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re: re: re: re: re: re: re: : re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
 Sep 19 2003, 10:58:52 AM
Hmmm.....gnat's penis.....well put Ron!

Dear Zola, Finding Namo, etc - It's been interesting reading all the back & forth regarding Juliana's journal. Permit me to give you another take.

I had the pleasure of meeting and briefly working with Juliana during the recording sessions for "Jeepers Creepers". No one has come off as more sincere or down to earth as she did - not a prententious bone in her body. Nothing diva-ish or phony about her. Her prose truly reflects the person I

re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
 Aug 18 2003, 03:29:49 PM
Dear FindingNamo -

I have had the opportunity not only to work with but to eat with Juliana, just prior to her casting in TMM. She is no different than any other twentysomething I have known, past or present. She may watch her weight via watching her diet, but she does far more positive things for herself (such as her daily workouts) than negative. There is nothing unhealthy about her as far as I can see, and I've known with enough people with severe problems, including my younger sis

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