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Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage- Page 2

Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage

circusliz Profile Photo
#25re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/23/06 at 7:03am

The characters of Tommy and Al Joad butt naked on stage during the Colorado River scene in a production of "The Grapes of Wrath" at Capital Rep. in Albany, NY

On the road of life, do not pause for suicidal chipmunks who freeze in your headlights, seeking death by your tires...

#26re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/23/06 at 11:56am

In wicked when Elphaba turns Boq into a tinman

renthead112305 Profile Photo
#27re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/23/06 at 12:18pm

My first time seeing RENT and Maureen moons Benny.... I totally wasn't expecting that...

"Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature."

jennykett89 Profile Photo
#28re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/23/06 at 12:20pm

"jenny I ALWAYS have those moments where I randomly start laughing because of that one precious moment. For example, another DRS one because that show's so funny, is when Ruprecht starts kissing him then licking him and then... oh dear, need I say more? I would laugh in the middle of something serious and this nice old couple would shoot me awkward stares. "

HA I'm not the only crazy one!!! I love that DRS moment... Priceless

#29re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/23/06 at 1:46pm

Easily my most memorable was Jim Dale in Scapino (back in the dark ages) where he ran through the audience. Not through the aisle - through the audience on the spaces BETWEEN the seats.

I remember being in the mezzanine and being so amazed I literally jumped out of my seat to peer over the railing (I WAS on the aisle). I couldn't believe my eyes and that memory has stayed with me since.


Jade Profile Photo
#30re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/23/06 at 3:29pm

Another DRS one:
When Norbert (sorry, I can't remember his character's name) starts thrashing around on the floor trying to eat the beef jerky. It was the first time I've laughed until I cried at a show.

AlmostFamous Profile Photo
#31re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/23/06 at 5:01pm


The Second Act of THe WOMan in White
esp. The Seduction Scene and You can get away with anything!
I almost peed my pantS!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#32re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/23/06 at 5:12pm

When Millie is talking to Graydon about Tom Sawyer, and then she falls out of the chair in Thoroughly Modern Millie.

When Deanna starts making out with the priest, and she puts her leg up on him in See What I Wanna See. Jaw-dropping and hilarious.

pianoman215 Profile Photo
#33re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/23/06 at 5:14pm

The second act shower scene in Take Me Out with six naked actors showering every inch of their bodies made my jaw drop.

hannahshule Profile Photo
#34re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/23/06 at 5:22pm

broadwaygirl107- I LOOOVE that moment, it was my former signature!

~And let us try, before we die, to make some sense of life~

BroadwayChica Profile Photo
#35re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/23/06 at 5:27pm

When I was about 12 years old, I went to go see "Judas Kiss" with my parents. The FIRST thing you see in that play is a completely naked woman, standing up, receiving oral sex. I almost DIED (and had a hysterical, and inappropriate laughing fit with my sister. I was 12!!!)

The adult only Spelling Bee (last night) also provided some genuine "Oh my god!" moments. Among them, the sentence given for "finger": Dry and sore but finally satisfied, Sally removed her finger from...

My Name in Lights
#36re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/23/06 at 6:44pm

Jarrod Emick's last performance in Rocky Horror for sure! (this was not the last night of the show)

and then of course, closing night of Rocky Horror. Instigator of all the fun both nights: Terrence Mann, followed by most of the rest of the cast members.

Unfortunately, neither incident can be repeated here; but definitely Broadway standouts.

Kellie Profile Photo
#37re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 10:37am

I (believe it or not) just saw my first real musical- the Lion King- about a month ago, and all the way through Circle of Life I was sobbing!! SOBBING! I was in the fourth row and I could swear two hyena's and both Mufasa and Rafiki were looking if I was ok again at curtain call.. (sobbing!)

Demitri2 Profile Photo
#38re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 3:07pm

Jaw dropping- I can't believe no one mentioned Toni Collette dropping her costume to her waiste and exposing her naked breasts within the first five minutes of "The Wild Party". Sitting first row center was a jolting experience. The black and blue marks on her thighs and legs didn't help either (and NO it wasn't part of her body makeup as in the "Cabaret" chorus girls). But then again, how many people even saw the show?

LorelaiGilmore Profile Photo
#39re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 3:59pm

most moments from spelling bee, especially lisa's comments on the volunteers

lots of moments from DRS, the producers and spamalot

and circusliz, i know the capital rep, my mom's there all the time, do you live near there?

oy with the poodles already!

NYC4Life Profile Photo
#40re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 4:04pm

When Jennifer Tilly stands up naked in the bath tub during the women.

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#41re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 4:30pm

Definitely the beef jerky scene in DRS. I almost peed my pants. Also the entire Ruprecht scene, especially when Norbert licked John's cheek.

The scene in the Odd Couple when Matthew Broderick goes to throw a glass and claims he hurt his arm. Or when he is trying to clear his head and makes these awful sounds while blowing his nose.

In Cabaret (revival), the Emcee is dressed like one of the Kit Kat Girls and then jumps out saying "It's me. It's me." So funny. Also the whole improv at the beginning of the 2nd act when the Emcee has girl and then a guy from the audience dance with him on stage. The guy Adam Pascal (as the Emcee) brought up looked terrified.

The Drowsy Chaperone -- the beginning of act 2 with the Asians. I cannot describe it, but it you have seen the show, you know what I am talking about

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

holdmetouchme Profile Photo
#42re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 4:50pm

Hillarious moment - during "Betrayed" in The Producers, Bialystock stopping and sitting down for a few seconds when he gets to "Intermission".

Perhaps it was not a dream.

#43re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 5:05pm

Everything in Urinetown, just all the show spoofs were hilarious, especially the end of Act I and the Les Mis spoof!!

dramaparoxysm23 Profile Photo
#44re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 5:32pm

As Spamalot was my first Broadway show, I'll probably remember that forever...
The part I remember laughing at (a part I wasn't expecting from the soundtrack or movie) was when Herbert's father says to Lancelot, "My God, you're gay!" Also, King Arthur to Lady of the Lake: "But you're a fairy!" LotL: "No, that's Lancelot." And DHP doing the "Alms for the poor!" The hay (HEY!) during "You Won't Succeed On Broadway..."
Oh, and I loved in Chicago when Velma says at the beginning of Act 2, "Welcome back, suckers."
And of course, the whole of La Vie Boheme in RENT. During intermission I was still saying "Wow! I can't believe what they're allowed to do onstage!" I loved it.

I remember days
Or at least I try
But as years go by
They're sort of haze
And the bluest ink
Isn't really sky
And at times I think
I would gladly die
For a day of sky

And Starbucks will use the words 'large' and 'small', not pretentious crap like grande and tall.
"You could get away with anything if you call it art and tell people who don't like it that it's cutting edge culture." --vmlinnie
Updated On: 1/24/06 at 05:32 PM

#45re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 6:01pm

FAV JAW-DROPPING MOMENT: the first time I saw THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and saw those candles rise from the floor during title number.

Close second is seeing the All That Jazz in the revival of CHICAGO the first time. It was (and is) just an amazing number.

FAV HILARIOUS MOMENT: hearing & seeing CHICAGO's The Cell Block Tango for the first time.

Mark Loves His Scarf Profile Photo
Mark Loves His Scarf
#46re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 7:57pm

Just thought of another one. A regional theatre did Bye Bye Birdie and even though I knew it was coming, it still made my jaw drop. Towards the end of Act One where Conrad Birdie kissed the father's lips instead of the girl's. THEN he made this hilarious DISGUSTED face as soon as he realized it was him. The face- I SO FUNNY. It was like he tasted the most disgusting thing ever.

"I haven't got a pail." "Find your grail, your GRAIL!" "But it's not missing. It's right on the counter where it's supposed to- defying gravity, my giant cup's gone!" "Five hundred, twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes. How do you measure... measure a year?" "How many times do I have to tell you, it's five hundred twenty-five thousand, five hundred and eighty-five point thirty-two minutes. You will never graduate if you keep basing your math on showtunes." "You ruin Broadway for me." "As well I should."

jeremykushnier1fan Profile Photo
#47re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 8:04pm

Tango Maureen, fricken' hilarious and it made me love Mark that much more.

Spamalot, well, the whole thing.

QuiteSo Profile Photo
#48re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 8:15pm

The dancing swastika in The Producers. Having been a fan of the movie for years before I saw the show, I was sitting there through "Springtime for Hitler" mentally saying "Come on, swastika! Oh no, they're not going to do that a MIRROR? YES!!!!". Yeah, so I clapped and was laughing hysterically into "Where Did We Go Right?". So good, so good.

When I saw Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, during "Chimp in a Suit", Norbert came out in the jacket and boxer shorts and, as he was leaving, started scratching himself...well, needless to say, I saw quite a bit more of NLB than I had expected!

Merrily we roll along, roll along...
Updated On: 1/24/06 at 08:15 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#49re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 8:20pm

Pow Bam Zonk - From Superman - Takes Place in an abandoned powerhouse

The Strongest Man In The World - From Superman - While singing a lament to Lois Lane, he is bending a standing light fixture into a pretzel

Poster Emeritus
