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How do you know?

cindy013 Profile Photo
#0How do you know?
Posted: 7/15/05 at 10:41pm

How do you know when your love of musical theatre is enough to pursue a career in it?

I've been visiting schools lately, but can't seem to feel 100% confident majoring in musical theatre, and all i hear from my parents is "do something practical". I've only just begun performing in plays/musicals this past year, but i love it, and while everyones at rehearsal complaining aobur how its late and they want to go home, im sitting there thinking how i could run the show over and over, and just being there makes me feel insanely happy. I just don't know if that's the kind of "i CAN'T do anything else" feeling one is 'supposed' to have. How do you know?? Eh. I realize this is probably not a definite answer question, but some advice from those of you in the same situation or already through it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

"It breaks my heart to see a grown man dressed as a Taco." -David Sedaris
I love Les Miserables.
My new pic is me(on the left)at my last dance recital:(

ariel0098 Profile Photo
#1re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 9:45am

I really don't know either. I'm just bumping so the post won't die.

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#2re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 9:48am

Think about yourself doing anything else. Being a doctor, journalist, lawyer, etc. Can you picture yourself doing it? If you can't picture yourself doing anything but theatre, then you know.

Aigoo Profile Photo
#3re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 10:52am

Well what if that person has a really good imagination? re: How do you know?

This is my signature.

Stage Addict Profile Photo
Stage Addict
#4re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 11:25am

I've been reading this board for a while now and I haven't felt the need to join until now. I am in the same situation as you are. I have been acting in community theater, school plays, and even a few local professional shows ever since I was very young. I am only in high school, but I have always wanted to be an actress and thats all I can see myself doing. Recently, I had a conversation with a friend who gave up his steady, "normal" job to persue his dreams of becoming an actor. He is not making alot of money, nor does he have any fame, but he is happy. That is all that truly matters. If you think you will be happy, even if you have no money and are living paycheck to paycheck, doing theater, then I say do it. That is what I want to do, because nothing beats that feeling of being onstage, and I'm the same way about loving rehersal. So good luck, and just do what feels right. Good luck.

Sorry about that rant haha.

"If you're a writer or a painter, you write or paint whenever you want to. But we have to do this task at a precise moment. At three minutes past eight, the curtain goes up, and you've got to pretend to believe, because no one else will believe you unless you believe it yourself. A great deal of our work is simply making ourselves dream. That is the task. At three minutes past eight,YOU MUST DREAM."

cindy013 Profile Photo
#5re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 1:50pm

I can picture myself doing other things, but I don't THINK I'd be as happy. Also, if I didn't major in theatre in college I don't know what I would major in that I have the same amount of interest in. I guess the idea of studying musicals and acting stuff every day in college sounds too good to pass up:)

"It breaks my heart to see a grown man dressed as a Taco." -David Sedaris
I love Les Miserables.
My new pic is me(on the left)at my last dance recital:(

#6re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 6:01pm

The safest bet is to apply to colleges that offer more than just theatre or apply/audition for schools with great theatre programs and then to some other ones. It's what I did and it left me room for my indecision. When it came down to the wire and I had to accept to one school, I knew my gut instinct would kick in and I'd make the right choice for me, theatre. I find pressure always makes me reveal what my true feelings are.

#7re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 6:07pm

You know...John Lithgow mentioned this in some interview or maybe the harvard commencement speech. He said: don't major in drama/musical theatre. Major in something else. Then perform your little heart out in anything you can get your hands on. Not only do you graduate with something practical, but you get to spend all your free time doing what you love and learning from others.

hope that helps.

MLE Profile Photo
#8re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 6:21pm


I'm stuck with that same problem. I've always loved music, acting and going to shows, but it wasn't until high school that I actually started performing on stage and taking voice lessons. I hear the same things from my mother all the time, she also claims I started too late. I'm shy, but when it comes to acting, I'm fine I have no problem doing it in front of an audience, I feel very comfortable up there. But when it comes to singing however, I really believe I have some potential, but I have problems singing solos in front of a lot of people and I get nervous (but I am getting a lot better).
Anyway, this all had a point, I'm going to be a senior this year so I'll have to start applying for colleges and picking a major. I CAN see myself doing other things, but I don't know if I'd want to. I guess I would just suggest what I'm planning on doing. I'm going to either put theatre in as part of a double major or a minor (the latter is the most likely, though). I guess just getting out there and trying it is the only sure fire way to tell. People change what they want to do in college all the time. I think it's just something you need go ahead and test out. Give it some time and see if it's something you truly want to do or if your interest gets captured by another field.

Hope that helps a bit! It IS tough, I know!!!!

#9re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 6:25pm

One reason I gave up on performing is because I know I don't have enough self-confidence. I think I am very talented, but having no self-confidence would tear at me.

You need to be true to yourself. Are you good enough to make it?

Remember, there are other aspects of theatre you could enjoy...

CCM '10!

MLE Profile Photo
#10re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 6:30pm

Sorry to get off topic a bit, but Bway, that's a great quote in your sig, very true!

And that is good advice, there are lots of other jobs in theatre besides performing, but I know that for me, it would get hard after a while, I'd miss the stage too much...

#11re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 6:44pm

...and actually I read a quote by Matt Morrison who said, if you can see yourself doing anything else, then do it. It's such a cut-throat business with so many disappointments that you have to know that this is the ONLY direction for you. I don't think he meant don't perform...but I think it's kind the "don't put your eggs all in one basket thing"...

#12re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 6:50pm

My very own quote. re: How do you know?

CCM '10!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#13re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 7:01pm

I've been told many times not to pursue a career as a performer unless you absolutely have to; meaning, if you think you'd be able to live your life doing something else without living with a great amount of regret hanging over your head because you did not pursue it, do that other thing. If you feel too strongly that if you were to do something else, you simply couldn't let go of that desire to perform, then go for it. Even if you never make it, you'd have to be happy looking back and saying "Well, at least I tried." If you can't think that, look into something else. And if theatre calls you, but you'd be happy doing something else rather than performing, by all it.

Aigoo Profile Photo
#14re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 8:35pm

Broadwaygirl, that's EXACTLY what I believe. I mean, I can paste myself on any uniformed body performing surgery. It's not practical, but I still see myself doing it. But that doesn't mean I would want to. Every career in the world, as far as seeing myself doing it, they're all equal, even being a performer. But your ambition to succeed will be the deciding factor in which profession you would like to pursue. Maybe you really want to become a performer, but unconciously, you have a love for something else. I dunno...people change, some people don't.

This is my signature.

XOsweet_dancerOX Profile Photo
#15re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 8:37pm

this exactly how i feel. I want to get a BFA but my parents tell me that it won' make enough to pay for anything. I should do something practical but i can't see myself doing anything else though.

Kristin Chenoweth could barely control a Great Dane she trotted onto the stage. "Great, they gave me a dog that weighs five times what I do", she quipped. For the record, she weighs 93 pounds, and has a Maltese.

#16re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 8:49pm

Well this is all great advice. Most people have said something to the extent of: Can you imagine yourself doing anything else?
I am a rather adaptable person, and I can imagine myself doing almost anything as a career. However, I chose theatre because it is what feels natural to me. I can imagine myself working as a sales executive, and I can imagine myself hunting bears for a living. (both might be fun.) But there's nothing I love as much as performing, and it feels very natural. I'm a workaholic, and I work at anything I do. But for most things I have to push myself to work at them. With theatre, though the work is just as hard, I find myself automatically working on things. Does this make any sense? Sorry if it doesn't. And think of it like this: If you make the decision not to pursue Broadway, you always have the option of doing community theatre. And if you make the decision not to pursue a stable career, you'll know fairly quickly if you can't take it (assuming you get rejected constantly as it seems most do in the beginning).

Best of luck!

#17re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 8:57pm

I'm only 15, but i have been thinking about this subject for the past year. I honestly can't see myself doing anything but acting and being as happy as acting makes me, but for college i think i want to do a double major...that way i will have a backup.

cindy013 Profile Photo
#18re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/16/05 at 11:18pm

Are there any other careers in theatre that you can seriously earn a living at though?

"It breaks my heart to see a grown man dressed as a Taco." -David Sedaris
I love Les Miserables.
My new pic is me(on the left)at my last dance recital:(

#19re: How do you know?
Posted: 7/17/05 at 12:10am

If you finish school and think you made a mistake you can still go to a graduate school though, (Law, Medical school etc.)

I don't exactly know what's better to life than theatre, but right now what's everyone telling me is to go to a medical school and be a nurse, or a realtor.

Someone told me, that it's better to work in a way that you love what you're doing.

