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2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?

2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?

erikrokks Profile Photo
#02007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 8:30am

How early have you seen tickets go on sale for a touring show before the show arrives in your city?

I'm sure it's just a "quick money thing", but I received an email yesterday from the Denver Center for the Performing Arts that Wicked tickets for the return visit in May-June 2007 are going on sale this Monday. Doesn't that seem like a REALLY long time away for tickets to be going on sale?

Incedentally, I have no problem with them going on sale this soon, as evidenced by the fact that I bought tickets this morning...front row, dead center. :)

"You act like you're cleaner than the Board of Heath, but you're just a fame ho just like me. You know it...and you LOVE it!" -Paradice to Brooklyn

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#1re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 10:38am

I was pretty astounded by that myself. Sheesh...
How did you buy tickets? Are you a season ticket holder?

uncageg Profile Photo
#2re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 11:13am

It is on the front page of todays Post. John Moore wanted to interview me for it. It was supposed to be in tomorrows paper but he was told last night that is was going front page today. Here is the article.....

Just give the world Love.

uncageg Profile Photo
#3re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 11:14am

Subscribers were notified yesterday I think.

Just give the world Love.

LaMermFanatic Profile Photo
#4re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 11:20am

As a season ticket holder, yes I was notified yesterday. So I did get 5th row seats (for 1st Friday), and also have a block of 200 for the last Friday show. Uncageg: You are going to love this, I am getting a block of ticket in Detroit too. Since it is going to be there around our birthdays next year. Maybe I should change my name to WickedFanatic. Later! M re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?

uncageg Profile Photo
#5re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 11:24am

LaMerm....You are outta control!!!!! I will be in New York for my Birthday! Going to the Tonys.

But this is what I don't understand. It seems that the return engagement of Wicked is no longer than this one! All this hoopla, you would think it would be here for at least 4 weeks.

Just give the world Love.

Popular Profile Photo
#6re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 11:31am

WARNING: You have both caught "Wicked Fever"!!!

Good luck detoxing after it leaves this weekend. Those of us in L.A. and SF will help with the withdrawal. :)

uncageg Profile Photo
#7re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 11:35am

No! I am not buying tickets this soon. Who knows where I will be then. I could be dead by then!!!

Just give the world Love.

erikrokks Profile Photo
#8re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 12:36pm

I'm not a season package subscriber, but I do receive the Denver Center's newsletters, so I think that's how I get the early on-sale notices.

"You act like you're cleaner than the Board of Heath, but you're just a fame ho just like me. You know it...and you LOVE it!" -Paradice to Brooklyn

uncageg Profile Photo
#9re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 12:39pm

I didn't get my e-mail. But Lion King is coming back so I am putting in for a block of seats.

Just give the world Love.

Popular Profile Photo
#10re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 1:26pm


My dear, I can't help you if you don't work with me a little. The first step is admitting you have a problem.

LOL I'm just kidding, you know I just love messing with ya. But ummm, yeah...LeMerm...out of control! HA!
Updated On: 9/29/05 at 01:26 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#11re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 1:50pm

My phone rang after Merm read that!

Just give the world Love.

Popular Profile Photo
#12re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 1:53pm

A friend of mine in Denver is thinking of going to try lotto/cancellation line this weekend. Any tips? I know in L.A. it was insane...about 500+ for lotto and line around the block for cancellation line. People were getting there as early as 5:30AM for that last show! How is it like over there?
Updated On: 9/29/05 at 01:53 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#13re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 2:01pm

I heard about 200 the other day. Wonder if people will opt to buy tickets for the 2007 return of the show and not do the lottery for this run.

Just give the world Love.

Popular Profile Photo
#14re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 2:08pm

Thanks! I'll let them know... if you have any idea about the cancellation line (how long it's been, how early people have been getting there) that would be helpful too.

uncageg Profile Photo
#15re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 2:39pm

They do the lottery 2 1/2 hours before showtime. When I was there, they formed the cancellation line right after the lottery was done and I think they opened the cancellation window about 1/2 hour before curtain.

Just give the world Love.

Popular Profile Photo
#16re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 2:41pm

Oh really? Hmmm, see in L.A. there were people who lined up for the cancellation line WAY before the lottery ever started. They would have people hold their place to play lotto and if they lost they already had their spot.

In NY they don't allow you to do both so I actually asked the box office about it and they said that they simply couldn't enforce it so the rule was never set.

uncageg Profile Photo
#17re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 2:44pm

They didn't stop people from doing both. The day I went, there was a roped off line for the lottery. After the lottery we were told that we could form a line for cancellations. About 18 out of about 150 people stayed. I heard that only 2 tickets were turned in. My co-workers were about 12th in line.

Just give the world Love.

Popular Profile Photo
#18re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 4:51pm

Well don't give up, there was a whole bus load of people that missed out on the show one day and over 30 cancellation tickets were released so there is always hope! :)
Updated On: 9/29/05 at 04:51 PM

#19re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 4:56pm

Well, is this after this tour ends? Or is this a nother tour entirely...if so, where else is it going?

uncageg Profile Photo
#20re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 6:09pm

Not sure.

Just give the world Love.

#21re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 6:31pm

There are three companies of Wicked: Broadway, Chicago and the National Tour. The National Tour was underbooked by the producers because they wanted to guarantee the show would be sold-out, thereby drumming up higher demand. It is doubtful that they will shutter the tour and start a new one. When the Chicago production stops making money, it will most likely tour, much like Show Boat toured after its Chicago production closed. The tour that is being sold for Denver in 2007 is the one that is playing there now (it'll just have a different cast).

#22re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 6:38pm

OIC...thank you Fosse76. YOua re smart, and I like that. When is the cast gonna change in the tour anyway? Why don't the actors just stay in it till it is done?

#23re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/29/05 at 8:09pm

First of all, I am new to the forums and a HUGE Wicked fan! I have seen the Broadway show in June...

Anyway, if you all could answer a Q I would be very appreciative re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!? I want to buy multiple sets of tickets for when Wicked comes to my town. The tickets are currently only on sale to season members, so I was just going to wait and buy when they go on sale to the public right away (to the minute) do you think I'll have any chance of getting good seats? (like first 10 rows...) Or are these reserved for the season members?

Also, becuase I am buying tickets to multiple shows (3 maybe) should I go to a certain show first when they first go on sale to get better seats? I imagine most people will try for the opening night... What do you think?

Thank you all for your help re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?

#24re: 2007 Wicked tour tickets on sale?!?!?
Posted: 9/30/05 at 3:05pm

