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Celebrity Big Brother climax (spoiler included)- Page 2

Celebrity Big Brother climax (spoiler included)

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#25Celebrity Big Brother climax (spoiler included)
Posted: 2/26/18 at 11:49pm

Dancingthrulife2 said: "Miles2Go2 said: "Dancingthrulife2 said: "The only people I HATED in this season were the ratpack: MarissaJaret Winokur and Ross Mathews. They had no idea what "hypocrisy" means and played the dirtiest game of all houseguests, especially Mr. Mathews. I watched the feeds a few times and they were way nastier and more unlikable than the broadcast episodes made them seem to be. The consensus of the feeds chat room was that Marissa should shut the F up.

Yes, the show is stupid and sacrilegiousto the Big Brother that Orwell brought to us.

It’s Big Brother. You have to be a bit of a hypocrite in the game to play the game. Admittedly, I didn’t watch the live feeds, but the fact that you insinuate that you liked Omarosa more than Marissa and Ross blows my mind.

Yes, I unabashedly admit that I enjoyed Omarosa a hundred times more than the rat pack. Does it also blow your mind that Omarosa went to Harvard? Did it also blow your mind when Omarosa revealed that she was in Ready for Hillary before the whole group was cast aside byRobby Mook?

She once said, "all of us have to stick together and get behind this sister because I'm going to tell you, when I was at the White House, she cared about each and every one of us and she made sure we stayed connected to the issues that were important."

It's funny, as Omarosa said herself, that left-wing media or basically MSM branded her as the Omarosa from The Apprentice. Painting someone as a villain is always easier and better caters to the masses' confirmation bias.

You have clearly drank the Omarosa cool-aid, which is your right. I have not. She is not a dumb woman. She is clearly very intelligent. And she knew going into that White House exactly what a racist person Trump was and is. And she went anyway because the only person she really appears to care about is herself. Say what you will about the final two contestants, but I do believe they care about others in their lives outside of the game and even inside of the game. They had to separate from that a bit in order to play the game because that is how you play the game successfully. And I will say that if the final two have been Omarosa and Mark, she should’ve won because she played a better game than Mark did. In fact I would say her everyday skills of lying and manipulating served her pretty well in the game up to a point. Every single person (well besides maybe Meta) was making secret, side deals. Some just did it more successfully than others. 

Hellob Profile Photo
#26Celebrity Big Brother climax (spoiler included)
Posted: 2/27/18 at 3:56am

Idk why the jury was so bitter towards Ross. If you think about it, except for Shannon, he didn't screw over either one of his final four alliances. Things lined up perfectly for him that he only had to evict Brandi bc she was against Marissa, which is understandable.

#27Celebrity Big Brother climax (spoiler included)
Posted: 2/27/18 at 8:45am

You have clearly drank the Omarosa cool-aid, which is your right. I have not. She is not a dumb woman. She is clearly veryintelligent. And she knew going into that White House exactly what a racist person Trump was and is. And she went anyway because the only person she really appears to care about is herself. "


It's interesting. I held negative opinions about Omarosa before Celebrity BB - my opinion has changed. I still wouldn't trust her as far as I can throw her. I still see what a master at manipulating people she is. However, I can see how the media has neglected to provide the public with certain information on her in order to paint her a specific way to fit their narrative. Liberal press does it to conservatives. Conservative press does it to liberals. We no longer have unbiased news anchors - everyone gives their opinion rather than facts and, if they do present facts, they cherry pick the ones that fit their narrative.

In regards to Omarosa entering the White House, Keisa called her out on it as well. And then Omarosa showed Keisha her own hypocrisy. I'm paraphrasing but it went along the lines of "Keisha, surely you understand what it's like to stand by a man who you've personally known for a long time while the press and the public attacked him. You understand having loyalty to someone you personally know and who has helped you throughout your career." For those who don't remember, Keisha publicly stood by Bill Cosby. And then she thinks she can judge someone else? 

Everyone these days seems to think that they are a golden child who has never done anything wrong in their lives and who can sit on a diamond-encrusted pedestal and look down upon others. 


Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#28Celebrity Big Brother climax (spoiler included)
Posted: 2/27/18 at 12:50pm

Yes, it is disconcerting that Keshia supports Cosby, but she still seems like a decent person who I could have a conversation with without worrying she was trying to manipulate me the whole time. I also think that she probably views Cosby as a father figure given how young she was when she worked with him and therefore feels some misguided loyalty to him. It’s also quite possible that she has different thoughts about him that she is not sharing publicly for various reasons. Omarosa is loyal to no one, but herself. And as you stated, I would not trust her. That really was her fatal flaw (that and that she wasn’t strong in comps) - no one trusted her.

You are correct. None of us is perfect, which is why I find all this hate for Ross so odd He seems like a very nice guy (which he used to his advantage in the game), but he also played the game hard. He won comps and he strategized, including making secret deals when he needed to, which is what you have to do to win Big Brother or at least to make it further in the game. He did win America’s vote (I voted 20 times for him as did other friends) and I’m sure that means a lot to him. He and I have a lot in common. We both grew up as overweight gay kids who always felt like we had to struggle to have people accept us. Lastly, I’d say BB has tended to cast gay housemates who were either very stereotypical and/or very weak in competitions/strategizing. I found it refreshing that Ross actually came to play the game and wasn’t trying to sleep with every straight boy in the house.

#29Celebrity Big Brother climax (spoiler included)
Posted: 2/27/18 at 6:10pm

Although I enjoyed Ross's sense of humor in the house and diary sessions, he really didn't do as well in competitions as one would think.  Both of his HOH were given to him.  In the bowl & spin competition, James gave him that HOH.  The ski competition, Mark gave him that one.  I believe he fairly won his 2 veto wins.  Marissa, on the other hand, earned the final HOH, as well as her veto competition win.  I will agree that Ross strategized more, but he had too many deals in the house that later came back to bite him.  Marissa,on the other hand, stayed pretty loyal to Ross and Ari.  I was rooting for James, but happy that Marissa won.  Like, I'm like, glad that she like won.

Updated On: 2/27/18 at 06:10 PM

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#30Celebrity Big Brother climax (spoiler included)
Posted: 2/27/18 at 6:18pm

That’s like fair enough. Lol
