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Evita Recordings

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#1Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 3:07am

I must admit that I am biased, because I bought Madonna's version while a teenager, but although I think Patti Lupone is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Madonna and Mandy Patinkin is million times better than Banderas, I don't enjoy the original B'way recording that much.
Any better recordings of ALW's masterpiece?

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#2Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 3:25am

I'm not a huge fan of the Elena Rodger recording. Whoever is playing Che has quite the voice, but doesn't seen very connected to the piece. Rodger sings the score phonetically, which is quite distracting.

But I downloaded it solely because I love 'You Must Love Me', and they use it in the production.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

#2Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 3:51am

Evita's an odd show, at least for me when I wanna choose which to listen to.

I do like the soundtrack quite a lot even if I don't think any of the leads are great, they're all more than adequate, I like the orchestrations which are a bit of a mix of the Broadway and the concept album's rockier sound, and for the most part like the song choices.

The Broadway recording is kinda essential if you're a fan, though I kinda understand your feelings on it. I think I like it more--it's my fave of the three major stage versions, and reflects the brilliant Hal Prince production, but I'm nto sure it'd be a fave...

The London revival one is highlights, and I don't play it much although I've been told it was great to see on stage... As for the original cast album--the Elaine Paige UK one, it's also highlights only and is oddly a rather dull listen. It's just not very well produced or something and comes off as very lifeless (something which a friend of mine says didin't represent the original London production at all). It is interesting if you're obsessive like I can be because they made some lyric changes by the time it came to LA/New York, as well as revised the orchestrations (which sound pretty thin here). Annoyingly too the songs are all slightly (or more) edited to fit on one record--and liek I said many left out completely..

However I think the original concept album has a LOT to recommend it if you're a fan. Julie Covington is simply great as Evita (I still find it odd she declined the role on stage), I'm no big fan but Colm Wilkinson is a good Che as well. It's by far the most "rock" version of the show (a bit more like Jesus Christ Superstar) and of course when Hal Prince agreed to do the show he wisely suggested numerous changes to make it work better on stage than just as a record (notably cutting Che's silly insecticide subplot--some of the music for which was re used in the film). Anyway, I'd really recommend picking it up--it's fascinating to see how the show changed, and it's a great recording (although I believe the CD is an older release with so so sound and hasn't been remastered).
Updated On: 5/10/11 at 03:51 AM

choitoy Profile Photo
#3Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 4:06am


I believe there has been a remastered version of the Julie Covington concept recording (I think the recent Decca re-release was the remastered. I think there's a small silver sticker on the cover saying so.)

I can't vouch for the sound quality on this one though, as Julie Covington does nothing for me as Evita. I like Colm, but the whole insecticide subplot was utterly confusing and distracting. Since I'm so used to the OBC/Movie Soundtrack versions, it's really jarring to listen to Che talk about insecticide.

Also, for stage versions in English, there's the Florence Lacey 1989 World Tour cast, highlights only again, and I don't remember how it sounds like (I'll probably have to dig it out). I think this one is out of print, but should still be somewhat easy to be found on the internet.

I wonder if the Elena Roger/Ricky Martin Broadway revival comes to pass, if they would record them (or more than likely, dub Ricky Martin over Matt Rawle).

If you don't mind Evita not being sung in English, there are some other pretty good versions out there (the 1981 Madrid cast comes to mind. It's out of print again, but it is the full show).

Xanadu! Can't cry on cue!

chewy5000 Profile Photo
#4Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 4:20am

I'm very much enjoying the London revival recording. The new orchestrations are pretty fierce (Art of the Possible, anyone?), as is Roger's voice. I think her 'phonetic' singing adds to it, giving it a raw edge. Also, because it is 'highlights', it cuts some of the odd bits that cause the OBCR to drag a tad, as great as its performances are. The OLCR is a tiny bit dull, but has its moments. Not a fan of the Concept album, largely due to its rockier, rough sound. Can't say about the Soundtrack. It's the only one I don't have.

If anyone has heard it, the bass part in the Australian recording's "Buenos Aires" is infectiously odd.

#5Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 4:45am

My favorite recording will always be the film soundtrack. Madonna's narrow range meant that some of the over the top harmonies Webber originally wrote got cut or tamed down. This was a plus for me because those moments literally hurt my ears on the various cast recordings. I also Just really like Madonna and Banderas in these roles. It also supplies my favorite version of High Flying Adored.

Florence Lacey does make a great Eva on the World Tour Recording, but I don't recall it having that great of a Che or Juan. It has been a while since I have listened to it.

The concept album is nearly unbearable for me. I hate Colm Wilkinson. I hate his falsetto, I hate his vibrato, I hate the way he forms words with his lips, I hate the gruff quality of his voice, I just can't stand him. Because he sings a huge part of the score I can't listen to it.

The cast OBCR is a must have for any collector. This was recorded back when Patti did actually use her lips to form words rather than just letting notes fall out of her mouth. Mandy is fantastic, and the score sounds great. If it weren't for those ear splitting notes in the harmonies it could have been my favorite.

The 1981 Spanish recording has my favorite orchestration and the voices are great, it is well worth tracking down.

Matt Rawle is amazing as Che on the London Revival recording, and Elana does a serviceable job in the title role. Philip Quast seems underused here as Juan.

I have the New Zeland and Australian Recordings, but have never really listened to them. I will eventually get to that so I can comment on them in six months when this topic is sure to come up again.

#6Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 5:06am

I'm a bit surprised no one else much likes the concept album--I love the rockier sound, which the movie used some of, though I think Prince was wise to request the changes he wanted for stage, but it's a nice alternative (ok that insecticide plot is just bizarre and campy--and something I don't even understand).

Choitoy--thanks I think you're right that it was remastered, though I don't own it. I guess I was thinking how some fans were upset that they never remastered the Patti recording--due partly as at the time they were pushing the new recording.

#7Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 5:30am

There is also the European Tour from a few years back. It is a nice recording with some... interesting arrangements.

#8Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 7:23am

I think the film soundtrack is the best one also.

I grew up with the OBC and I never understood why Patti yelled all the songs. To me she was just screaming all the time and I found it unlistenable. Even though Madonna didn't hit the high notes, I felt the voice/character by Madonna was humanized and brought down to earth in the recording.

Waltz for Eva and Che is probably my favorite on that album.

and of course,..You Must Love me.

all this I want to see it.
Can't believe that film is already 15 years old.

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#9Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 10:48am

I definitely prefer the concept album above the others overall. I just love it that it has that crazy mix of lush symphonic and heavy rock elements. And Julie, although more of a screamer is ice cold as Eva, which is a great thing.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

Amalia Balash Profile Photo
Amalia Balash
#10Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 11:49am

Back when I bought the concept album in LP form, I remember reading somewhere someone describing Julie Covington's voice as like "celery". Always liked that description of the crispness and coldness I felt from her Evita.

The original concept album and OBC shaped my expectations of Evita a long time ago. But I agree that the insecticide subplot was unnecessary should have been zapped out.

Joey. Profile Photo
#11Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 12:46pm

Well, the OBC recording is best, as is the Madrid cast. Paloma is a KILLER Eva.

My guilty pleasure EVITA cast recording has to be the '97 Japanese tour cast album. It features my favorite arrangements and orchestrations of the show and the cast is terrific.

wickedfan Profile Photo
#12Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 1:08pm

I find the soundtrack to be pleasant, easy listening. That, however, is NOT what Evita is. Evita is exciting, larger than life and sometimes a little strange. For me, that is what the OBC is.

I'm not the biggest Lupone fan (never found her to be anything special in Gypsy), but her work on Evita is extraordinary. There is some tension in her voice on the cast recording, but what do you expect? It was recorded over the course of two weeks while she was doing the LA run at the same time. Only Wonder Woman could get through all of that unharmed. If you go to "that site," there is audio from the soundboard of the opening night on Broadway. Listen to it. It's thrilling and Lupone has never sounded better singing the score.

The orchestrations on the OBC are better than on the OLC and the tempos are faster, not to mention it's the entire score (not highlights). The soundtrack has some really lush, elegant orchestrations (though every now and then it sounds very, well, 90's) and they do an admirable job of working around Madonna's limited range, but songs that should knock you over like "Rainbow High" and "A New Argentina" just don't register. Also, they totally sanitize Eva Peron on the soundtrack, giving all of her coldest, sassiest and powerful lyrics to other characters or just eliminating them all together ("But your despicable class is dead...", "Who the hell does the King of England think he is..." ALL of "Dice are Rolling").

It also changes the dynamic between Eva and Che, as well as Eva's placement in the whole show. In the movie, Eva never does, well, ANYTHING. We see her do a lot of charity and dance with different men and that's it. I remember while Che would sing about her crooked doings, I would always think "What is it that she's actually DOING?" There's no danger to Madonna's Evita. She's just there: singing fairly well and looking pretty.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#13Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 1:38pm

That's all really well said, wickedfan. I agree completely.

#14Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 1:39pm

I actually really like the Icelandic recording...something about them is pretty kick ass, and the orchestra is on fire!

LALALand Profile Photo
#15Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 2:50pm

I agree with most of what has been said about the OBC, Soundtrack, London (both versions) and Tour recordings. I wanted to add to the English language recordings, the 2001 European Cast. It is headed by Caryn Lynn Manuel (sp?). She is way out of her league vocally; however, it is interesting if only for the fact that it is live. I do not have the cd in front of me, but I think Nicholas Rodriguez is her Che. I would only recommend this for completists.

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#16Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 3:40pm

I would like the Caryn Lyn Manuel recording more if it didn't feature synthesized strings and a generally tinny sounding orchestra. The fact it's live just makes that all the more unforgivable.

My fave recorded Eva is Patti but the awful mixing on the OBC (oops, I mean the American Premiere cast recording) really puts me off. Half the orchestra is buried in the background somewhere and parts of it are offensively loud. The vocals are great but sometimes are mixed in too loud...Magaldi, for example.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

twinbelters Profile Photo
#17Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/10/11 at 4:47pm

I've been hunting for the Icelandic cast...

The OBC is the best I've heard, but I'm open to some of these other versions I've yet to hear like the London revival.

With Irma you gotta do something!

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#18Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/11/11 at 3:02am

I just feel that Madonna is at least trying to hit the high notes, and although she doesn't hit them in a powerful way, she attempts to hit them. Patti could hit them and doesn't even attempt to, she doesn't use her head voice at all, and she certainly has the talent to.
I feel the same way about her recording of Sunset BLVD. It's dull and lacks emotion.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

ljay889 Profile Photo
#19Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/11/11 at 3:04am

Roger's recording is a truly painful listening experience.

ClapYo'Hands Profile Photo
#20Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/11/11 at 3:43am

I've yet to hear the Icelandic or European tour cast recordings.

The one I always listen to is the American Premiere Recording since it's complete AND Patti and Mandy are amazing.

If the London revival had a complete cast recording, I would listen to that more often since the new orchestrations kick ass and are less lazy than the originals. Also for Roger and Quast - phenomenal cast members.
Updated On: 5/11/11 at 03:43 AM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#21Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/11/11 at 9:35am

My favorite EVITA recording has always been the Original Madrid Recording starring Paloma San Basilio as "Eva Perón".

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#22Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/11/11 at 12:33pm

I just feel that Madonna is at least trying to hit the high notes, and although she doesn't hit them in a powerful way, she attempts to hit them. Patti could hit them and doesn't even attempt to, she doesn't use her head voice at all, and she certainly has the talent to.

I might be a little dense, but I have no idea what you're saying.

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#23Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/11/11 at 12:36pm

Yeah, Patti's famous for not hitting the high notes in "Evita."


PalJoey Profile Photo
#24Evita Recordings
Posted: 5/11/11 at 4:36pm

Patti's high notes on the words "He supports you, / For he loves you, / Understands you, / Is one of you" followed by her low notes on "If not, / How could he love me" remain one of the three or four most intense goose-bump moments I have ever had sitting in a theater.

Let me think what those would include...:

* Patti LuPone's high notes in "A New Argentina" (Evita)

* Angela Lansbury, bowing after "Rose's Turn" (Gypsy)

* The female ghosts taking over in Michael Bennett's staging of "Who's That Woman?" (Follies)

* Debbie Allen's high kicks in "America" (West Side Story)

* Eileen Heckart's silent scream (Mother Courage)
