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Martha Clarke's THREEPENNY OPERA at Atlantic
 Mar 25 2014, 09:02:48 PM
I saw a tweet yesterday from Scott Heller with the NY Times (@hellerNYT) saying that Martha Clarke was inspired by "Deadwood" for this production. I don't watch the show but I can see the inspiration from pictures. Anyone watch Deadwood? I've linked new 3PennyOpera production pictures below.

 Mar 20 2014, 10:30:01 PM
None of these reviews inspire me to see this show (although if I had kids that would be a different story). But I am looking forward to seeing "Friend Like Me" performed at the Tony Awards.
Harmony reviews - thoughts
 Mar 17 2014, 04:21:36 PM
I saw this about a week and a half ago. I thought all of the actors playing the Harmonists were wonderful, several of the songs were lovely and some of the staging - particularly the intro of the Harmonists - very clever.

However, I agree with the reviewers that the book (particularly the second act and the lead female roles) needs to be entirely re-done. It was a mess. At intermission, a woman leaned over and asked if this was the first time they were performing the show because t

Carly Rae Jepsen and Fran Drescher in Cinderella
 Mar 16 2014, 11:04:02 PM
"Just posted 'A Lovely Night' from Tonight's performance.
A Lovely Night"

Sounds like Ms Jepsen was losing her voice. I can't believe she always whispers like that. (Does she?)

Martha Clarke's THREEPENNY OPERA at Atlantic
 Mar 16 2014, 12:06:17 AM
I saw this show Thursday and again tonight. I was really impressed by how much the first third of the show has improved over the past few days. The first third is already much clearer, cleaner and crisper. The sound is louder, the group numbers are tighter and the entire thing has much more energy.

The show only tends to drag whenever Sally Murphy is featured. It’s not her fault; I blame the direction. The brothel scene drags on too long without much happening before she sings Pir

If/Then Previews
 Mar 15 2014, 05:53:09 PM
I saw this today with the Idina Menzel fan club. I kid, but while I don't think this role is irreplaceable, I wouldn't be surprised if they are able to sell tickets for quite some time on Idina Menzel's name alone. And she lived up to all the hype. I've always been indifferent towards Menzel, but she gave a fantastic performance.

In the past few days I've seen Bridges, Gentlemen's Guide, and Bullets. I also saw Big Fish last fall. If I were giving out Tonys tomorrow, I'd give one to M

Bullets Over Broadway on TDF
 Mar 13 2014, 12:22:45 AM
I saw this tonight and still can't get over the set. WOW! Easily the star of the show, in my opinion. Nothing else matched it, although Zach Braff, Marin Mazzie, Nick Cordero and Helene Yorke are giving fantastic performances.

I agree with those who said the show is not nearly as funny as it should be. I thought Brooks Ashmanskas had the most genuinely funny moments. He stole several scenes.

Everything else is polished, buffed and shined...but the only song that I can recal

The Light in the Piazza at South Coast Rep
 Feb 12 2014, 01:09:59 AM
I saw this show this past weekend. I had never seen a production of the show before so I went in a complete newbie.

I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Standouts for me were Patti Cohenour and David Burnham. Cohenour's acting in particular was wonderful. She was the heart of the show. Burnham was also so charming. I couldn't stop smiling every time he was on stage. The actress playing Franca, Melina Kalomas, was also really fantastic.

I didn't quite connect with Erin Mackey's Cl

A New Cinderella
 Feb 7 2014, 11:26:46 PM
^^ I assume you're referring to the SAG interview? Laura didn't say anything quite so strong.

She got a Motown ticket for Christmas (amazing video!)
 Feb 7 2014, 12:11:09 AM
I saw this lovely woman and her daughters on The Today Show this morning. Viewers paid for a week of activities for her and her daughters in NYC and some VERY special guests surprised her on the show this morning. Check it out. So cool.
A New Cinderella
 Feb 4 2014, 11:59:56 PM
I don't want to start a new thread about the new prince, but any word on Joe Carroll? I think he has been in for a week already. I never got the impression he was vocally strong, but is he a decent actor? Thoughts on his take on the role?

The new Madame costume gives me 101 Dalmatians vibes.

Looks like it would be Serino/Coyne?
 Jan 30 2014, 03:59:54 AM
BWW posted a little behind the scenes footage of this commercial shoot. Serino Coyne is behind the shoot.
Daniel Radcliffe returning to Broadway!
 Jan 16 2014, 05:26:42 PM
Great news. I've read good stuff about this production.

I wonder if they will offer cheap tickets again? Unlikely, but would be a very cool thing.

Breaking News: TITANIC to Sail Back to Broadway in Fall 2014; Toronto Run Begins July 22!
 Jan 16 2014, 05:07:26 PM
I've always liked the music, but I missed the original Broadway production. The London production by the same director as the upcoming Broadway one sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Are Laura and Santino still doing the afternoon shows?
 Jan 9 2014, 09:35:47 PM
Andy Jones will be on as the Prince all this weekend. These are his final shows before he leaves. Sam Lips will be on as the Prince on January 18 at 2pm. Otherwise, I've seen nothing to suggest Laura and Santino won't be doing matinees this month.
A New Cinderella
 Jan 2 2014, 10:02:43 PM
She dances in two scenes - once with the villagers and the lengthy ball scene (with multiple lifts), but okay, thanks.
A New Cinderella
 Jan 2 2014, 09:38:06 PM
Out of curiosity, I searched Carly Rae Jepsen + dancing on YouTube and found videos from when she judged "So You Think You Can Dance." In the interviews, she says that she doesn't dance and doesn't really know anything about dancing. She also claimed she has no personal skill as a dancer.

So...would they re-work the choreography in the show for her? Is that something they typically do for stunt-casted replacements who don't have the requisite skill set?

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/29/13
 Dec 31 2013, 01:16:36 PM
^^It was for 6 tickets. Oh no, he didn't do his homework. He's your typical out-of-town tourist who heard it was a good show and looked up tickets on Telecharge before he left. Most people aren't aware of online discounts, rush and other things except for TKTS and the popular shows are never on TKTS. I'm not saying they shouldn't charge it if they can make it, but I'm impressed so many people can afford it! (I need a new job, clearly.)
A New Cinderella
 Dec 31 2013, 12:17:26 AM
Carly is never doing more than 6 performances a week during her entire run. And only one 2 show day. Maybe she's worried about her vocals?

Telecharge also lists the final performance for Laura Osnes and Harriet Harris as January 26. Rebecca Luker leaves January 19. It's nice Laura will get one final week with Victoria Clark who returns January 21.

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/29/13
 Dec 30 2013, 08:21:30 PM
The average ticket price is crazy. A friend is a partner in a big law firm and recently took his family (4 kids) to NYC and wanted to see a show. He heard The Book of Mormon was good. He nearly fainted when the total ticket price came to more than $1,500. Needless to say, the family did not see The Book of Mormon. I'm continuously impressed that show (and others) can sustain these ticket prices. That's not cheap, even if you make a really good living.
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