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After Eight
Posted: 3/5/14 at 8:28am

"I wonder if those who choose to musicalize certain films bother to ask themslves from the outset: does this film cry out for musicalization, or even lend itself to it ?"

That's what I was wondering when I went to see both Far From Heaven and Bridges of Madison County. I think they both do,"

The fact that you had initial doubts about the musicalization possibiliies of both these films indicates to me that indeed, they did not cry out for musicalization, even if you thought upon seeing them that were successfully musicalized. I don't think either one cried out for it, nor do I feel either was successful, or any of the musicals cut from the same cloth. And the problem is the songs themselves. You know exactly what you're going to get even before you go in: not songs really, but ruminations set to music, to uninteresting, unmemorable, and unengaging music, at that. Oh, yes, I know, on this board, a board of buffs, there are effusions galore about all these glorious songs that delineate character so penetratingly to orchestrations that shimmer and shine. But the problem is that the general theatregoing audience is not looking for the same things that make the buffs rejoice. They don't give a hoot in hell if the music undercuts Sally's words in In Buddy's Eyes. What they want to hear in a musical is music with a spark of life, music that engages them, eg. Les Mis, in a show that does the same. They're not interested in introspective anlyses set to colorless, monotonous music.

And maybe that's why these musicals can't bring in the crowds.

GilmoreGirlO2 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/5/14 at 12:13pm

Saw the show this weekend and absolutely fell in a love with it in a way I didn’t expect. I haven’t read the book, nor seen the movie, and I am grateful that the musical is my introduction to this story.

I will first say that I definitely think the marketing team should be showcasing the more intimacy/simplicity of the show (especially to sway those who fear this may just be a big melodramatic evening). Between the direction making use of the ensemble members moving much of the set around and the much more honest and conversational dialogue than I was expecting, I was very happily surprised at how intimate and stripped the show feels. While I absolutely didn’t think that the first, soap-opera like commercial was in any way indicative of the show itself, I was expecting there to be a good amount of melodrama in the storytelling. What I was met with on Saturday evening was a very natural, truthful telling that had me connecting and feeling for these characters from the get go. Any overdramatizing of emotions only came when the characters themselves were swept away with emotion (feelings I think anyone who has experienced the beginning of love can relate to, let alone under the circumstances in “Bridges”).

What I think some feel is a slow pace, I found to only enhance my experience. I loved how much interaction we got to see between Francesca and Robert before anything physical (or even emotional) happens between them. It felt like a natural progression and, when that first kiss did finally come: how satisfying it was!

I think the creators made smart choices to keep the show quiet and fairly stripped. This is a story that has been told many times in many different ways – unhappy housewife, good husband, dashing stranger – and “Bridges” isn’t adding much new to this plotline. However, what “Bridges” has are the characters themselves, who (especially portrayed by O’Hara and Pasquale) are complex, real people and that is where I found my connection with the show to be the strongest.

And, of course, what more excellent things can be said about O’Hara that haven’t already been said? She is simply exquisite up there. That voice! I felt like I was swimming in it. I was with Francesca right from the beginning – my body physically ached with pain for her to revisit Italy and to experience the love and excitement she finds in Robert. I am so grateful to have gotten to see her performance.

And, Steven Pasquale was Robert was also wonderful. Such a smooth voice and perfect for the role. Him and O’Hara’s chemistry is out of this world.

Everyone in the cast, actually, was wonderful. Despite the children’s parts being larger-than-life in comparison to the rest of the characters, I didn’t find it distracting. In fact, I felt it quite accurately portrayed at least the feeling of chaos and how exasperating family life can be in Francesca’s life (despite loving them very much).

I loved the different ways in which we saw backstories, particularly how they chose to tell the story of Robert’s past marriage. What I most appreciated about these was that, even while they were happening, we were still seeing Robert and Francesca in real time. The present day kept flowing, even while we were experiencing past moments (or, even present moments that were outside of Robert and Francesca’s world).

Jason Robert Brown’s score is wonderful and I cannot wait to get my hands on the recording. Having not heard all of the scores eligible this year (yet) I can’t accurately say, but I can definitely see this being quite the contender for the Best Score Tony. I enjoy JRB, but this score is the most different from his others that I have heard (haven’t heard “Honeymoon in Vegas”) and it was very refreshing.

As for who the bigger draw is (as discussed above), Kelli and Steven both got entrance applause, although Kelli’s was much bigger (whether this is a reflection of her entrance lending better to an applause or not, though, I can’t say).

I truly hope they decide to stay open through the Tony’s. I could see them earning many nominations and even snagging a couple awards and it would be a shame for the show to not enjoy the bump, however marginal, that exposure and merit may have on ticket sales. I was at this past Saturday night’s performance which was fairly packed from what I could see (perhaps some seats open in the very rear of the mezz, but it looked fairly full from my view).

I also imagine that there is pretty good word of mouth spreading about the show. The audience reception on Saturday night was extremely positive and, as I was leaving the show, I heard nothing but people talking about how much they enjoyed it. The woman next to me told her husband she wanted to see it again and the man behind me said to his friends, “Well, you certainly get your price of admission!” I hope these kinds of reactions will propel the show to have a longer life, at least through the summer.

Also, for anyone interested, I was house right, front row (B), 3 seats in. Occasionally, when the wheeled cart that depicted a space in the neighbor’s house was positioned right at the edge of the stage on stage right, a couple of things were blocked. However, nothing much important and I really enjoyed the view otherwise.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 3/12/14 at 9:04pm


Love the new poster art.

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/12/14 at 9:35pm

I was waiting for someone to bring this thread up again.
I saw it Saturday and completely fell in love with Kelli O'Hara. Of course I have heard her on cast recordings, but live?! HOLY crap. Let's just say I was a mess at the stage door. It's the first time I was actually shaking from meeting someone. I told her that her voice was incredibly soothing and she said " thank you! I hope you didn't fall asleep though!" I was literally hypnotized by her voice in this.

I wasn't too sure about Steven Pasquale in the first act. Not sure if it was his mic not turned up or not but he sang very softly and I wasn't a fan of the constant vibrato. All of his belting in the second act and his actual acting made up for it, though. I loved how they didn't force the chemistry between the characters as soon as they were introduced, and how it truly seemed like Francesca really just wanted to be kind and show him the Bridge. I really loved this production. I cried, I laughed, and Kelli just knocks it out of the park. I'm literally a lifelong fan of hers now and cast recordings do NOT do her justice one bit.

There were mixed reviews when I walked out of the theatre. The people behind me said they wouldn't recommend it to anyone and then I met up with some other people who truly loved it. As a HUGE fan of the book, I think they kept and left out everything perfectly.

I'm probably still on the high of seeing it, but I genuinely loved it, and I'm really excited for the cast recording!

Updated On: 3/12/14 at 09:35 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 3/12/14 at 9:49pm

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, I just loved every minute of it when I saw it during previews. I'm afraid it will close if they don't get more butts in the seats. How was the attendance tonight?

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/12/14 at 10:08pm

When I saw it last weekend it was packed from what I could tell (and it was the Saturday matinee). My friend and I couldn't even buy two tickets that were next to each other at TKTS so I sat in the left mezz and she sat in the left orchestra.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 3/12/14 at 10:50pm

I'm really glad to hear that, when I checked online this past Tuesday, 80% of the mezzanine was empty (at least on telecharge) so I hope it just a slow day. As the weather gets warmer, I think it will get more popular.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/12/14 at 11:59pm

I was there this afternoon, and the mezzanine was probably about 65% full. Far from empty. Overall, I really enjoyed this. It is a gem of a musical. It is a slow and quiet show, but that is exactly what this should be. The Schoenfeld is the perfect home for this. I was in the last row of the mezzanine, and I could feel the heat radiating from the passionate chemistry between Kelli O'Hara and Steven Pasquale.

This was my first time seeing Kelli O'Hara live. Good god. She was mesmerizing. From the minute the faded light came up on her on the black stage, she had me captivated. Her performance in this is so nuanced and beautiful. She took my breath away at several points during the show. By the end of the show, she ripped my heart out and broke it in two. I can not speak highly enough of her performance in this.

Steven Pasquale was also wonderful. His voice is so alluring and seductive, and his last song, It All Fades Away, was a highlight of the show for me. He is also absolutely gorgeous to look at for two and a half hours.

I really liked the set and how the pieces were moved by the actors. There were a lot more set pieces than I expected. I actually really liked the set for the bridge and did not think it looked weird at all. Also, the lighting for this is absolutely stunning. I would definitely expect to see a nod for lighting design for this.

The score was quite good. I felt some of the songs were not necessary (especially the state fair number that opens act 2). Before and After You and Just One Second and a Million Miles Away was by far my favorite song in the score.

The final moments of this show killed me. So touching and sad, but also hauntingly beautiful. The show started out slow, but by the last scene, I was completely and emotionally invested, and I felt for these characters and what I just spent the last 2 and a half hours watching them go through. I really hope this can pick up steam and stay open through nominations. Kelli O'Hara deserves a Tony for this performance that she is giving.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

MadonnaMusical Profile Photo
Posted: 3/13/14 at 1:36pm

I know the show's frozen and all so this is pointless, but I saw the show this week and I thought it was wonderful but needed a few tweaks. Spoiler alert.

1. The opening song and the second song should be reserved. We open with an "I want" song but we don't really know what her life is like yet, so it's out of context and therefore it doesn't carry the same weight. If we saw how boring her life was... and THEN she sang about wanting something else.... it would stab deep.

2. Like most of you guys I agree that the state fair story should be cut majorly. Cut the husband's song, cut the kid's songs. It should feel like a jolt of reality every time the phone rings and the kids are on the line.

3. The lyrics to the act 2 opener at the state fair should be changed represent the feelings of the two lovers who are discovering emotions they have never experienced before. In other words the scene at the state fair is cut... but the wonderful music stays... and incorporates the important revelations of the "spoken" scene that follows. The most important revelations of the piece were spoken instead of sung... it just didn't have the same impact.

4. She needs to take a moment between when she finds out he's dead... and when she visits the bridge. She shouldn't find out he's dead AT the bridge and then NOT have a reaction... we should see her reaction to his death... we should see how it hurts... the audience should get to cry.... and then we should get to feel ok again when she visits the bridge...

small changes... but I guess it doesn't matter now, lol... too little too late

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 3/13/14 at 1:53pm

"The lyrics to the act 2 opener at the state fair should be changed represent the feelings of the two lovers who are discovering emotions they have never experienced before."

But, it's not about them. It's about what is going on in this world, without them. There has to be some kind of subplot, and they can't always be on stage. It just gives the other actors more time on stage.

MadonnaMusical Profile Photo
Posted: 3/13/14 at 2:11pm

I know that that's obviously the reason... but it shouldn't be about how much time an actor is on stage. And it's not really their story is it? The fact is that Bridges is missing that tear-jerker effect that the movie and book have... and it's much to blame on the "sub-plot."

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/13/14 at 4:10pm

I actually like they didn't show a big reaction to Robert dying. The book doesn't, and I think it's actually a LOT more powerful that way. She knew what decision she made and she lived with it knowing full well it could end like that. I think it makes her character stronger and their love more solid. I think the reason for showing her family (husband/children) as much as they did was to evoke some kind of sympathy for the ending, if that makes sense? I wish they would have stuck to the actual book in which it's the kids telling the story in the beginning and the end, but other than that I can't think of one thing that I would change.

The way they moved the props were AWESOME and beautiful in their own way. I just loved this musical and I'm hoping I can see it one more time!

valeposh Profile Photo
Posted: 3/17/14 at 1:20pm

I'm going to see the show in April, and I can't rush it because of my schedule. Which seats would you suggest to have a good view? Is mezzanine okay, or it's better to pick orchestra seatings?


"Mr Sondheim, look: I made a hat, where there never was a hat, it's a Latin hat at that!"

After Eight
Posted: 3/17/14 at 2:01pm


The mezzanine is good. Try to avoid extreme side seats in either the orchestra or mezzanine.

valeposh Profile Photo
Posted: 3/17/14 at 3:09pm

AfterEight - thanks!

"Mr Sondheim, look: I made a hat, where there never was a hat, it's a Latin hat at that!"

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/17/14 at 6:57pm

Mezzanine is definitely good! TKTS gave me tickets left mezz about third row. A little of the left stage was cut off from my view, but I didn't feel like I missed out on anything. Hope you enjoy!

Posted: 3/17/14 at 10:03pm

@madonnamusical I totally agree about the opening number. I remember being a bit confused of what she was talking about. It's a pretty song but not general enough to be understood until later in the show.

Posted: 3/18/14 at 6:52am

I was way back in the mezz and it was a perfect seat - it's a smallish theater. That said, there are a couple of large posts near the back - so if you are on a center aisle side seat in the back, you sort of have to lean over to see the whole stage. The guy behind me had part of the show blocked...but one row in front of him, it wasn't a problem. The front boxes look awful however...worst than most.

If this show does not win best sound, I don't know who will. I honestly don't think I ever heard such a rich lush sound in a theater before. I really applaud the sound teem.

It was really a lovely show. I can't say I loved the entire script, or there were not things I would have added or left out, but I left feeling that it was definitely worth going.

dreaming Profile Photo
Posted: 3/18/14 at 9:53am

I have to say that the more of the other Broadway offerings I see this season, the more I LIKE Bridges. I'm seeing Aladdin tonight so we'll see how that goes. (I've pretty much seen all the NEW shows-just Gentleman's Guide left. I'll be seeing Cabaret's first preview Friday and have a ticket to Violet.) The music for Bridges stood out for me way more than Rocky or If/Then. I really expected to like If/Then and really couldn't stand it. (That might have been the biggest disappointment for me of the season-I was looking forward to this, but it just didn't do it.)

I'm rooting for Bridges to hang on, personally. (If only because Kelli O'Hara impressed me and I'd like for her to have a shot at a Tony.)

Melissa25 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/23/14 at 12:34am

I can't wait to see this again in April.

Kelli and Steven were interviewed this weekend by Karger on "On Stage." Good to see them out and about drumming up business.

Great article about Pasquale's hunkiness in NYT on 3/20.


AndrewAndrew Profile Photo
Posted: 3/23/14 at 5:02am

Meryl Streep made famous in the film Bridges of Madison County. Can Kelly O'hara make this beloved character sing, more importantly can the creative team give her something worth singing about in this story of rural ennui? Find out in our full review!
Click Here For Video Review of BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY

jkstheatrescene Profile Photo
promisespromises2 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/23/14 at 11:29am

User dreaming… that's exactly how I feel! Glad I'm not the only one. Bridges has been the only one that's really stuck with me after seeing it.

Jayar2 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/25/14 at 1:06am

We all know that this show is not selling well-- are there rumors that it is facing closure? I am heading to NYC next month, but I have a full schedule of other shows. I was planning to wait until May to see it-- I know we don't have crystal balls (ahem!), but does anybody think that I need to rearrange my schedule to see this sooner than later?

SomeOtherMe Profile Photo
Posted: 3/25/14 at 10:18am

If you really want to see the show, I'd definitely try and see it as soon as possible. Their hasn't been any announcements about it closing yet, but I honestly can't imagine it lasting too much longer with the business it's been doing...
