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Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]- Page 2

Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]

#25re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 12:43pm

Yeah, Katie was standing between Adam and Jesse. She's a lot shorter than they are. While she was talking, you could only see Adam and Jesse's chins. Adam like squatted down so you could see his face and gave this really goofy grin with really big eyes. It was hilarious.

Pillowpants. 'Nuff said.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#26re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 12:46pm

What a dork. I want to see!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#27re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 12:59pm

It was extremely dorky, but in a cute, sexy sort of way. You know what I mean, right?

Pillowpants. 'Nuff said.

thesparklingdiamond Profile Photo
#28re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 1:05pm

I saw the performance, but missed most of the interview...I had no idea this was going to be on. I don't think it was posted on the thread with all the tv apperances. So, there is all this rent stuff on tv this week and guess what my dvd recorder's remote's battery dies, and its a lithium battery so I didn't have any on hand and the stupid machine itself has no buttons to control things on it. I was hoping to tape everything all week...but so far I've missed rosario, today show, and jesse (although I did manage to see that one)grr...stupid technology. So now its my quest to get a battery back in there for the rest of the week.

Up In Lost
#29re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 1:16pm

Em, I totally thought of you when his face snuck into the picture! It was very cute, he kind of lowered down, grinned really big, and then stood back up again. Just the look on his face, though, it was cute. He talked about how though there are specifics about the show and movie, but that the overall message is uiversal, and therefore not dated.

Well, I'm glad he got away with it.

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#30re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 1:28pm

Crap. I wanted to see them sing something else besides SOL...any clips at all? Anything? re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]

#31re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 1:55pm

the clips on the today show website are still for maybe we'll get RENT clips tomorrow?

#32re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 1:57pm

Does anybody know if the fact that Rent cast was on the Today show today will mean that Idina won't be interviewed on the show tomorrow? I hope she still is! I missed the show today because I had no idea the cast was going to be on... I'll be really upset if thye don't interview Idina!

#33re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 4:05pm

Did y'all see Rosario on the Daily Show last night? She was adorable and funny, as usual, and the "Out Tonight" clip was shown again. The segment was short, but good publicity nonetheless.

I hope they put the video of the Today Show up soon!

Theaterlover2 Profile Photo
#34re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 4:37pm

OH MAN! I totally missed it! I must see the Adam cuteness. If anyone has anyway to get a clip up, I would love them forever.
please please

This is wanting something This is reaching for it This is wishing that a moment would arrive- LITP everybody goes down well with beer!-sweeney Todd Listen to the stories Hear it in the songs Angry men don't write the rules and guns don't right the wrongs!-Assassins

kas Profile Photo
#35re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 6:42pm

put it up! put it up!

One Song Glory
#36re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 6:50pm

Just watched it from Tivo. Nice performance. I laughed at Adam so hard when he was making that face at the camera.

I'm not a gay stereotype. I'm a coincidence.

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#37re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 6:52pm

Uhg, no one with a Tivo can upload this thing? I would give whoever does it my kidney.

#38re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 6:59pm

Gah! I am going to start getting violent if someone doesn't upload this bloody clip. I can't stand being out of the loop!!!

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

rowers unite Profile Photo
rowers unite
#39re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 7:07pm

ditto to the kidney

a kidney for a clip

kas Profile Photo
#40re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 7:10pm

yeah, let's auction our body parts - i'd give my big toe and ,maybe a kneecap.

someone put us out of our misery.....

Defy_Gravity2 Profile Photo
#41re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 7:25pm

Ugh that is so annoying! Every site I was reading appearances on said only Jessie! ARggggg. I'll add my lovely hair to the plethora of body parts being offered....I need to see this!

I had just finished shooting a coffee commercial. And ain't it ironic? I don't drink coffee. Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee.

adamized88 Profile Photo
#42re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 7:44pm

okay just a note - rosario is now off the today show schedule for tomorrow - i mean obviously if she was on today, they wouldn't put her on two days in a row - but for those of you who planned to tape - no need

"Nothing is an accident, We are free to have it all, We are what we want to be, It's in ourselves to rise or fall!!" - "Fortune Favors the Brave" from Aida - the love that never died

adamized88 Profile Photo
#43re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 7:45pm

she will be on regis and kelly though!!

"Nothing is an accident, We are free to have it all, We are what we want to be, It's in ourselves to rise or fall!!" - "Fortune Favors the Brave" from Aida - the love that never died

#44re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 8:03pm

I'm jumping on the "Does ANYONE have a good quality upload of this to put online?!?!" I'm so upset that I missed it, I didn't even know the whole cast was going to be on.

Really, again, can anyone put it online? Or send me a VHS tape through the mail even? hahaa, I wanna see it so badly.

#45re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 8:42pm

ahhhhi missed it! i wanna see a clip!

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#46re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 8:56pm

Please someone! X.X

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

Shiksa Goddess2
#47re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 9:24pm

I don't know about the whole giving my kidney thing, but I'll add my plea for a the clip to be put online. We would all worship whoever posts it! re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]

Musicals101 Profile Photo
#48re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 9:28pm

I think that was one of the best apperances yet. The interviews were very nicely spaced out, and Tracie finally got one. That made me really happy because she was really cute. Did anyone see when the cast was signing autographs that Taye had his hand on Idina's back the entire time. It was so cute.

adamized88 Profile Photo
#49re: Cast of RENT: Adorable [Today Show]
Posted: 11/16/05 at 9:35pm

oh man now i'm pissed i just went to check my tape and somehow after the first 15 min the cable box got turned off so i have a black screen - clips please someone!!!

"Nothing is an accident, We are free to have it all, We are what we want to be, It's in ourselves to rise or fall!!" - "Fortune Favors the Brave" from Aida - the love that never died
