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New Hadestown Casting
 Jul 26 2024, 11:38:32 PM

Has anyone caught Stephanie recently? 

THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLES musical will have pre-Bway tryout this summer in Boston
 Jul 22 2024, 02:00:15 PM

@Jordan Catalano

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I've not yet seen the musical but watched some interviews with Jackie post Queen of Versailles's and agree that this detail immediately spoils what is otherwise one of the few genuine, human moments I've seen of Jackie. In real life, her daughter did indeed include a note in which sh

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jun 29 2024, 03:08:14 PM

How is Tempress Chasity Moore? She was the casting I was most excited by, and have been keeping everything crossed that a recording of "Memory" pops up 

Metcalf stars in Hunter’s LITTLE BEAR RIDGE ROAD at Steppenwoolf, directed by Mantello
 Jun 24 2024, 09:19:03 PM

I'm a huge fan of both Hunter and Laurie but likely won't get to see this production. Could someone spoil some of the plot/ending for me, maybe by private message? Very curious!

TAMMY FAYE will transfer to Broadway in 2024-2025 Season
 Jun 16 2024, 10:13:45 PM

He too said it was odd he was announced before a contract had been signed...

Audra McDonald-led GYPSY for 2024-2025 Season?
 May 17 2024, 10:31:00 AM

Musicaldudepeter said: "This is really happening with Audra but I'm now hearing spring 2026 due to scheduling difficulties. Bryan Cranston is the current name being discussed for Herbie. Also a recent Grammy winner to make her Broadway debut as Louise. But all very hush hush at the moment."

Samara Joy, perhaps ...

New Hadestown Casting
 Mar 15 2024, 08:23:05 PM

Has anyone caught Ani as Persephone? Very excited to see her next month

THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA musical headed to the UK and West End in 2024
 Feb 19 2024, 01:12:40 PM

I guess I missed it, but at what point did Paul Rudnick leave this?

In Dreams in Toronto
 Oct 26 2023, 12:24:30 AM

Caught this recently in Toronto. I think I admired it more than I enjoyed it. Firstly, I am glad this isn't another paint-by-numbers biographical jukebox musical - I'm so glad that the creators made a real attempt at creating an original story. 

I went in knowing next to nothing so this may well be common knowledge but, to give an idea as to the premise of the show ... Lena Hall plays Kenna, a musician who, recently diagnosed with cancer, escapes to a family run Mexica

Dolly Parton Broadway Bio Musical aiming for Spring 2025
 Oct 20 2023, 10:53:07 PM

I'll start by saying I am a huge Dolly fan so either way, I'll be buying a ticket. Though my instinct is this will be a bright, flashy camp fest - I would love to see somebody take Dolly's music and construct an original story, something akin to "Girl from The North Country". Her earlier work is some of the most beautiful, tragic, theatrical music ever written. Songs like "Down from Dover", "The Bridge", "Daddy Come and Get Me&

New Hadestown Casting
 Oct 4 2023, 11:36:51 PM

I've heard Ani DeFranco is the next Persephone which I personally, am very excited for

"Just Stop Oil" protestors jumped on stage at Les Miz West End
 Oct 4 2023, 11:28:52 PM

Dylan Smith4 said: "I swear, what these people are doing is just wrong. There are other ways to protest, but disrupting a theatrical performance is the last straw in my book! Imagine if this were to happen on Broadway!"

I genuinely don't mean this to sound smartass - but it's really the last straw in your book? I am a huge theatre fan, but it's also not some sacred thing immune from protest. Just Stop Oil intend to disrupt, I'm frankly more surprised

New Hadestown Casting
 Sep 28 2023, 10:07:20 PM


Does anyone know how long Betty is expected to stay with the show, or whether she has any planned absences?

I'm not sure exactly when Betty is due to leave, but I do know the next Persephone is already locked in. I would love to catch Betty before then, having seen Jewelle (and Maria-Christina on tour) 

 Jun 14 2023, 09:40:22 PM

uncageg said: "jvoom said: "I've yet to see the show, but was reading the Deadline review. Can someone elaborate on the following? I'm cool with spoilers :)
"There’s a brief moment when we see Kimberly in a different light, and it draws audience gasps."

I think that may be one spoiler you won't want to know about. I gasped and then got choked up."

Now I really want to k

 Jun 14 2023, 03:26:10 PM

I've yet to see the show, but was reading the Deadline review. Can someone elaborate on the following? I'm cool with spoilers :) 
"There’s a brief moment when we see Kimberly in a different light, and it draws audience gasps."

ROOM will open this spring
 Jan 7 2023, 10:55:24 AM

I caught this a couple of years back when it premiered in Dublin. I'm not sure if it's changed at all since but my main feeling after echoed exactly what Jordan said above - "why?"

 I could also argue it's not really a musical? Ok there's music, there's singing, but there are no real songs, excluding one at the end of act 1. Again, it may have changed since, but a huge chunk of the show was basically just "talk singing" with undersc

THE BUTCHER BOY Musical at Irish Rep
 Aug 21 2022, 12:40:44 AM

Jordan Catalano said: "Saw this today and as a whole, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had seen the film many years ago (it’s on YouTube so I’ll watch it again this weekend) but didn’t remember much of it. I think that worked well for me since I got to experience the story with fresh eyes. I love the darkness of the story and if zi could change anything with it, I’d take it even further and go even darker. Not spoiling the ending but while I saw people (mainly older

& JULIET Will Have Pre-Broadway Engagement In Toronto
 Jun 21 2022, 11:46:33 PM

I was at the invited dress tonight. I know it's usual etiquette not to speak on an invited dress but I left the theatre absolutely beaming. Granted, theatre was effectively existent for two years but even still, I cannot remember the last time I left a show feeling this buzzed. Though I'm not typically the biggest fan of jukebox musicals, this one is pretty special.

The entire cast is fantastic but lemme tell ya - Betsy fvking Wolfe. There was a moment during "That's T

EPIPHANY at Lincoln Center?
 Jun 5 2022, 04:29:52 PM

Dollypop said: "UWS10023 said: "Why were some people walking out? Was it offended subscribers or people who thought it was not ver good. A little over 2 hours does not seem that long."

Seriously, how can anyone answer that wuestion unless they are one of the folks who had walked out?

Perhaps we can hire someone to stand in the lobby with a taperecoder to interview those who are walking out of the show. We're bound to get definitive answers

Jennifer Coolidge back to Broadway?
 Aug 8 2021, 02:21:11 PM

I am so here for this! I feel like she is such a specific type however, so it's hard for me to dream cast her. Of course, she could always do something brand new but for the fun of it, are there any classic roles she could do? 

(Side note: apparently when Legally Blonde was opening in the West End she was invited to audition for Paulette but turned them down as she felt she didn't need to audition)

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