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Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?

not_that_girl2 Profile Photo
#0Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 5:26pm

Thats what I've herd at least. When Wicked came to my town an old high school friends of Boq's (I forget his name) was at the Stage door. One of my friends mentioned she really wanted to get Kendra's autograph because she really loved her in the show. Justin-Boq's friend- said she'd might as well forget about it b/c he had met Kendra before and she acted like a snob. He said she rarely came out to sign autographs and when she does she just signs a few and says she has to go take care of her dog (he doubted she even had one). No one wanted to believe him, but like he predicted, Kendra never showed just stephanie. I still didn't want to believe him but a week ago I discovered a Derrick Willaims fan site. The web misterss went back stage and said that Kendra seemed exahusted (sp?) and didn't get up to greet her. I don't want to believe it either, but I'm thinking yes. Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?

#1re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 5:32pm

Don'tcha just love that leap of logic? Straight from "doesn't sign autographs" to "snob." Gotta love that eternal sense of entitlement among stage-door denizens.

#2re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 5:36pm

If she seemed exhausted, why should she be expected to get up and greet someone? SHe's a person, she's entitled to not give a **** and focus resting herself, it's not like she has an easy job. Touring is a tiring thing, especially in such a demanding role.

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

#3re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 5:39pm

What the hell? The woman isn't a dancing monkey that performs for you on command. If she's tired and doesn't feel like signing autographs, then she's tired and doesn't feel like signing autographs.....

Performers are still HUMAN BEINGS for goodness sake....human beings who don't even make that great of money for the amount of work they do.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

#4re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 5:39pm

Bravo, Zoneace.

When I met Kendra at the stage door, she seemed very exhausted. But, when we told her that my mom and I knew Maggie Benjamin, who worked with her in RENT, she got a little excited and smiled at me.

What the puck?!

not_that_girl2 Profile Photo
#5re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 5:40pm

Yeah I know, you never can really be sure about this kind of stuff. But the person who told me all this was some one who met and talked to her a few times. I don't really know if is she's rude like he said, but, you know, I've just been wondering if it was true or not. Thats all re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#6re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 5:41pm

After 8 hours of work at your job, would you want to meet screaming teens outside?

not_that_girl2 Profile Photo
#7re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 5:48pm

Sorry if I offended anyone. The whole point of this thread was to give hope to the fact that it wasn't true and that she just is tired from preforming. I didn't mean to say it could be true, I think Kendra's great. Sorry again. I realize she's a person, I know she has a hard job, she must be tired all the time. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I'm just a kid (thats right you people cused out a kid) who likes broadway and wanted to say how some people thought Kendra was. Sorry. I don't think I'll come back here again. I'm Sure that'll make yall happy :) - Alisa
Updated On: 11/25/05 at 05:48 PM

#8re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 5:51pm

I've personally met Kendra before (after a performance of Rent) and she was quite pleasant.

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#9re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 5:53pm

She seemed nice when I briefly met her. She also invited the entire tour cast to her home for Thanksgiving dinner.
Updated On: 11/25/05 at 05:53 PM

cubbiegirl Profile Photo
#10re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 6:03pm

She didn't come out of the stage door, at least until we had left, but Stephanie J. Block said that she had 30 plus people in there visiting with her.

There is always more than one side to the story.

Jim Caruso: You know, you are doing Wicked.
Stephanie J Block: I am!
Jim: Is anyone coming to that old thing?

Steve2 Profile Photo
#11re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 6:12pm

1) One who tends to patronize, rebuff, or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire, or seek association with people regarded as social superiors.
2) One who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect.

NOTE THAT THE DICTIONARY DOESN'T SAY, "One who doesn't sign autographs".

#12re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 6:13pm

ooh, goodie, I fit the definition.

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#13re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 6:17pm

I'm a snob according to that definition. But I sign.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#14re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 6:19pm

me too rath, me too. I love signing, it makes me feel that much more self important.

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

liotte Profile Photo
#15re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 6:29pm

I met Kendra after I saw wicked in Chicago back in May, and she was very nice. Signed autographs, chatted for a bit, etc.

DBillyP Profile Photo
#16re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 6:39pm

In my experience, Kendra is quite the opposite.

In early October, while the show was in Dallas, Kendra graciously agreed to appear at a concert at the Cathedral of Hope to benefit the lesbian and gay community of New Orleans who had been hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina. After a full week of shows, Kendra, Emily Rozek and Katie Adams, performed a beautiful acoustic trio. They were enthusiastic about and appreciative of the local performers who were participating, including a standing ovation for William Blake who raised the roof with "Defying Gravity."

Now, when Kendra told me that they would be singing for the concert, I assumed that, just as she is the lead in the show, she would be singing lead in the trio. I was mistaken. She was quite content to sing back-up. I think this speaks volumes about her character.

"I am open, and I am willing, For to be hopeless would seem so strange. It dishonors those who go before us, So lift me up to the light of change." Holly Near

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#17re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 7:16pm

I can understand a teenager not being aware that "snobbish" people are often just shy around others. From what I've read, the daily crowds of fans waiting for "their" moment to bond with the stars of Wicked are a bit too much for a very private person like Kendra. If only they'd just be content that Stephanie is so open and giving with her fans.

It's ironic, I just finished doing a play, and after each performance I'd go out to the lobby to see if someone had something (nice) to say about me or my interpretation of the role. Most of the time, I felt ignored, and I had the lead. I guess Kendra would have loved my situation. Actors are all different, and for every one who craves attention, there are those who are only about "the work" and would rather disappear quietly after each show. Just leave Kendra alone!

theonlyone Profile Photo
#18re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 7:24pm

She seems pleasant, and I completely respect her rights as a performer, but the thing that was disappointing to me was that I had my program and sharpie out un-capped, ready for her to sign, but she...just turned the other way.

#19re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 7:33pm

Get a life...

re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?

2nd time I said that today...

re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?

i<3GreenBean Profile Photo
#20re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 7:55pm

god u guys are really, REALLY harsh. the girl just asked your guys' opinion on a person and you guys chop her head off!! she was trying to confirm something she'd heard, not jump all over kendra for not signing an autograph...jeez you guys obviously need to get a life!

mooooooooooo!!! -idina fiyerooooooo!!! -shoshana

emo_geek Profile Photo
#21re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 8:02pm

I've seen the wicked tour 3 times and all three times she'ss come out, signed, and taken pictutres. I saw one mat and two evening too!

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

#22re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 10:12pm

I also met Ms. Kassebaum after a performance of Assassins and she could not have been sweeter. Sometimes people are just tired. Performers work very hard to put on a great show night after night.

Bret Profile Photo
#23re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/25/05 at 11:40pm

When I saw the show in Dallas, Stephanie Block explained to an inquiring stage door person that Kendra usually rushes out and goes right to bed, especially as she was coming off of a little something. I say good for her. While some people see this is "snobbish", I see it as practical. Singing such a score can take a toll on one's voice. I say brava to her for knowing how to take care of her voice.

"Wherever you go... I'll be right there. When you get your own private kick in the ass, just remember: it's a present from me to you." Rose's dying words to Louise

lfae Profile Photo
#24re: Kendra Kassebaum is a snob?
Posted: 11/26/05 at 1:24am

I've seen Kendra at stage door and just from a five-second glance I thought she looked really shy and nervous and a bit overwhelmed. Definitely not snobbish or intentionally aloof.
