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little women

#0little women
Posted: 1/22/05 at 10:45am

i am like the BIGGEST sutton foster/little women fanatic and i know that the official opening night is the 23, but z100 said it was opening the wats the deal?

bta212 Profile Photo
#1re: little women
Posted: 1/22/05 at 10:43am

Little Women opens Sunday, the 23rd. Curtain @ 6:00.

Party at Tavern.

"They have never understood, and no reason that they should. But if anybody could . . . " --SS

#2re: little women
Posted: 1/22/05 at 11:09am

i think this will be a very good show!

parker russel
#3re: little women
Posted: 1/22/05 at 11:11am

I'm not a fanatic of the show...but its one of the better broadway musicals I've seen recently. It was soooo charming, heart warming, and genuinely sincere. I wasn't expecting to like it and was pleasently surprised. If you haven't seen it yet...GO! Sutton's performance alone is worth it.

Mamie Profile Photo
#4re: little women
Posted: 1/22/05 at 11:12am

Maybe.... but only if it made MAJOR changes since I saw it. I absolutely love Sutton and Maureen - but they deserve a show that's better than this. This one nearly put me to sleep.
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

parker russel
#5re: little women
Posted: 1/22/05 at 11:20am

I also really liked that this one of one of the only new musicals (Caroline or Change excluded) I had seen recently to not be overly synthesized and to not be breaking major sound laws with the volume. Its also a score that fits comfortably into these people's voices and didn't have girls screaming their faces off and hurting my ears. That was one reason I liked it.

I also liked it for the fact that it was simply telling the story and the majority of performers were really connected to their material. It didn't lean on spectacle to tell the realied on the acting. It was a refreshing and heartwarming night in the theater and I hope to see it again soon.

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#6re: little women
Posted: 1/22/05 at 1:22pm

I just saw Little Women on Thursday night and I was blown away. The show had it's good and bad moments... but Sutton Foster absolutely gave one of the best performances I've ever seen. Everything about her was so organic and unforced and genuine. The actress who played Beth was wonderful too. Megan McGinnis I believe?
The script had a few of what I thought were awkwardly insincere moments... it might have been due to the amount of material they were trying to squash into a few hours. Overall, quite touching though... And I'll be surprised if Sutton Foster doesn't win that Tony.

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.
