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Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA

Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA

#1Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 7:27pm

I've heard great things about Cherry Jones in this show. Does anybody think it'll make its way to Broadway this Spring?

#2Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 7:35pm

I know their contracts already had Broadway clauses, but nothing is guaranteed. They're still waiting on buzz, reviews, demand, etc. The leads may be great but big-selling names they are not. Yes, Quintos is in Star Trek and American Horror Story, but judging by his Billy on the Street, he's not the draw of those.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:22pm

Would they able to do it this spring? They don't even close until 3/17.

I was suppose to see this last Saturday, but Mass. was in a state of emergency and we weren't allowed to drive. The ART was FAB about allowing us to exchange our tix even before the storm hit, and I'll be going for Valentine's Day.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#3Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:24pm

If this would transfer, I'd just pee myself with excitement. I want to see it SO SO SO SO bad!

#4Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:27pm

Me too! I plan on wearing a diaper for a few days after they officially open in case the reviews are stellar and they announce the transfer.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#5Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:28pm

I'm just happy their contracts included Broadway clauses....just in case.

#6Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:30pm

To be honest, I've not seen their exact contracts, but a friend who works at ART told me that.

Supposedly they want to maybe extend a week or two in Cambridge, then transfer within a week or two of that and open right at the Tony cut off. Quintos has no major film/tv lined up at the moment.

#7Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:37pm

Happy Valentine's day, what a great Valentine! With the closing in mid March, I assume it could make a pretty swift move to Broadway. I'll be living through you vicariously on St. Valentine's day!
Thanks to everybody for the info. As far as the incontinence problem, I would also need to be in Depends when Cherry steps out on the stage!

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#8Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:38pm

So, wouldn't they need to already have a theater lined up?

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#9Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:38pm

Who knows, the reviews are far from in. On paper, it seems glorious, but so did Mrs Warren's Profession and I didn't care for Cherry at ALL in that.

SondheimFan5 Profile Photo
#10Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:39pm

Is it good? Has anyone seen it? This play is revived so often.

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#11Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:43pm

But Roundabout just did this in 2010. Who is going to shell out $150 or so for a revival so soon? This is not going to draw in tourists.

God knows, I love me some Cherry Jones, but who knows her outside the theatre world? Well, she was amazing as the President on 24, but in this disposable society, I'd be surprised if the average ticket buyer recalls or even watched that. And Zach Quinto? He' s fantastic, but are Stat Trek and American Horror Story fans really going to race to the theatre to see this? Probably not.

I am sure it is a lovely production but everything does not have to transfer.

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#12Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:43pm

But Roundabout just did this in 2010. Who is going to shell out $150 or so for a revival so soon? This is not going to draw in tourists.

God knows, I love me some Cherry Jones, but who knows her outside the theatre world? Well, she was amazing as the President on 24, but in this disposable society, I'd be surprised if the average ticket buyer recalls or even watched that. And Zach Quinto? He' s fantastic, but are Stat Trek and American Horror Story fans really going to race to the theatre to see this? Probably not.

I am sure it is a lovely production but everything does not have to transfer.

#13Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:44pm

Also watching this in a couple of days, so will post my thoughts then.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#14Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:48pm

Of course not everything has to transfer, but that seems to have been the goal from the inception of this production.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#15Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/12/13 at 8:48pm

Of course not everything has to transfer, but that seems to have been the goal from the inception of this production.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#16Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/15/13 at 3:58pm

I watched this last night, and thought the cast was stellar. Cherry Jones was pretty much perfect, demonstrating her ability to portray someone with such multi-layered emotions, often at the same time. Celia's final scenes were heartbreaking. Zachary was very much in command of his character, and his narration at the beginning and end were well done. Brian was convincing, charming, and conflicted as the gentleman caller.

One of the most striking things about this production is the set. The room is surrounded by a reflective liquid (probably mostly water, but I accidentally touched it and it was sticky and black), which creates a reflection of the set and actors. It also nicely emphasizes the feeling of being trapped with no sense of escape...the fire escape stairs continue to the ceiling, and the actors make their entrances either from below the stage or from a dark back entrance.

Also, I don't think this is a spoiler, but I suppose someone can perceive it to be, so you've been warned. Although there is nothing in the play that explicitly characterizes Tom to be gay, I thought there were several not-so-subtle references or choices of direction that strongly imply that he is (at least in this interpretation). And I got the sense he was infatuated with Jim...but again, that's just the way he seemed to me.

Overall, very strong production. Highly recommend that people go see it if they can!

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#17Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/15/13 at 4:31pm

I was there last night as well. I thought it was quite lovely. There were a number of absolutely breath-taking moments.

I'll agree with the set being beautiful (and Lensters quantifying of it's symbolism) but didn't like how the actors were aware of that "water". It seems like it should only have been for the audience to be aware of.

I did NOT care for Hoggett's "movement". It took me right out of the moment. I just didn't get it, at all. (Do you have a take on in, lenster?)

Performances: Jones was wonderful. Maybe it is my own age and motherhood, but this is the first time I "liked" Amanda, maybe I just understand her better. Althought I felt Quinto struggled with keeping his accent consistent, I thought he choices were interesting and valid, and really felt his struggle. Keenan-Bolger was my least favorite, but I wouldn't call her a weak link. I just wanted her to give me more: more feeliings, more layers, just "more".

I found Brian J Smith (Gentleman Caller) to be a revelation. He brought so much spirit, thought and essence to the character. You could see the high school BMOC still shining through.

Please feel free to ask specific questions.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

supersam1026 Profile Photo
#18Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/15/13 at 4:39pm

Have any of you tried to stage door? And if so, where is it and who signs? Thanks!

dtzumbrunnen Profile Photo
#20Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/15/13 at 4:59pm

I also thought the dance-like movements were a bit strange and distracting. But I think it works because of what Tom says during his opening monologue - "I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion." He prepares the audience for an experience that might be somewhat otherwordly and ethereal. Also seen with Laura's entrance/exit.

supersam, I did stage door last night, but unfortunately, no one came out that night. The usher said they usually do, so maybe they had Valentine's plans. Interestingly, as I was walking to the T stop, I saw Zachary, who was walking his dogs with a few friends. I was going to congratulate him on his performance, but as I was passing him, his dog decided to do his business on the sidewalk, so decided to leave him alone. haha...

Updated On: 2/15/13 at 04:59 PM

#21Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/15/13 at 5:02pm

Wow, sounds like a rave from Brantley.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#22Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/15/13 at 7:23pm

How can it work if you find it 'distracting'? (Not trying to argue, just discuss.) It seemed as if all the hand movement at the dining room table had "meaning", but I'll be damned if I had any idea WHAT it meant.

I LOVED Laura's entrance and exit (and way too big a spoiler to put in writing here) -- astounding.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#23Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/15/13 at 7:50pm

I'm seeing this on Sunday and could NOT be more excited.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#24Current Production of The Glass Menagerie in Cambridge, MA
Posted: 2/15/13 at 7:58pm

Brantley's "Mr. Quinto, best known for his screen work, is the finest Tom I’ve ever seen" =I want to bang Zach Quinto.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello
