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Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door

Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door

Vagabond Anarchist Profile Photo
Vagabond Anarchist
#1Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/18/12 at 10:54pm


Just saw Memphis tonight (phenomenal!) and waited at the stage door after. Most cast members, including Montego Glover, came out to sign... though a handful never came out - Cass Morgan, and most noticeably, Adam Pascal. Eventually a guard came out and told everyone he'd left through the front doors.

I had gone in early November and he'd come out to sign and take photos... so I was wondering if this was a fluke tonight, or if others have had the same experience with him leaving through the front door and not signing. Can't really blame him tonight with temperatures in the 20's... but just curious what has happened when others have been at the stage door... Thanks!

#2Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/18/12 at 11:32pm

I went to the show in November and same thing, after waiting and waiting, the security guard came out to say he had left through a back exit. Very disappointing! Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door

AADA81 Profile Photo
#2Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/19/12 at 2:12am

He did the same thing here in Boston during the RENT tour. Could be he's not crazy about signing autographs or hanging around after a show. As long as he's giving his all in performance, what's the harm? It's his choice.

AADA81 Profile Photo
#3Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/19/12 at 2:12am

He did the same thing here in Boston during the RENT tour. Could be he's not crazy about signing autographs or hanging around after a show. As long as he's giving his all in performance, what's the harm? It's his choice.

musicalbluemirror Profile Photo
#4Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/19/12 at 2:31am

I mean...he rarely stayed back afterwards when he returned to RENT years ago so it wouldnt surprise me
It just sucks for people who go specifically for a certain actor and they never get to meet them if they wanted
Last night I saw Norm Lewis jet out of the Rodgers down 46th so im sure he had somewhere to be or plans but Mr Pascal cant possibly be THAT busy

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#5Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/19/12 at 2:43am

But the thing is...he doesn't have to be BUSY to not stage door. Believe it or not, actors are people. We all have times where we do NOT want to interact with people. And not just "people" but people who are fans and WANT interaction and to get a piece of you.
Yea sorry you stuck around for him. But its not his obligation to come out.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

Vagabond Anarchist Profile Photo
Vagabond Anarchist
#6Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/19/12 at 10:41am

Yeah - I absolutely agree that it's a performer's prerogative to deiced whether they're feeling up for the whole stage door experience... was just wondering what the "norm" had tended to be for Pascal.

I guess I just got lucky on the night in early Nov. when he came out and chatted / signed. But as I might be seeing the show again soon with an out-of-town friend who's a big fan, I was curious to get a general sense of the likelihood that he'd come out if she decides she wants to wait around...

#7Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/19/12 at 11:00am

She shouldn't get her hopes up. Adam does not like the stagedoor thing and, compared to many other actors, rarely does it.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#8Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/19/12 at 12:00pm

It just sucks for people who go specifically for a certain actor and they never get to meet them if they wanted

I hope this is just an error in your phrasing and not your actual implication, but if that's why someone is going to a show, then they have a problem. Yeah, it sucks not to get to meet someone when you've got your hopes up and they're your favorite, but actors are people too, carrying a musical is extremely tiring, and so forth into all the things that have been said every time someone sparks this debate.

As erinrebecca said, Adam will be pretty hit and miss. If you do get to meet him, he's great, but he isn't very comfortable with the clamoring and chaos that can go on when you do the stage door thing. Also, his family is still based in LA, so they come to visit sometimes -- it's completely possible that he has been heading home quickly to spend time with them while he can. I can't imagine having your kids on the other side of the country and only seeing them every few months is easy.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#9Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/19/12 at 12:34pm

Since this fallacy always comes up in these threads, I would like to make a preemptive request to NOT use the ridiculous "How would you like it if a crowd of people waited outside your job every day!?" excuse?

Because it's BS. They are entertainers. Their career is contingent upon building a fanbase. If he wants his fans to buy tickets to Memphis just to see him, buy his CDs, buy concert tickets, be extras in his indie movies- it has to go both ways.

Much more famous/successful/busy performers make the time because they know a little bit of PR goes a long way. And becoming notorious for sneaking out a side door to avoid the fans who came solely to support your career is not a way to endear yourself to fans.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#10Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/19/12 at 2:43pm

He is a Broadway actor. He is doing what he loves to do. Typically the whole "chaos" does not come with the territory. Look at most stage doors on Broadway...most have maybe 20 or so people in a line waiting. For him it's different. So I don't blame him for being a bit uncomfortable with it. He is great to his fans by putting out work they will love and when he does come out he is by all means nice and thankful for their support.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

uncageg Profile Photo
#11Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/19/12 at 3:04pm

When the RENT tour came through Denver I covered the opening night party. He and I were talking in the restaurant where the party was being held and he noticed a group of fans outside looking through the window. He excused himself and said he couldn't let those people just stand there. I asked him if he minded if I took a few shots of him signing stuff and he said "Sure". He seems to be a really nice guy.

Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 1/19/12 at 03:04 PM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#12Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/20/12 at 12:39am

"20 or so" people waiting in a line behind barricades with a security guard at the door is hardly what all but the most agoraphobic would consider to be chaos. If Darren Criss can be around the corner with a crowd large enough to stop traffic, Adam can suck it up for the handful of fans he has left. Or if he gets a next show, it will be only 5 or so people waiting, and he'll still be sneaking out the back door.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#13Adam Pascal - Memphis Stage Door
Posted: 1/30/12 at 9:29pm

I've been following this feed since I bought my tickets for Memphis. Im a huge Rent and Adam Pascal fan, so of course I was wondering if he would be at the stage door after the show. After reading your comments I decided to not get my hopes up.
Well i just got home from yesterday's Sunday, 3:00 matinee, and it was honestly the best broadway experience I've had. The show was AMAZING! After the show i talked my parents into staying for the stage door. After only about 15 mins out walks Mr. Adam Pascal. He was so kind to everyone there, and spent 2 or 3 mins talking to each person. When he finally got to me I wound up being the last person. We talked for a good 5 minutes, he signed my program and poster, and we got a couple pictures. I'm 15 years old and he is my idol so I was pretty much spazzing out on the inside the whole time lol. He was so sweet and he didn't seem like he minded taking the time out to talk to everyone. I would see the show, and Adam, again in a heartbeat <333
