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A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...

A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...

HollyGolightly2 Profile Photo
#1A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 3:04pm

All I can say is... CREEPY.

And is that Christine-bot at the end? It looks like it came out of an ad for the next Saw movie.
Updated On: 9/10/09 at 03:04 PM

philly03 Profile Photo
#2re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 3:09pm

LOL it is pretty creepy. it looks like a weird proganda movie?!

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#2re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 3:24pm

I feel like Phantom of the Opera and Ragtime had an ugly illegitimate child...

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

HollyGolightly2 Profile Photo
#3re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 3:28pm

^ Replace 'Ragtime' with 'Christine Daae' and you've got yourself the subplot of the show.

Right now, curiosity and Ramin are the only reasons for me to see Electric Karimloo. Updated On: 9/10/09 at 03:28 PM

#4re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 3:35pm

Schmerg, that description is perfect.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#5re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 3:36pm

I'm still trying to be open minded. Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

best12bars Profile Photo
#6re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 3:53pm

Schmerg, that's perfect!

And I kinda dig it, too. I'm also trying to keep an open mind. At least I like the music used in the trailer. A creepy ragtime waltz.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

HollyGolightly2 Profile Photo
#7re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 3:57pm

I'm trying to keep an open mind too, but the clowns and Christine doll face are really off-putting for me.

I really do like the music though, if it is indeed from the show; it reminds me of Masquerade, so there's a good chance ALW wrote it.

Updated On: 9/10/09 at 03:57 PM

Texas Yankee Profile Photo
Texas Yankee
#8re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 6:31pm

Effective teaser in that it's gotten my attention...but I guess time will tell if the end result will be worth it.

Count me in the open minded category as well.

It seems circus/freakshows are all the rage this Fall, what with this, the movie Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant and the carnival themed chapter of the tv show Heroes all coming out practically at the same time.

Sorta makes me yearn for a Barnum revival, like...right now.

BroadwayBound115 Profile Photo
#9re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 6:34pm

Don't forget Britney's Circus Tour!!

HollyGolightly2 Profile Photo
#10re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 6:42pm

^ Don't give Andy any casting ideas!!

Oh, and I listened to the music again. It sounds like the lovechild of Masquerade and the Carousel Waltz (from R&H's Carousel), so it's by ALW.

Updated On: 9/10/09 at 06:42 PM

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#11re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 6:47pm

Wow... Um... Speechless... and not in a good way re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...


I want to like it... I'm just not sure I do... or will... But time will tell and an open mind is a terrible thing to waste... er... yeah... I think you all know what I mean re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...

Oh, and Schmerg... YOU rock!!!


#12re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 6:53pm

It looks like one of those fake trailers they put up on YouTube.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

Tag Profile Photo
#13re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 7:06pm

So the announcement on on October 8th will be of "global importance". Does that imply that multi-city companies are happening?

BroadwayBound92 Profile Photo
#14re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 7:35pm

I'm gonna try to keep an open mind. I mean, at least Andrew Lloyd Webber is handling everything, and "Phantom" was his baby, so I don't think he would make a sequel, knowing that it wouldn't live up to Phantom's reputation. I'm sure the songs will be lovely, and those Erik/Christine fans might get what they wanted. The only thing that worries me...What if Hollywood gets their clutches on it? AHHHHHHHHH! A sequel to the POTO film! Run and hide! Armageddon is upon us!

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#15re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 7:48pm

Lloyd Webber is completely responsible for the POTO movie as well.

#16re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 7:51pm

This honestly looks like a musical prequel to 'IT' by Steven King.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

HollyGolightly2 Profile Photo
#17re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 7:57pm

"Lloyd Webber is completely responsible for the POTO movie as well."

Seriously. He picked Gerard "I-can't-sing-but-I-look-really-sexy-in-a-half-mask" Butler himself.
Updated On: 9/10/09 at 07:57 PM

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#18re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 8:29pm

Didn't he also pick Emily "I get lost on the screen I'm so bland" Rossum? What a hot mess of a movie.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

withoutlovewithoutU Profile Photo
#19re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/10/09 at 11:45pm

"This honestly looks like a musical prequel to 'IT' by Steven King."

YES! My thoughts exactly *shivers*
I am curious to hear the score... but this whole idea doesn't exactly make me want to drop $120 to see it.

"If we don't live happily ever after at least we survive until the end of the week!" -Kermit the frog "I need the money... it costs a lot to look this cheap!" -Dolly P. "Oh please, Over at 'Gypsy' Patti LuPone hasn't even alienated her first daughter yet!" Mary Testa in "Xanadu" "...Like a drunk Chita Rivera!" Robin de Jesus in "In the Heights"

"B*tch, I don't know your life." -Xanadu After that if he still doesn't understand why you were uncomfortable and are now infuriated, kick him again but this time with Jazz Hands!!! -KillerTofu

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#20re: A teaser for Love Never Dies has been posted on the website...
Posted: 9/11/09 at 12:28am

I got a headache from all of the choppy shots in the first half and was just plain confused during the second half.
