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Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?- Page 2

Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#25re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 1:28am

For what it's worth, Brantley did give Cavenaugh a positive review.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#26re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 1:31am

He's not very good at all in WSS but I enjoyed his work in A CATERED AFFAIR and he was fine in GREY GARDENS.

He's totally miscast in WSS. And it definitely shows.
Updated On: 9/7/09 at 01:31 AM

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#27re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 4:04am

I loved him in the pre- Broadway tryout of Urban Cowboy more than 6 years ago, and have loved the many performances I've seen him give since then, as well. I found many interesting aspects in his characterization of Tony. For example, he made a lot of choices that told me about Tony's relationship with his parents. When Riff said his "Without a gang, you're an orphan" line, Matt responded physically in such a way that suggested A) that he feels they're all orphans, and agrees that they need to stick together for this reason, B) that Riff feels like a brother to him, and his parents feel less related. I can't articulate it any better, but I felt he made a lot of specific choices throughout to detail the character, and I enjoyed them. And him. Also enjoyed him in A Catered Affair, Grey Gardens, Tales From The Bad Years, etc.

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

wendy kroy
#28re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 4:30am

I think he is perfection.

legally_popular Profile Photo
#29re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 4:49am

Schmerg basically summed up my thoughts already.

It's his vibrato that turns me off his singing, and I love vibrato. Every note he sang was lovely until it was overpowered by his vibrato. I tolerated his acting, it wasn't as bad as I expected... that's not really a compliment though.

He is really, really attractive though, I'll say that! Love those pictures!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#30re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 8:50am

He's very talented and very good looking but his voice and physical charms are inadequate for Tony.

His thin nasal voice does a shocking disservice to Bernstein's score, which was written to soar in the first act through Tony's voice, in two solos and a duet, following in quick succession.

Cavenaugh can sing other material well, but he fails completely on "Something's Coming," "Maria" and "Tonight."

adamgreer Profile Photo
#31re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 9:38am

Aside from the voice, my problem with Cavenaugh in this role is that he is not at all unbelievable as someone who used to be in a gang. The idea that Cavenaugh was once the leader of the Jets is completely laughable.

Sparklesss Profile Photo
#32re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 9:42am

I was a bit surprised Cavenaugh got the role in WSS, because it's not like they didn't have a lot of talent to choose from.

Totally agree on failing on "tonight"...I think I just wanted more and although he did "okay" to me, I wanted him to hit it out of the park.

howardbf Profile Photo
#33re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 10:00am

Matt is a VERY talented performer. At least in the erotic dreams I have about him. The things that man can do with his....never mind.
Wrong forum. re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#34re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 10:03am

"And Drunk Chita makes another idiotic comment. You're really blaming Cavenaugh's lackluster performance as Tony on the character? Plenty of actors have made Tony complex, troubled, and interesting."

Excuse me? First of all, what idiotic comments have I made? it's not like I'm known on here for making stupid comments. Second, that is my opinion and you can't tell me I'm wrong. I have never like the character of Tony, I think it is a boring character. The only other Tony I have ever seen was Richard Beymer and I didn't like him either. Third, you are one to talk, you make some pretty idiotic comments yourself and you have a stick up your @$$. So before you start insulting me why don't you around at your comments and everyone else's.

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#35re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 10:40am

You definitely haven't seen him perform.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#36re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 12:09pm

Who is Matt Cavenaugh?

Corine2 Profile Photo
#37re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 12:28pm

I think he is very talented and the best looking actor on Broadway currently. His new wife is a very lucky lady.
When he was in URBAN COWBOY (which I hated!) I did not leave. I have to admit, he is very easy to look at.

In addition he is very sweet. Nicest guy on Broadway.

#38re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/7/09 at 1:09pm

I thought Cavenaugh, though far from perfect, was the least of the problems in WSS.

JarNerdAV Profile Photo
#39re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/8/09 at 2:22pm

I loved him in Grey Gardens, was indifferent to him in A Catered Affair and I thought he single-handedly ruined West Side Story. Why didn't somebody tell him that "TONY IS NOT FROM BOSTON!" His performance (and his complete lack of chemstry with Maria) was the worst I have ever seen on Broadway--period.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#40re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/8/09 at 3:11pm

No, not single-handedly. He had help.

#41re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/8/09 at 3:46pm

I didn't like his voice at all when I saw WSS and thought he had no chemistry whatsoever with Josefina... I thought he was horrible. No idea how on earth he got cast....
Though to be honest, aside from her voice, I wasn't thrilled with Josefina either. George Akram and Karen Olivo are the only redeeming qualities about the production, IMHO.

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22

BroadwayBound115 Profile Photo
#42re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/8/09 at 7:15pm

On the WSS recording, he has some beautiful moments vocally. His line delivery on the CD is a little awkward, but it's his take on the role. There are sometimes when I don't like his voice, as mentioned before too much vibrato.

And whoever said Tony was a wimp, I completely agree. While it's one of my dream roles, he is definitely a wimp, but the music that is written for him is beautiful.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#43re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/8/09 at 11:28pm

In addition he is very sweet. Nicest guy on Broadway

For a Mets fan re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#44re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/9/09 at 12:27am

I think he is entirely miscast in WSS. I loved him in Grey Gardens and he is very very pretty to look at but I just don't think he's a good fit for Tony.

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#45re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/14/09 at 4:20pm

Well I saw him opposite Kat Nejat as Anita, so In my opinion he was like Karen (epic) to Matt (okay perf), so he was a very strong actor and performer and cool at the stage door

My friend always talks about how hot he is and her locker is splattered with urban cowboy and aaron tveit lol

#46re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 9/14/09 at 5:34pm

i agree he's kinda bland. And I didn't like him in Grey Gardens (as Joe Kennedy) because he was so puny-looking next to the tall, elegant Christine Ebersole and Sara Gettelfinger. I was thinking Who is this wimpy guy?
Yeah, so obviously with those abs he's not wimpy. But he and all these other ripped actors -- male & female -- should keep their shirts on onstage unless they're playing someone in 2009 who would go to the gym regularly. In other words, not! because few musical characters fit that description. This was a prob in the Chorus Line revival...people, including very fit dancers, simply didn't have the physiques they have today. Today's type of gym equipment and personal trainers did not exist then. I find it distracting to have a super-buff-in-a-21st-century kind of way Curly or Perchik or Tony or whatever role from old musicals, or from new musicals but set in past.

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#47re: Am I the only one that actually likes Matt Cavenaugh?
Posted: 10/24/09 at 7:46pm

i think he was good in wss,
i havent seen him anything else and it was my...9th bway show i saw so...yeah
