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A New Cinderella

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#275A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 12:14pm

^^LOL! Something most "common folk" wouldn't even be aware of! We give audiences far too much credit! There should be a board for the dumbest things I've heard at the theatre! She'll get the tourists in and make money, that's the only goal at this point, keep it going, keep people's jobs, and I can't be-grudge them for that! And if a kid discovers the magic of live theatre in the meantime- great!

#276A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 12:30pm

There's no need for snotty remarks. I'm simply stating the quality of the performance should match the ticket price, no matter what key the songs are. I never suggested anything as ignorant as a $100 discount. I can't deny that people will still get an experience in the theatre and yes, most audience members wouldn't know the difference. Doesn't mean that makes it ok. Welcome to commercial theatre, I guess.

#277A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 12:39pm

I haven't seen it, but I just listened to the clips available-- I have to say, I think it works. And I think it's a choice, and a good choice, for CRJ to appear as herself in the role. There are those performers who are able to transform themselves into the characters they play, and then there are those people who always shine through their characters, but there's value in both styles. She doesn't have Laura's beautiful voice, but she sounds honest. And Cinderella is all about an outsider who overcomes-- she certainly sounds like an outsider vocally. I think it's interesting.

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#278A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 12:42pm

Don't go. Simple enough.

#279A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 12:47pm

I can choose for myself what I do and don't want see, but I appreciate the eye opening advice.

And you bring up good points, Patrick.

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#280A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 12:49pm

And so can everyone else. If people don't mind the transposing, they will go. If you know you aren't going to like it, why waste the time and energy complaining.

#281A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 12:56pm

I'm only trying to discuss it with people who (I thought) would look at it from an artistic viewpoint. I don't care what key the show's in if it sounds good. But yes, someone will see it and like it and good for them. It is what it is.

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#282A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 1:30pm

"I'm only trying to discuss it with people who (I thought) would look at it from an artistic viewpoint."

Someday, perhaps when you're older, you'll understand the difference between an artistic discussion and incessant whining. This is a 12 week replacement casting, not life or death. The 10-14 year old girls who are the target audience will still enjoy it even if some 25+ year old males will spend the better part of their waking hours picking her performance apart over and over and over again even though they haven't seen it and are going off of bootlegged audio clip. Sad really.

#283A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 1:52pm

I am not whining. I think my opinions are not appropriate for this discussion. I was stating my opinions on the art itself, not necessarily this specific performance. Sorry if I did not make that clear. And for the record, I am plenty old enough to have an intelligent conversation.

I agree that Cinderella is a piece of commercial theatre. Not my cup of tea anyway. Seeing as the original cast was so nice I think it's a shame the quality has changed. You're right, I have not seen her performance. Maybe the tuning and breath issues are only on the recording, as you seem to suggest.

Continue to shoot down any opinions that you deem "whinny." It's fun to read on my day off. How immature of me.

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#284A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 3:28pm

The art of the show is still there, its a gorgeously conceived show and has brilliant technical elements that the show will still have. The orchestrations have been re-worked to suite her, and Fran's costumes have been altered to suite her, all artistic elements that show the producers are making an effort to keep up the quality of the show. I wasn't trying to be rude to you, I apologize if it came across that way. To CRJ though, this is her art, she's being her, she's probably having a blast, we can't fault her for stretching herself artistically. Unlike most pop stars she's venturing out of her box. I would like to hear Fran's vocals bandied about here, which I'm sure have also been altered, I know she put out a charity single, but it's not anything staggering. Anyway, there's always the option to see the understudy, CRJ is only doing 6 shows a week as negotiated.

#285A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 3:44pm

I agree with you, Phillytheatreguy10, the show IS beautifully conceived. I'm a classical musician, so you can probably understand why I'm sensitive to the music changes. I also understand your thoughts on CRJ. I had similar opinions of Carrie in THE SOUND OF MUSIC. I just view live theatre differently and have tremendous respect for the art of it. I'm not saying that CRJ doesn't, or that people who like her in the role don't. As you suggested, there is SO MUCH to enjoy in the show. I already saw it with the original cast and it's an experience I will never forget!

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#286A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 4:20pm

^^ I totally agree, I saw it over the Summer with the original cast and it was magical, it all worked so well! They are big glass shoes to fill! I am a working actor, my mother always says to me, "why do you support those types of casting decisions when there are so many people like you that are better qualified and can't get a break!" I do understand your frustration, but I think the target audience for the show is unfortunately the Disney Channel generation of manufactured "stars" and as much as that kills me I'm happy they are experiencing live theatre and maybe if they make the decision to pursue it as a career they will see what the art of it all is about! I guess they have to start somewhere!

Emma White Profile Photo
Emma White
#287A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 10:46pm

I was at the show with many people who don't know much about theatre. Someone looked in the playbill and asked me why there's a different Cinderella at some performances. So I explained alternates and stuff and she asked "oh, so Cinderella is a really hard part to sing?"
And I really couldn't justify the use of an alternate to her.

A friend of mine pointed out that Carly sounds very, VERY similar to Brandi in the 1997 movie version. Very similar. So if you like that version (lol) then maybe you'll enjoy it! OF course, Laura has voiced her opinion that she doesn't like that movie and thinks the role shouldn't be sung the way Brandi sang it, so I wonder if that says anything about Laura's true feelings. I've heard she's quite the little Broadway snob.

"Nice is different than good."

#288A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 11:26pm

^^ I assume you're referring to the SAG interview? Laura didn't say anything quite so strong.

Start at 7:15

justincharacter Profile Photo
#289A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 11:27pm

....when did Laura say that?

EDIT: She didn't say she didn't like it, she was basically saying that she was confused at how the score was adapted to be more "modern" than the original score.

Updated On: 2/7/14 at 11:27 PM

#290A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 11:45pm

"and I remember going, 'This is Rogers & Hammerstein; it shouldn't be poppy (laughs).' But I'm glad that there are several versions of it and that two of them are more legit and that one of them embraces the pop world."

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#291A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 11:50pm

Even if she doesn't like the way how Brandi sang it, her opinion wouldn't be that bad because she would have a point: It should be sung, classically.

#292A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/7/14 at 11:58pm

Ted Chapin's comment (Pres. of the R & H Organization) after Laura said this was, "and that's why we love you, Laura!"

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#293A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/8/14 at 12:32am

It's Brandy with a Y.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#294A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/8/14 at 6:18am

I'm not even going to jump back into the discussion regarding Jepsen's vocals. The score (and this style of singing) is obviously not something she's totally suitable for--but, hey, at least all those little girls going to show are hearing what a true Broadway pit orchestra should sound like.

I'm just still puzzled by this casting as a business decision. Let's be honest here. Ms. Jepsen is not a huge star. She is a one-hit wonder with ONE incredibly successful, inescapable single with "Call Me Maybe", a couple of follow up singles which failed to replicate its success and some lucrative endorsement deals with Cover Girl and other brands. She was not the star--the song was. Any reasonably attractive girl-next-door with a semi-decent middle-of-the-road pop sound could have been substituted in that song and it would have been a massive hit. I understand that she's going to bring in some young girls who bought Kiss--and that's great for the girls and great for the future of theatre--but do we really think she can sell that many tickets on her name? I guess we'll find out in the weeks ahead.

Emma White Profile Photo
Emma White
#295A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/8/14 at 8:58am

Yeah, that comment is a lot nicer than Iremembered it :)

I agree with those who are confused about this stunt casting. Carly does not have a huge fan base, and as I mentioned in the other thread, the stage door did not seem particularly excited to see her. They freaked out over Fran Drescher.

"Nice is different than good."

#296A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/8/14 at 9:36am

Carly's got around 10 million followers on Twitter and that's a pretty good sized target audience right there.

I was initially pretty outraged when they announced Carly as Laura's replacement. (Raising hand, "Yes, I'm a Broadway snob.") But I've settled down since then and now see some positives in the casting. Regardless of the ways in which she's not the best fit for the role, she apparently is putting on a very heartfelt performance that connects with the audiences. She is communicating her love for the theater to 10 million teenyboppers. She seems to be engaging well with fans at the stage door. She's running a contest today in which she has hidden a glass slipper with two Cinderella tickets inside somewhere in NYC and will be giving clues about where they are located to her fans on Twitter.

I've gained a lot of respect for Carly too. It took a lot of guts to take this on. I've read that she subjected herself to an extensive audition process in order to get the role. She seems to have worked very, very hard during rehearsals and set about to learn everything she could from the experienced B'way performers. She may not have the ability to be a top B'way performer but she is doing everything the right way. If she was signed for a year, I'd have more of a problem with it, but if she can keep the show going for three months and attract new B'way fans, why not?

Emma White Profile Photo
Emma White
#297A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/8/14 at 9:52am

Well, I was there on Carly's second night and it was far from a full house. The rows behind us were almost completely empty. I don't know what it was like with Laura, I never saw it, but if sales have been boosted, it's clearly not by much.

"Nice is different than good."

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#298A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/8/14 at 7:13pm

I agree with SamIAm.

Her excitement and passion for the show and the role is really wonderful to see, and having seen her, I really enjoy her performance. If the producers can get her out there on TV promoting the show, performing, etc, I don't see why this couldn't go well for everyone.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#299A New Cinderella
Posted: 2/8/14 at 7:22pm

When I saw the show Summer of 2013 with Laura the Orchestra seats weren't all the way full if that gives you any indication.
