this, but I have to say that 'rape' is probably too strong a term. A better term would be 'forced seduction' but really, it was more like Wendla was scared and unsure if they should "do something so wrong" (echoing the adults) but in her heart she loved and wanted to love Melchior. Kyle portrayed the scene as one who I could believe would stop if Wendla really objected. Melchior was being persuasive, but not abusive. I will say the scene with the switch beating left me more confused, but probably seeing that they both discovered a desire for a little agressiveness made the scene in the hayloft less of an issue. JMHO.

Regardless, I'm a complete SA addict and will be trying to see it as often as I can on the National tour, especially if the news is correct that Kyle is playing Melchior for the tour.

See you in Des Moines and Lansing and Los Angeles, Kyle!

playbills Profile Photo
#70re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 7/9/08 at 9:07pm

I'd like to revive this thread to say that Kyle Riabko's acting is atrocious and at times laughable which is a shame since he has a gorgeous, gorgeous voice.

I saw today's matinee.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#71re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 7/10/08 at 12:08am

I saw the show tonight, and agree that he has a beautiful voice. I don't know if his acting is atrocious, but I found his character somewhat unmemorable as currently played. Perhaps his choices were vague, or just that the rest of the cast is on another level, I'm not quite sure.

Socha is a fine Wendla, but she looks like she's nine years old, which makes the whole thing a little awkward. Again, a beautiful voice, but perhaps because she played the character so passively, I found her to be somewhat unmemorable as well.

Blake Bashoff is such a standout, I must say. John Gallagher was such a tough act to follow, but Bashoff plays it so differently, and with such power, one can't help but appreciate his performance. And the rest of cast, a mix of originals and relative newbies, are such a stellar job and are in some of the best voice I've heard than past visits.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

adamgreer Profile Photo
#72re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 7/10/08 at 12:12am

I saw tonight's show. Other than Kyle Riabko, the show is in great shape.

Alexandra Socha is lovely as Wendla, though she doesn't possess the big voice Lea Michele had. This made Whispering a bit anti-climactic (no one is ever going to do the "but he touched me and I let him love me..." bit as well as she did). However, her acting more than made up for quieter voice (which wasn't bad, just not as belty). I've seen her twice before when she was Michele's understudy, and she has continued to grow in the role. She plays Wendla very naive, much more innocently than Michele did. It also helps that she looks about eleven.

Blake Bashoff remains extraordinary, and at the moment, is giving the best performance in the cast. He makes several interesting, daring choices with his Moritz that makes it very distinctive for him. His voice has also gotten better during the course of his run. I can't speak highly enough of him.

As for Riabko....I'll echo the general sentiments at the moment. Wonderful voice, but really horrible, laughable, even, acting. The role of Melchior is ripe for over-acting and scenery chewing, in the hands of the wrong actor. Sadly, Riabko falls into both of those traps, probably because he's not a trained actor. Groff's performance (and even Jesse Swenson's, who I also saw once) was very nuanced and well-thought out. Riabko, sadly, is very one-note. Lots of yelling and exaggerated facial expressions. I didn't think anyone in the cast could over-act more than Glenn Feschler, but Riabko matches him. It's a pity, because his voice is fantastic.

My only other complaint tonight (besides the always horrendous Glenn Feschler) is that Christine Estabrook, whom I have always loved in the role, has gotten a bit hammy. She needs some notes from Michael Mayer about turning it down a couple of notches.

Oh, Gerard was on as Hanschen tonight. He was excellent. The interesting thing about that was that he was my 5th Hanschen. I've seen more actors in that role than other one in the show. I've seen Jonathan B. Wright, Drew Tyler Bell, Matt Doyle, Jesse Swenson, and now Gerard.

I also have to put in a positive comment for Skylar, who is still as energetic and entertaining as he was in the beginning. His energy level was fantastic.
Updated On: 7/10/08 at 12:12 AM

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#73re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 7/10/08 at 12:22am

Oh, and can we just give another shout out to Kim Grisby? Why she doesn't get her own bow every night, I'll never know. I was a little concerned with Gerard, but he did do fine. But I agree with adamgreer, from the stage anyway, the show looks to be in great shape. (And seriously, Glenn Feschler? What gives?)

I was talking to the gent next to me during intermission, who'd seen the show multiple times as well, and he noticed too that the audience was not eating it up as much as they normally do; they would be, methinks, if Kyle was a bit stronger.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

adamgreer Profile Photo
#74re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening
Posted: 7/10/08 at 12:33am

Everythingtaboo, check your PM's. The gent you were chatting with was me! re: Kyle Riabko in Spring Awakening

The interesting thing about tonight's audience was that as quiet as they were during the show, the response at the curtain call was quite enthusiastic. More so than it normally is. Maybe they were just holding it all in until the end.

Can't wait to go back next month to check out Hunter Parrish...
