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Theatre quotes for sweatshirts!
 Jan 22 2008, 01:46:25 PM
So I've been searching online for a good quote for the back of my theatre department sweatshirts, something short and funny. any suggestions?
re: Student rush
 Apr 11 2007, 11:55:19 AM
but it doesn't have to be a college, right? I'm in high school...

Student rush
 Apr 11 2007, 08:58:28 AM
Quick question-- for student rush, do you need to be a student at a NYC school? I'm a student from Maine and need some tickets :)

any help would be awesome, thanks!

re: Audition Attire
 Jun 26 2006, 04:55:51 PM
thanks circusliz. Thats probably what I'm going to end up doing.
And bdwy24... you're response was really appriciated.

re: Audition Attire
 Jun 26 2006, 03:37:32 PM
I am 15 and technically not supposed to be auditioning for this show.. [you're supposed to be 16] but the director is letting me try out because I have alot of experience. I want to appear slightly older..but I don't want to push it.

Thanks for the advice!

re: Idinas headshot on the Wicked London site
 Jun 26 2006, 03:25:54 PM
She is so beautiful.. But that picture doesn't show it. Maybe they'll see that and decide they don't like her and then she'll come back here!

Wishful thinking... =)

Audition Attire
 Jun 26 2006, 03:23:16 PM
I know this has probably been answered, but I couldn't find anything when I did a quick search..

I'm auditioning for a community theater show is a straight comedy. I know I should wear something comfortable but I'm not sure how comfortable...

Would nice jeans and a nice tee shirt be appropriate?
I've auditioned for shows before, but this is the first time in a while and I'm a little out of the loop. =)

re: Theaters for sale
 Mar 16 2006, 08:34:27 PM
Do you have a rough guess as to how much that might cost? (It really doesn't need to be exact but I have NO idea how much this would cost).
Theaters for sale
 Mar 16 2006, 08:04:45 PM
Does anyone know if there are any theaters in the NYC area for sale? I am doing a project where we have to "spend" 10 million dollars and I thought it would be fun to "purchase" a theater...but I have absolutely no idea how much that would cost. Any help would be splendid.
re: color purple bathrooms at intermission
 Feb 25 2006, 11:07:00 AM
Although this sounds pathetic, while I was standing at the end of the line for bathrooms at the Gershwin I thought to myself "wow I wish someone had mentioned this in all the numerous discussions about the show on BWW." If I had known there were like...3 stalls, I would have ran as soon as the lights went up!
re: Auditioning for Broadway - 'Strong Singers Required'
 Feb 24 2006, 04:27:15 PM
sorry. a bit off topic..but in response to what chasef2008 said..
Last year I was in a performance of Julius Caesar. Caesar was a strong, large, man, right? Well in our performance, a 90 pound 5 foot tall girl got cast as Caesar. And surprisingly, it worked fantastically. She had such a strong personality..and I'm sure before auditions the director wasnt even considering casting a girl, let alone a tiny one.

So who knows. You could have something they never thought of.

Lion King
 Jan 23 2006, 08:41:46 PM
So I know that Lion King doesn't have the best rep because of the whole..disney thing. Is this still a good show? I am going to NYC with a friend's family and they made all of our show reservations and bought us tickets for this. I've always been a little weary about disney shows, but I've heard good things about this show. Thoughts?
Last Five Years Question
 Jan 19 2006, 07:20:54 PM
Lately I have become obsessed with my copy of The Last Five Years. I know the storyline and everything, but I was just wondering if someone could explain to me how this is staged. It seems like the two characters are rarely on stage together, is this true? If I could just get a brief outline or something of how this show looks visually that would be great.
re: Weird game with hidden musical theater joke
 Jan 7 2006, 03:40:13 PM
The big plant..."Feed me"...Little shop. That was fun. (Did I just admit that?)
re: Ages of 'Rent' cast....
 Jan 4 2006, 09:46:41 PM
Sorry if this is a really dumb question, but can someone explain what "camp" means?
re: Wierd Question... Idina's Rent tatoo?
 Dec 22 2005, 11:20:17 PM
Wow. the crazy Idina fan-ness has reached a new level...I thought that eyelash thing was bad..
what moment made you fall in love with theater?
 Dec 22 2005, 06:39:30 PM
Was it a show you attended, a performer you saw, or just a cast recording you listened to? For me it was seeing a touring production of Grease (ahh I know, tacky, but just seeing the amazing performers was so inspiring.)Anyone else have a "defining moment" of some sort?
re: Jennifer Lopez - Mimi
 Dec 22 2005, 06:27:17 PM
re: Fredi's on for awhile
 Nov 25 2005, 10:42:51 PM
Hi Fredi! I just wanted to say that even though I was too young to have ever seen you perform you are simply amazing and truly an inspiration. You're voice is so powerful and moving. It is wonderful that performers such as yourself take time out of your busy scedule to talk with us obsessive fans. I look forward to hopefully getting to see you perform someday!
re: Who did not like RENT?
 Nov 25 2005, 11:08:29 AM
Did anyone else notice that there were only 5 closeups in the entire movie? FIVE. (I wasnt counting but I went with a friend who used to be a movie critic.) It seemed like Columbus was almost afriad to get near the actors...I don't know mabye it's just me..but the whole film seemed quite detached.
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