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"Honeymoon in Vegas" Preview Thread- Page 12

"Honeymoon in Vegas" Preview Thread

macnyc Profile Photo
#275Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 11:47am

The skin cancer song wasn't as offensive as I had expected, after reading about it here.

And there are some wow moments, in my opinion, provided by the flying Elvises and Rob McClure's involvement with the troupe.

Something is keeping audiences away, and I can't figure out what it is. Side Show had subject matter that was somewhat off putting, but Honeymoon seems made for the bus tours. I agree that the marketing is not playing up the Vegas showgirl angle enough, or something.

Updated On: 12/29/14 at 11:47 AM

#276Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 11:49am

Hopefully it's the misogyny. Bus tours are largely female audiences. The women in this show are terribly written.

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#277Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 11:49am

neonlightsxo, they haven't even opened yet so STFU!

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

Kad Profile Photo
#278Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 11:51am

It's based off of a movie that isn't particularly well-known, beloved, or iconic in any way. The advertising is generic Vegas kitsch. Tony Danza isn't a draw. Word-of-mouth is middling.

There are several reasons.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#279Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 11:59am

The skin cancer song is not that offensive. People are staying away for many reasons

Cost is one especially for those unaware of papering services from out of town. The marketing is the worst in recent memory. A poster next to a bathroom in the subway is not marketing. A commercial featuring the Elvii & the Vegas numbers would do a lot. This marketing team has no clue

Unless it gets universal raves it is gone. It may even be gone with them. Too much damage was done during the 2 month preview to undo. I look at it this way. My wife & I saw it & enjoyed it. Will get the cast album when it gets posted on Amazon. I also intend to get a naughty version.

I no longer get emotional over shows closing. Saw the original sideshow & if the closing show turned up on TDF we might give it a whirl. Not paying full price . Will get the cast album to compare this production and the original. Would like to see it but will survive if we do not. Life goes on.

Poster Emeritus

#280Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 12:44pm

"The skin cancer song is not that offensive."

That's your opinion.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#281Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 1:01pm

"Would like to see it but will survive if we do not. Life goes on."

It's only taken you 87 years to learn this.


Kad Profile Photo
#282Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 1:06pm

He should really just put it as his signature, given how often he now expresses that.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#283Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 1:13pm

Now I'm considering making this my signature:

I no longer get emotional over shows closing. Saw the original sideshow & if the closing show turned up on TDF we might give it a whirl. Not paying full price . Will get the cast album to compare this production and the original. Would like to see it but will survive if we do not. Life goes on.


Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#284Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 1:17pm

God, it is starting to look like a convention of all my board buddies here.

To all of you, to quote a popular song, "Let It Go"

Have a happy & healthy new year.

Poster Emeritus

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#285Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 1:23pm

I'm just pleased to see you're still reading our posts!


Up In One Profile Photo
Up In One
#286Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 1:46pm

So sad you saw Honeymoon instead of Side Show - I'm worried about your theatrical nutrients. I saw Honeymoon in NJ, I could have saved you all those empty calories. SS would have given you the substance to go on. Side Show is well worth a full price ticket but I am sure you can get a discount, forget TDF for the closing - will never happen.

Up In One

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#287Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 1:54pm

I did not say that

We saw Honeymoon on a comp as has most of its audience. If the last show of Side showed up on TDF, we would probably see it. Honeymoon is just enjoyable. Sideshow is dark & haunting. I saw the original production. If you think any show is worth full price , that is your prerogative.

In the 80's I stayed away from theater about 5 years. I somehow survived. If my wife and I were both working we would have already seen Side on TDF. We both agree even if we were working, we would never pay the ridiculous prices they (shows in general) are asking. To some, money is no object. If that is the case, fine. Enjoy. We know people seriously obsessed with theater to the exclusion of everything else. That is their bag, great. It is not for us.

Poster Emeritus

Kad Profile Photo
#288Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 2:13pm

"In the 80's I stayed away from theater about 5 years. I somehow survived."

I'm not so sure you did.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#289Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 2:13pm

Is there some sort of web board somewhere else that is more attuned to your bag?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Up In One Profile Photo
Up In One
#290Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 2:42pm

Well with Honeymoon you got what you paid for.

"In the 80's I stayed away from theater about 5 years. I somehow survived."
Might you give that another whirl? Would it include these boards?

"We know people seriously obsessed with theater to the exclusion of everything else. That is their bag, great. It is not for us."
Your activity here suggests you may have been infected and not know it.

Up In One

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#291Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 2:51pm

Believe me, I am not infected with Broadway. God forbid if I ever got it the way some people have it

Went from getting interested in high school in the 60's to regularly going . I than took a hiatus and when I got married my wife and I started going a lot. For many reasons now we do not. We are turned off by how many good shows die too quickly and how many on this board seemingly gloat over it. They can diss a show you like that they do not. Say something against one of their favorites and they come after you with a meat ax. This is not the Broadway I grew up with & loved. It is no longer the same with me. If we see a show, fine. If not, so be it. Does not sound like I am infected with Broadway does it?

I like some people on the board and love to read some of the posts. They are really entertaining. Your crack about Honeymoon proves my point. I am trying to fathom how so mindless a show got Lord Brantley to like it.

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 12/29/14 at 02:51 PM

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#292Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 4:50pm

If you see a show you love and it closes quickly, does it really change that you loved it and make it less worthwhile to see other shows you might love? Your argument makes no sense.

And for all the not caring you claim to do you sure as hell run your mouth quite a bit on these message boards, which says otherwise. Why post if you don't care about Broadway?

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#293Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 10:43pm

What are the producers doing...waiting for and where is the marketing...TV commercial for this show? That's why it is failing and why aren't they showcasing the Vegas-Showgirl side to lure people in? That's why it is failing...for some reason tourists and those wanting to see a new show are not flocking to see it and or have any idea what it is about. I hear that ticket agents-concierges at hotels are not pushing this show and don't have interest from theater goers to see it!
Honeymoon's grosses are terrible as the love for this show is not looking good and when it finally opens after previewing 2 long months (a big mistake) it's gonna be hard to keep it open unless it gets rave reviews and for some reason people start flocking to see it (doubtful) but the owners will be breathing down for them to leave as they probably are already searching for a spring show to take over or already have one set. I finally will see it a couple days prior to the official opening so I am very curious after reading all these reviews since it started.

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George
Updated On: 12/29/14 at 10:43 PM

philly03 Profile Photo
#294Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/29/14 at 10:59pm

I still find most of this karma for Jason Robert Brown ranting (aka trashing) on his blog a few seasons ago about composers like Frank Wildhorn/'Once' composers who can't "write theatre scores/orchestrations/etc," make allegations about their abilities to read music, and yet JRB has had TWO shows REACH 100 performances (Bridges had 100 performances, 13 had I think 100 as well - Wildhorn has had 4 over 100 (including 3 over 750 perfs), or half of his openings). All his other shows have been colossal flops with audiences... This will be lucky if it opens!

Updated On: 12/29/14 at 10:59 PM

#295Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/30/14 at 9:16am

"it's gonna be hard to keep it open unless it gets rave reviews"

That's the thing. It already has a Brantley rave. And it's not helping.

LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#296Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/30/14 at 9:22am

"I still find most of this karma for Jason Robert Brown ..."

Why? It's not his fault his shows don't sell. If anything, he's brought recognition (not to mention accolades) to shows that otherwise would have been long forgotten.

"I shall stay until the wind changes."

#297Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/30/14 at 9:28am

It is easy to predict the demise of a show that is losing money each week.

It is worth pointing out that, as just one example, Gentleman's Guide had the same average ticket prices and lower attendance numbers (by actuals, not %) during previews.

I am not saying that Honeymoon will succeed after opening or arguing that the 8 week preview period is not hurting it. But the numbers are not so out of range for a new musical before opening.

Kad Profile Photo
#298Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/30/14 at 9:39am

Gentleman's Guide had half the preview time and is in a substantially smaller house.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#299Honeymoon in Vegas - Previews
Posted: 12/30/14 at 9:47am

Absolutely - and I agree the 8 weeks of previews is hurting.

All I am saying is that approximately the same number of people each week are seeing Honeymoon for approximately the same prices that saw Gentleman's Guide.

Therefore - let's see how things go after opening!

Updated On: 12/30/14 at 09:47 AM
