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Keep the CORAM BOY Alive- Page 3

Keep the CORAM BOY Alive

#51re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 8:13pm

It's not about capacity, though. If all the tickets were sold at discounts, whether $56 off on TKTS, $33 on TDF, or $26 student rush, they don't have enough $$$ to sustain.

#52re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 8:39pm

Just put a pillow over this show's face already. Kill it!

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

AC126748 Profile Photo
#53re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 8:41pm

Amen, Roscoe.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#54re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 8:44pm

Yeah, its such a great thing to see so many people out of jobs.

Warms my heart.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#55re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 8:48pm

I'm so tired of that old argument. Okay, let's keep a bad show that's hemorrhaging money around because, if we don't, actors will lose their jobs. A show closing is a risk that actors have to take. There are talented people in this show; trust me, they'll work again.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#56re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 8:54pm

<< Okay, let's keep a bad show that's hemorrhaging money around because, if we don't, actors will lose their jobs. >>

Thats the point.... its not a bad show. Love it or hate it, there is nothing like it on Broadway right now... The NY critics just didnt get it.

And many people happen to love it--- I just wonder why people feel it so necessary to post time and time again how much they hated a show. Just skip the thread. There are a ton of threads (and shows) that I have no interest in. I just skip them.

I dont think I need to say that I hated "BKLYN" on every thread that was ever posted about the show.

#57re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 8:57pm

That's show biz. Shows close, people lose their jobs. Good shows close, bad shows close. CORAM BOY is one of the worst ever. I refuse to see its closing as anything but a good thing.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

AC126748 Profile Photo
#58re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 8:59pm

Thats the point.... its not a bad show. Love it or hate it, there is nothing like it on Broadway right now...

Just because there is nothing on Broadway like it right now doesn't make it good.

And many people happen to love it--- I just wonder why people feel it so necessary to post time and time again how much they hated a show.

It's all about personal opinion and discussion. There are many people who love this show and many who don't. You've made your feelings clear and I can make mine clear, too. I won't censor my opinion because others don't agree with it.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#59re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 9:00pm

Thats your opinion, Roscoe... and you are cetainly entitled to it (you have expressed it enough, thats for sure) -

Personally, I have seen at least 20-30 shows, if not more, within the past few years, that are far worse.

#60re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 9:05pm

Yeah, I have posted a lot about how much I hate CORAM BOY. Others have posted a lot about how much they love CORAM BOY.

I've seen a lot of shows that were at least as bad as CORAM BOY, like DANCE OF THE VAMPIRES, DRACULA, GOOD VIBRATIONS, RING OF FIRE, and a poisonous little Off-Broadway horror called ELLE with Alan Cumming as the Pope.

But there's something extra foul about CORAM BOY, a sanctimoniousness that just sends it into the very stratosphere of BAD.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#61re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 9:09pm

Please dont put "Dance of the Vampires" in the same sentence as "Coram Boy". That hurts !!!

#62re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 9:11pm

They're much the same level of accomplishment, except that DANCE OF THE VAMPIRES was squarely in the So Bad Its Good category, while CORAM BOY was in the So Bad It Is Just Torture category.

There. My spleen is vented on this subject. On to other things.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:
Updated On: 5/23/07 at 09:11 PM

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#63re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 9:13pm

<< It's all about personal opinion and discussion. There are many people who love this show and many who don't. You've made your feelings clear and I can make mine clear, too. I won't censor my opinion because others don't agree with it. >>

I dont think anyone is asking you to censor your opinion...

I know I am not asking that.

Differing opinions are the essence of the boards, and what make them enjoyable.

However, there is a difference between someone stating different things about a show, and why they like or dislike it, vs. someone just stating "that show is awesome" or "that show sucks" every post.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#64re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 9:21pm

Unfortunately, I don't share your enthusiasm about the show. I felt that the genuine tone of the first act--starkness and bleakness--was betrayed by the schmaltzy qualities of the second, which came off like an 18th Century Lifetime movie. There is some fine acting work, but I felt that the corrolation between the two major plotpoints was weak, and the music is only there to distract from pedanticalness of the story. The message of the piece came across loud and clear, but the tone betrayed the story.

The show is boring, plain and simple. The characters are underwritten and the play is performed at such a breakneck pace that you barely get a chance to care about any of them. The music serves no purpose other than to move things along when the playwright has nothing to say, which is often. I'd forgotten most of the play by the time I turned my cell phone back on.

Two things that I have posted about CORAM BOY. As you can see, I've definitely posted more than "this show sucks". That's the last I'll say about this; enjoy what little time you guys have left to see the show. Different strokes for different folks.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#65re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/23/07 at 9:26pm


Was not referring to you.... It was Roscoe, who has injured his spleen, and has given up....LOL

Different strokes is right... is the plot/writing perfect? Absolutely not... but boring...??

NO WAY !!!!

#66re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/24/07 at 12:31am

I saw the show tonight and really enjoyed it, as much as one can enjoy the extremely heavy subject matter. The performances were great and the storyline was compelling, albeit difficult to follow. It feels like the show is from another era- which is refreshing. It is a piece that makes you think, and doesn't hand everything to you on a platter- melodramatic? Sure. Boring? Definitely not. It is much slower paced than most everything on Broadway, but it should be given a chance. I'll admit that when I saw the marquis a few months ago I had no idea what the show was about, nor was I particularly interested in seeing it, but I am glad I did. It's painfully obvious that such a piece won't be successful on Broadway, with the current audiences and critics, with the purely capitalist attitude driving the industry. But I did completely enjoy seeing something symbolic, artistic, and thought-provoking. It is quite a haunting piece, and I hope it enjoys a healthy life SOMEWHERE.

It felt a bit like watching a film, with the integration of the music and the staging choices/special effects. From what I saw tonight, I could definitely see it in the film medium. I can't believe the source material is a children's novel; I'm very interested in reading it.

"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...

#67re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/24/07 at 12:39am

Just saw it. I must say I thought it was beautiful and fantastic. Go see it if you have the chance. Can't wait to read the novel, now.

I honestly can't believe this show was so harshly reviewed. The audience seemed to love the show and gave a more than enthusiastic standing ovation. It did not, at all, seem like it was forced.

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#68re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/24/07 at 12:58am

I find the reviews for this show to have been unfairly harsh as well. I don't like to say that critics didn't "get" it because I'm sure they did, they just for one reason or another have chosen to see it in a very unfavorable way. I don't often agree completely with the critics but usually I can at least see the perspective they're taking on a given show, however, where Coram Boy is concerned (and today's matinee was my 4th time seeing it) I can honestly say I don't understand how there can be negatives reviews for this show.

Is it light and frothy? No, but the cast gives tremendous performances, and I can't identify a weak link in the whole group. I think the staging is fascinating, the music is beautifully done and integrated into the production. Yes, it is very heavy but I think it is also one of the most uplifting shows (play OR musical) which I have ever seen.

It genuinely bothers me that it will be clumped in history as a "flop" because it should not have such a short run.

edited for spelling

And hang on, when did you win the discus?
Updated On: 5/24/07 at 12:58 AM

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#69re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/24/07 at 2:26am

And in case anyone didn't see it, Jason Robert Brown wrote a blog raving about Coram Boy.
Jason Robert Brown's Blog

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

#70re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/24/07 at 3:34am

I'm going into the city this Saturday and can only see one show. After reading this, I'm going to rush the mat.

Thanks guys!

#71re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/24/07 at 7:24am

I've hardly given up, Testing. I've just said all I have to say on the subject of CORAM BOY.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#72re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/24/07 at 8:16am

I love it. Saw it again yesterday and it was still absolutely fantastic. I really don't understand why it needs to close. The theater was packed, especially for a Wednesday matinee and everyone around me was raving about how much they liked it. Ugh, the fact that this is closing and pieces of crap like Legally Blonde and Pirate Queen stay open really suck.

D2 Profile Photo
#73re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/24/07 at 8:47am

I'm sorry that it hasn't found enough of an audience to sustain a run, but I have to admit that I was disappointed when I saw it. Yes, it is beautifully staged and the performances are terrific. But I found the play itself to be trite, manipulative, poorly structured, and as AC126748 so succinctly put it, pedantic and boring. I really wanted to like it, but it just didn't engage me as much as it seems to have engaged most everyone else here.

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

#74re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/24/07 at 8:53am

I saw it last night as well. I too found it thrilling theater, and one of the best meldings of music into drama for heightened dramatic effect.

To cite one example: the discovery of the graves. Both repellent and overwhelmingly exciting.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#75re: Keep the CORAM BOY Alive
Posted: 5/24/07 at 10:41am

Thats what I meant, Roscoe--- only that you had given up
on "Coram Boy"-- basically, thats all I cared about----

Edit: BTW, anyone going tonight?? (Thurs)

Updated On: 5/24/07 at 10:41 AM
