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How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph- Page 2

How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph

#25re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 10:04pm

Idina's contract states an additional 3 exits must be added into the theatre.

#26re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 10:04pm

It was a 3-month run, roughly. I'm sure my friend is not the first person to discover her exit.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#27re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 10:06pm

It doesn't matter who found her exit when. The fact is, I find it creepy that anyone would look for it at all. Does no one else feel the same?

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

sweetestsiren Profile Photo
#28re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 10:07pm

What good can it do to post this? I mean, good for your friend, since he's lucky that she was gracious to him even though she was obviously in a hurry and wished to avoid people. She would have been completely justified in snubbing him. It's just contributing to the mentality that you can MAKE them sign autographs for you if you pursue them enough, and it's scary.

#29re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 10:08pm

I feel the same, munk.

There's a point why it's "another exit."

If she wanted to sign - she would come out the normal way.

#30re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 10:09pm

If she thought he was some loony, she never would have had the conversation with him.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#31re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 10:11pm

"If she thought he was some loony, she never would have had the conversation with him."

Eh. No. Not really. She tends to be very gracious, contrary to what spreads around about her.
Updated On: 12/4/05 at 10:11 PM

#32re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 10:11pm

Actually, I'd say that's quite the opposite.

If she thought he was crazy, she wouldn't want to upset him by snubbing him.

Not to mention she's alone - and, from how it sounds, without securtiy.

#33re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 10:22pm

First of all, there is no definte story here.
I'm not at all denying Yankeefans story but there could be parts added or left out even by mistake. There might have been misinterpretation between Yankee and his friend.

"If she thought he was some loony, she never would have had the conversation with him."

Very untrue. Idina obviously didn't shoo him away because she doesn't seem to be that kind of person. Being nice to your friend doesn't mean at all that she wanted to talk to him or sign her autograph.

She has all rights to go out another exit and going out these other exits automatically tell give people/fans that she does not want to sign or take pictures.
Knowing other exits gives you absolutely no right to follow her and 'be special' because you know where they are.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

#34re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 10:28pm

I'm sorry. Not coming out into a lobby full of people where you know you're going to be detained for a LONG time does not = being full of herself. She came out when I was there. She was very gracious and accomodating. When approached on the street she is very gracious and accomodating. She is gracious and accomodating even when she is trying not to be detained (ie: leaving out another exit). Those are not the characteristics of someone who is full of themselves.

There are times when she isn't going to sign. So? Idina couldn't possibly live up to the expectations that some have set for her as far as what they expect when she isn't on stage. And when she doesn't? She's bashed publicly on message boards and made out to be something she just isn't.
Updated On: 12/4/05 at 10:28 PM

CompanyGuy Profile Photo
#35re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 10:52pm

I think a major thing that is left out is the human factor. Idina is human, she is going to have off-days and good days. I saw Wicked, and she was not the brightest of spirits. And I have friends who say opposite. Yes, there is a responsibity that comes with "broadway-celebrity" status, but not ALL the time does she have to sign an autograph. So, good for your friend, and the fact that she walked and talked for awhile is nice.

starsinger Profile Photo
#36re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 11:04pm

can't we all just leave this woman alone? my god...if she signs in the lobby great, if she doesnt..she just doesnt have time or she doesnt feel well or any of that...shes a person just like all of us and she has good/bad days...she is by no means too full of herself or mean or any of that shes a HUMAN BEING.
ends rant

jimmirae Profile Photo
#37re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/4/05 at 11:39pm

Idina Menzel is very kind, loving and grascious. Unless she may otherwise have plans or not be up to "signing" or doing the "Meet & Greet" that day, I have known her to be very down to earth and sign everything and chat if time allows. You know, It is not easy coming out of a Tony Winning run of a show like "WICKED" and having soooooooo many fan-atics chasing you all over to sign something, and I am sure that people come back and desire even MORE things signed, just look at Ebay, and don't think the Actors like Idina don't look at Ebay as well. There's a BIG difference between being genuine and getting an autograph and gettin MANY things signed over and over when you know damn well it will be on Ebay tomorrow, I wish I had her manners and patience. You ROCK Idina!! Keep on keepin' on Girl!!! A Class Act!!

"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance." - Elizabeth Taylor

ben1986 Profile Photo
#38re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/5/05 at 12:26am

I do agree that the Wicked and Menzel fans has become overly obsessed. To me there should be a level at which class and dignity take over. As for the girl holding a Wicked poster, how about moving on and appreicating some of the other fine work she has done. I went to Sweeney Todd one matinee to see Ms. LuPone and I was not carrying an Evita poster.

#39re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/5/05 at 12:30am


I am just curious.Were you at the 12/1 performance(Thursday night).If so, I think I am the one who was wearing the I Heart Idina shirt.Wether you were or not,here is my story from that night and a similar experience:

I think Idina is incredibly nice, but we all have our days where we would rather deal with the rest of the world.I totally understand it.

Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten. "Unwritten" Natasha Bedingfield

Roninjoey Profile Photo
#40re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/5/05 at 12:51am

I don't think the first story in this thread is scary. A wee bit overobsessive and perhaps a little rude (Oo. She's leaving out a different way. I can outsmart her!) but not scary. The one FeelingElectric posted is scary! Can you just imagine somebody walking up to you wearing your name on a shirt holding a drawing of you? "Idina... I made this for you..."

yr ronin,

Celestial Entropy Profile Photo
Celestial Entropy
#41re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/5/05 at 1:42am

My fiance got her autograph for me... it was after a Thanksgiving 2004 week show, but mind you it's a Wicked poster that she and the company signed for charity donations of a $100. Since I am a fan of the show, (yes, the show... a fan of the SHOW. Which I have to say that I don't understand the obsessions over actors in a show. It's called Wicked... not "Idina and a Broom".) he gave it to me as a present. :)

Sidenote: I just don't get the whole "hovering outside stalking for an autograph" concept... it just weirds me out. Alteast our way, a charity got some money and I got an autographed poster without encroaching upon her privacy.

Sidenote x2: this years charity posters with Shoshana, Ben and Rue's autographs went for $75. I kind of don't get how an Idina autographed poster would be worth more than something signed by Ben Vereen. Ben is a real legend. But that's neither here or there... I don't actually collect autographs, plus I already have a poster.

Other sidenote... x3: I think when we pay to see a show, once the stars have taken their final bows, their obligations have been fulfilled and therefore they owe us nothing else. If they don't want to be bothered by crazy fans at the exits that want autographs, it doesn't make them mean or rude... it means they did their job and wish to head back into their private world. Why people don't get that concept, is beyond me...

I've come this far with the truth of the heart. Deep down inside I think we're all the same. Try not to judge and never shame... I do believe people are good... they just want hope and respect... to be understood ~Melissa Etheridge
Updated On: 12/5/05 at 01:42 AM

emo_geek Profile Photo
#42re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/5/05 at 1:57am

is it just me or these past 2 years has stage door-ing gone up a lot...

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

#43re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/5/05 at 3:11am

I am very sorry my story make it sound like I am a stalker.I made no extraordinary attempt to meet her.If she had chosen to come out after the show and meet her fans, that's fine.I do not stalk anyone.I did the shirt and had the drawing made because of how much her performance in SWIWS and in RENT touched me.She gave me a few great night of entertainment and I wanted her to know how much I appreciated it.That's all.I am sorry if people think that is scary but other people have gone to far more extreme lenghts than me.Rosario certainly did not feel scared or stalked when I met her and she couldn't have been nicer.

Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten. "Unwritten" Natasha Bedingfield

jimmirae Profile Photo
#44re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/5/05 at 3:22am

Idina & Cheno are worth much more on a wicked item since they were the original cast.

"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance." - Elizabeth Taylor

#45re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/5/05 at 4:15am

I smiled when I read that story. Great story. Idina just went up 100 points in my books!

jimmirae Profile Photo
#46re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/5/05 at 4:32am

You know, there are those around here who would follow Idina into the W.C. and pass a "WICKED" playbill under the stall with a sharpie, It's rather frightening!!!

"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance." - Elizabeth Taylor

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#47re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/5/05 at 4:33am

Why do some people refer to yankeesfan's friend as a stalker ? From what I read, he understood that Idina would not come out to the lobby, turned to leave and saw the car waiting and Idina coming out. Wouldn't YOU take the chance of talking to her ? He was very polite and asked her if she had a minute and the rest is history. I think that all artists appreciate one polite fan, it is the mobs of weirdos they are afraid of and rightly so!

#48re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/5/05 at 4:39am

I don't think there is anything wrong with what yakeefan's friend did.I don't think he is anymore of a stalker than I am.I just don't want anyone to think I am crazy for what I did.I respect that these actors are people first and I respect what they do.

Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten. "Unwritten" Natasha Bedingfield

#49re: How one of my Friends Got Idina's Autograph
Posted: 12/5/05 at 4:50am

You know, there are those around here who would follow Idina into the W.C. and pass a "WICKED" playbill under the stall with a sharpie, It's rather frightening!!!

I believe that was used in an episode of "The Nanny"
