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Christian Groups View on the movie Rent- Page 2

Christian Groups View on the movie Rent

Greekmusicalfan Profile Photo
#25re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/7/05 at 8:32pm

Em, no one said that all Christians are like that. True Christians are tolerant, loving and forgiving just like Jesus preached. I am a Christian too, but I belive in God, not the different organised religious groups that twist His word for manipulative and exploitative reasons ! I also believe that there are wonderful Muslims, Jewish, Buddhist etc. people, that are true to the spirit of every religion that is love and acceptance. It's the stupid ignorant fanatics in every religion, that really make me angry. Can't they realise what damage they do, to the same ideas they think they are protecting ?

#26re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/7/05 at 8:39pm

Greekmusicalfan- I know that no one said that here, and that I am glad for :) It's just that in my experience when people hear the word "Christian" they think of George Bush. I personally don't feel that people who wrote the comments regarding the RENT movie are Christian. Christianity is about accepting and loving everyone, no matter their age, race gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. It just bothers me that when people find out that I'm a Christian, they automatically assume that I hate gays, constantly listen to Tobey Keith, do a little prayer to George Bush every night, and wear buttons that say "IF you have an abortion, you're going to HELL."
Updated On: 12/7/05 at 08:39 PM

Kass983 Profile Photo
#27re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/7/05 at 8:51pm

Let me just add that I didn't mean to come across as slamming all Christians; I only slam the hypocrites. I'm Christian myself, and know many wonderful and accepting people within that group as well as from others. Em, I thought your story and what your mother said was absolutely wonderful and good to hear.

#28re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/7/05 at 8:58pm

A Brief Timeline of History - past, present, and future.......

Intolerant Christian: I don't durn-near like dem gays 'n liberals....and homersexuals....'n stuff...

Whiney Liberal: WHAT!? How dare you! I can't STAND you people! Why can't you think like me!! You're so INTOLERANT!!

Intolerant Christian: do what what now?

Whiney Liberal: I thought you people were all about 'love'?!

Intolerant Christian: HEY--I am FILLED with the love of Christ!! (chunks Bible at W.L. like hand grenade)

Whiney Liberal: Hey, you better watch it mister, or I'm gonna go kiss a dude! That'll show you, whatta ya think of that, huh? Huh?! HUH!!!


Whiney Liberal: Oh, you wanna fight, bitch, is that it!?

Intolerant Christian: LOUD NOISES!!

Whiney Liberal: (an aside) Hm, it appears I've phased plan is working! Now we can have an adult conversation in a nice, calm--

Itolerant Christian: Yur goin to Hell!

Whiney Liberal: Alright, that's it---

--A Lord of the Rings-esque battle ensues; all perish.

...Osama Bin Ladden comes out of hiding...
...Brad and Jen make up...
...iPods become the new world currency...
...and it's officially declared that it takes approximately 525,600 licks to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop.

--Morgan Freeman leads the Antarctic Penguins in a global uprising; their totalitarian reign of terror commences...

--Enter: Michael Moore

Food for thought...

#29re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/7/05 at 9:21pm

thats beautiful rentaholic <3

"But now the air is filled with confusion. We replace care with illusion."

#30re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/7/05 at 9:25pm

thank you, Greenegirl.

by the way, I was in no way suggesting that Christians can't be liberal or vice versa. :)
Updated On: 12/8/05 at 09:25 PM

#31re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/7/05 at 9:26pm

Don't worry, I am a Christian liberal and found that incredibly amusing.

"But now the air is filled with confusion. We replace care with illusion."

uncageg Profile Photo
#32re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/8/05 at 10:54am

Very nice Rentaholic2. Epecially the last line!

Just give the world Love.

best12bars Profile Photo
#33re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/8/05 at 11:06am

I'll bet the Christian Zealot who came up with this Rent "List of Naughties" had a fun, arousing experience spending THAT much time carefully writing them all down in such detail. They really put a lot of "noble work" into it.

If only the Marketing Departments at Revolution and Sony had stated this movie upholds a Christian sensibility and Mimi is actually symbolic for Mary Magdalene and Roger is Jesus... we'd have scores of church groups going to see this film to "grasp the true meaning" (among other things) as they are now with Narnia.

"Perception" can be such an evil weapon.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#34re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/8/05 at 12:09pm

Show me ONE male christian that has NEVER masturbated, and you are showing me a liar. Isn't lying one of the things they list?

And don't you love how things are taken out of context? "There is no future. There is no past." isn't about nihlism... whatever. Let's take Jesus sleeping with Mary Magdelene out of context then... isn't lying with a known prostitute a sin ? It's on the list...

I'm surprised they didn't quote Leviticus about not wearing clothes of mixed fabrics because it is a sin... it's winter... show me a Christian not wearing wool or cotton sweaters with leather boots and gloves... and let's not even touch "false" fabrics like nylon!

I remember when the show opened, and the radical Christians picketed and said things like, "Jonathan Larson's death was God's way of saying RENT shouldn't happen." It was appalling then and it is now.

Notice they don't say a whole lot about the Jewish stuff... of course Jesus was a Jew. Hmmm...

I'm Christian. I'm gay. And I don't doubt for one minute that God and Jesus love me.

"Cor! me bones is weary!" -Mrs. Lovett

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#35re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/8/05 at 12:26pm

irresponsibility with fire makes me laugh.

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

#36re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/8/05 at 1:16pm

OK, this is a little off-topic, but I found it so freakin' hilarious I had to share.

I surfed the CAPalert website, the site that puts out these 'reviews', for kicks, and came across the review for March of the Penguins, which is basically a nature documentary. It got pretty good ratings, but lost points for sexual immorality because animals are shown copulating (though they did point out it was in a non-sensuous way), and lost for wanton violence/crime because there was "death by a predator, no gore" and "death by freezing". So I guess nature itself is immoral?

Laughed my head off when I saw it.

BTW, no hypocrites there -- they HATED the Harry Potter movies.

#37re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/8/05 at 8:43pm

* irresponsibility with fire

That one had me rolling around on the floor with laughter.

Some people are way too extreme... and don't they understand that banning makes no sense? Other people believe different things, you can't force your way of thinking on them. Just don't go see it.

changinandhow Profile Photo
#38re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/8/05 at 9:01pm

* revelry

OH SNAP. What a sin.

The fire bit kind of killed me.

dragon8fly2005 Profile Photo
#39re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/8/05 at 9:19pm

I see the brunt of this opposition on campus.

I go to a Christian liberal arts school in TN. Probably the most conservative area I can think of right now.

I, love Rent. And I know of many of my friends on campus who love it as well. I have friends who refuse to see it because "it has homosexuals." What people don't understand, mainly a majority of Christians, is that what Rent is (along with many other musicals/movies/TV shows) reality. By ignoring Rent and other projects like it, is ignoring reality. Christians have created this exclusive sub-culture that condemns anything not of the righteous. I live in it daily, and I live with one who is like this, and it's completely frustrating to witness it.

I like what (I believe it was Em's mom) said about the musical teaching love, justice, compassion and acceptance. If anything, a lot of the Christians need to improve on their acceptance and love. Tolerance is key.

keep smiling,
Updated On: 12/9/05 at 09:19 PM

changinandhow Profile Photo
#40re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/8/05 at 9:32pm

I just read the full article...

and I love how he can say it's all wrong, but yet get some of the facts wrong and then refuse to explain the plot.

Oh, and apparently Collins and Angel fall in "love".

You just have to laugh at it.

elvenprincess971 Profile Photo
#41re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/8/05 at 10:12pm

did you make the collins/angel icon or where did you get it? I LOVE IT! (end of threadjack...)

Love, Miss Britt

changinandhow Profile Photo
#42re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/8/05 at 10:16pm

Yup, I made it. Thanks!

jimmirae Profile Photo
#43re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/9/05 at 2:55am

The Pious, Hateful and Devout...

Remember Mrs. Lot and when she turned around!

(Thanks Hedwig!)

"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance." - Elizabeth Taylor

Steeler Jim Profile Photo
Steeler Jim
#44re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/9/05 at 10:27am

The problem with these extreme fundamentalists is that under the current "leadership" in this country, they are gaining more and more power. People like Jerry Fallwell, James Dobson, etc., are literally brainwashing people into believing that the intolerance they preach is "What Jesus Would Do".

Personally, I'm sick to death of people who think it's their right to tell me how to live my life. And the only way to shut them up is to take away the power of the Dobsons and Fallwells of the world. And how do we do that?


"'Ello. Ow are oo?" - Corky St. Clair

#45re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/9/05 at 1:25pm

Dragonfly, I know you meant well, but I found the end of your post to be highly patronizing. If you don’t mind, you might want to take the piousness down a level.

#46re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/9/05 at 2:17pm

I'm Christian and I LOVE this movie! I think you can watch something, think about it, enjoy it, and agree or disagree with things in it. Just because you watch a movie that doesn't contain all Christian values does not mean it is anit-Christian. Besides, I think RENT although not based on Christianity has some basic values that everyone can agree on like love and friendship. Besides who said that only conservatives could be Christians? I am not extremely liberal but also not terribly conservative and I have a lot of friends who are very liberal and very religious. People perplex me.

"Life has been your art. You have set yourself to music. Your days are your sonnets." -Oscar Wilde

dragon8fly2005 Profile Photo
#47re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/9/05 at 2:58pm


I didn't realize my wording until I reread it later. I'm sorry for any offense I may have caused. I had trouble wording it when I was first posting.

keep smiling,

Fiyero2 Profile Photo
#48re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/9/05 at 6:23pm

I'm a christian and think that review is ridiculous , they blew so many things way out of's sooo dumb!

How Do You Doent Real Life When Real Life's Getting More Like Fiction Each Day??

#49re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
Posted: 12/9/05 at 7:22pm

Dragon, thanks for the rewording, it was much appreciated re: Christian Groups View on the movie Rent
