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Have you ever booed during a show?- Page 2

Have you ever booed during a show?

blaxx Profile Photo
#26re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 12:53am

I was there when Sherie Rene Scott was booed BADLY during ReNt:

SRS: C'mon moo with me!


Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

Eastwickian Profile Photo
Eastwickian Profile Photo
#28re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 6:45am

I didn't boo at 'In my life', but I did get told off by the woman next to me because I refused to give a standing ovation at the end.

The only time I've heard booing was after 'If you could see her through my eyes' in the recent London revival of Cabaret - I assume that the audience members had missed the point of the song and, indeed, the show....
Updated On: 3/14/08 at 06:45 AM

once a month Profile Photo
once a month
#29re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 7:29am

No way I'd boo, especially after being onstage myself with any type of mishap having occurred...but when I saw The Rink with Chita and Liza...several people booed poor Liza during her curtain call. I was extremely embarressed.

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#30re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 8:13am

Once. I saw Robert Goulet in Carousel on tour. This was back in the late 70's and he was soused. He couldn't remember his lines, he couldn't remember the lyrics ( He la la la'd his way through the soliloquy). At one point he ad libbed a line that was a direct insult to his ex wife Carol Lawrence. At this point the entire audience started booing him - I joined in. I had never seen an actor act as unprofressionally as he did during that performance. The audience booed - he started yelling back at the audience. It was a circus. I'm surprised he wasn't fired.
I might add that no one can tell me that booing him wasn't the right thing to do.

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#31re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 8:57am

No, but I have wanted to re: Have you ever booed during a show?

Oh... wait... I saw BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. I booed Gaston playfully with the young girls I took and most of the other children there re: Have you ever booed during a show?


Borstalboy Profile Photo
#32re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 9:10am

I think people SHOULD boo! If the show sucks, the show sucks. Never done it myself, but oh...that HOWARD KATZ and ugh...that THE SECRET RAPTURE! Sooooo tempting.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

suicidalmickeymouse Profile Photo
#33re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 10:59am

Ha, blaxx. That was pretty good. Mabye I'll boo Nicolette next time I go see RENT.

Hunter: Your teeth need whitening./ Heidi: You sound weird./ Jeff: You taste funny.
-Jeff Bowen's worst onstage line flub.

#34re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 11:09am

"Booing is horribly rude and incredibly disrespectful. It doesn't matter how bad the material is, the actors are giving it their all and it's awful to boo them for that."

Ehh.. Don't think I'd ever do it, but as an audience member you did PAY to see the show, so you don't owe the actors anything. Unless its disrupting other paying customers' ability to enjoy the performance, who cares? And if it's at the curtain call, it's definitely not disruptive to the performance.

Not to mention, I have seen some actors definitely NOT giving it their all.. even on Broadway, so that argument doesn't really hold water.

#35re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 11:56am

Boo? How rude! Whom would you be booing? the actors, the creators of the project, the set designers, the director, the orchestra?
One man's meat is another's poison - imagine if booing were a common practice...there would be booing from someone at nearly every performance at any given show. Dislike, don't recommend, rant on boards, but certainly don't upset/berate hardworking performers.

musikman Profile Photo
#36re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 12:05pm

I know this is slightly different, but people Boo ALL the time at the Met, and in various opera houses. It's pretty loud sometimes. Though, it still is reserved for those truly awful, or very dissapointing circumstances.

Otherwise, the only booing I've seen was at Chitty with the child catcher...when we're pretty much asked to Boo.

-There's the muddle in the middle. There's the puddle where the poodle did the piddle."

lildogs Profile Photo
#37re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 12:27pm

"However, if those people hated him that much, then that proves that he is a great actor. "

I remember reading that (WAY) back in the old days if an actor was VERY good, he'd be buried at a crossroads so that he wouldn't come back to haunt the people with his masterful protrayal of whomever. Now THAT'S an actor!

I have done as Roscoe--I only stand when I see something extraordinary.

South Fl--I would have LOVED to see Goulet act like that--priceless! NATURE, Goulet!

EugLoven Profile Photo
#38re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 2:11pm

I have not nor never will boo while in a theatre. And you have my assurance, if you booed and were within my arm's-length, I'd slap you. You agreed to come to the theatre, so leave your boos for after the show. Have some class.
Updated On: 3/14/08 at 02:11 PM

#39re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 2:14pm

Betty Buckley tells the story that on either the first preview or opening night (I forget which) of "Carrie" and during Curtain Call when it was a blackout the audience booed, and then it turned to applause when the lights came up.

DrTheatre Profile Photo
#40re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 2:19pm

I have never booed (well once at Aladdin musical at Dland), but other than that no.

I did however not give a standing ovation for the final performance of IN MY LIFE. I was in the front center 1st seat and I did not stand up and the cast notice it and blew me kisses and waved to me individually because I was really the ONLY ONE not standing through-out the entire house at curtain call.

I did not stand because the show was bad...I was not able to stand, cause my legs fell asleep. Believe me, I will give a standing ovation for anything, not because of the quality of the show, but because of the actor's having a job and doing their best work possible. That is what I mostly stand-up for....

"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim

#41re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 2:22pm

I've only experienced serious booing (as opposed to booing a villain during or at the end of a show) twice since I started going to the NY theatre in 1949. The first boo I heard was for Cyril Ritchard in THE ROAR OF THE GREASEPAINT-THE SMELL OF THE CROWD and the second was for Elizabeth Taylor in THE LITTLE FOXES. I have no idea why either boo occured.

WickedBoy2 Profile Photo
#42re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 2:33pm

'Fields Of Ambrosia' a musical at London's Aldwych Theatre got booed every night of its 22 performance run. It was so bad that at each performance from about 20 mins after the start, when the audience realized that this couldnt be taken seriously, laughed and booed like at a Victorian freak show. The biggest laugh and boo came when a male central character was gang raped and then burst into a song called 'If Aint One Thing Its Another Its Been This Way All Of My Life'!!!
Sir Lloyd Webber was seen at the theatre one performance have a wonderful time!

A young actress with Noel coward after a dreadful opening night performance said to him 'Well, i knew my lines backwards this morning!'' Noels fast reply was ''Yes dear, and thats exactly how you said them tonight'!'

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#43re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 3:05pm

"I have not nor never will boo while in a theatre. And you have my assurance, if you booed and were within my arm's-length, I'd slap you. You agreed to come to the theatre, so leave your boos for after the show. Have some class."

I disagree - there are times where boos are warranted, mainly if someone onstage is exhibiting unprofessional behavior: drunk, not knowing most of their lines, mugging and ad libbing to the point that the show becomes unimportant (some shows however are made for this mugging and thats acceptable). If an actor does these things then they deserve every boo they get.

Oh and if I were to be slapped, I would punch you right back.

blaxx Profile Photo
#44re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 4:49pm

Ha, blaxx. That was pretty good. Mabye I'll boo Nicolette next time I go see RENT.

And they weren't booing her because she was bad, they just wouldn't accept anyone but Idina Menzel. I thought she was alright, actually. They were more than ready to boo when the opportunity came, and they made noises all throughout her performance...see what happens when people obsess over some show?

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

jaystarr Profile Photo
#45re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 5:00pm

To RyToast....

I wont be able to make it tommorow on SOUTH PACIFIC, so I gave my ticket to Spellingbeefan4evr...You and him are gonna sit together and .You guys need to bond!....

I just set up a DATE for tommorow, RyToast, Enjoy !re: Have you ever booed during a show?


(just kiddin'....stop picking on one another!)

Updated On: 3/14/08 at 05:00 PM

shh282 Profile Photo
#46re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/14/08 at 5:16pm

The thought never crossed my mind to do so- but I like to not be rude to people trying to provide me with entertainment.

#47re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/17/08 at 5:55pm

I have never booed. But I have inadvertently giggled out loud when a show was really bad - for example the opening of Jane Eyre, Jane Eyre, Jane Eyre, Jane Eyre.

amalou Profile Photo
#48re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/17/08 at 6:40pm

I have experienced sitting through a show I hated but it really doesn't take great self control to keep from booing, sighing, groaning or laughing in inappropriate places. What is the point? You really think other people care or need to know what you're thinking of the show?

The actors may not hear you, but other patrons can and even though you don't like the show, maybe they do. I just think it's disrespectful and rude to make your negative opinion of a show known while it's being performed. You don't have to clap, you can leave if it's THAT bad, but just out of respect for everyone else, it's better to refrain from immature behavior like that.

"But I can tell you that Raoul, who was so handsome in "The Phantom," is now a drunken wreck."

kec Profile Photo
#49re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/17/08 at 7:09pm

The first time I saw Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in London, I was startled to hear booing and hissing when the Child Catcher made his first appearance, and then every time he came on stage. On subsequent visits, I joined in heartily re: Have you ever booed during a show?. By the time the original cast was nearing the end of their time with the show the booing/hissing had extended to the two spies as well. One scene in particular comes to mind: Grandpa Potts (the delightful Anton Rodgers) was alone on stage singing "We Three" (a continuation of "You Two"). The spies came on stage, poorly hidden by a bush. The hissing started in full force. Grandpa stopped, shivered, and said, "my the wind has suddenly picked up."

The Boy From Ohio Profile Photo
The Boy From Ohio
#50re: Have you ever booed during a show?
Posted: 3/17/08 at 7:22pm

I have never booed. Don't plan to!

9/10 - Next To Normal, Ensemble Theatre
9/18 - Brian Stokes Mitchell, Cincy Pop's
9/28 - Death Of A Salesman, Wright State
