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Worst Audition

#25re: Worst Audition
Posted: 5/22/05 at 1:15pm

Mine's not really acting related, more like for the pit.

I decided last minute that I'll audition for my high school's production of "Annie" pit orchestra.

Conductor: That's great Lins, *slaps book on desk* You got tomorrow

I practiced the whole night. It turns out that the violin part was a bit tricky, so I practiced my shifting and fingering.

The next day, audition time!

I sounded like poop. You're just gonna have to believe me. I was off-key. Since I was shaking, my bowing made the notes more unbearable. After the audition, I quickly left.

Suprisingly, i got in. Go figure.

"The cynicism you refer to, I acquired the day I discovered I was different from little boys!~All About Eve

MyDreamsRecurring Profile Photo
#26re: Worst Audition
Posted: 5/22/05 at 2:28pm

my first audition, I ended up trying to belt a song; it turned out so bad
I just walked out of the audition room and started crying

"No two shows are alike in the making. Each show is a living piece of your life in a small unreal world with its own character and integrity; its own new set of memorable experiences and incredible happenings. You begin to love and adapt to its strangeness. Dreams harden into substance. Values come into focus. You wish it would never end. The dream world vanishes like mist before a rising sun; part of you vanishes with it. And back you land in the real world with a thud- fogged, uneasy, jittery, difficult to get along with. There is only one cure. A new show. A new, small unreal world; new visions, experiences, incredible happenings. Again you love it, adapt to it, wish it would never end. But end it does. Another part of you vanishes. That's show business."-Anonymous

Aigoo Profile Photo
#27re: Worst Audition
Posted: 5/22/05 at 2:32pm

My LSOH, we had to sing the beginning of Skid Row (the Ronette solo). And this was my first audition. I tried to belt it out, even though at that point, I definitely couldn't reach the B. So I switched to head voice. Dear lord. I feel so sorry for the auditors.

This is my signature.

#28re: Worst Audition
Posted: 5/23/05 at 9:40am

I went to audition for North Central College, and when I went in for my vocal audition, I had the wrong key sheet music for my song; The lady that had picked out the song for me had told me that any good piano player would be able to transpose it up to a higher key - Well the accompanist at the audition was not too happy to hear me say that I needed it transposed up, and was even more unhappy (after I was asked why i didn't have the propper sheet music) when I told her what the lady had told me. Needless to say, the song was a BOMB! (somehow I still got the scholarship - I must have been the only guy auditioning for the vocal scholarship)

#29re: Worst Audition
Posted: 5/23/05 at 9:53am

My worst one was when I had to do a whole dance combo. I am not a dancer at all. I almost landed in a trash can off in the wings. Don't ask me how I do that stuff. Luckily I can sing...

"He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals" -Benjamin Franklin

#30re: Worst Audition
Posted: 5/23/05 at 10:10am


Not being a singer, my bad auditions tend to be om own fault. If I don't prepare, my auditions tend to be bad. If I prepare, they tend to be much better.

My all time worst audition was actually two auditions. On back to back nights, I auditioned for Our Town and Simpatico. This was after taking a year and a half off from theater, I just showed up. I was stiff and ill-prepared. The director from Our Town was suffering no fools and dismissed me right after my half page of dialogue. I'm sorry, but not be cast in a community theater production of "Our Town" is a humilating experience. With a cast that size, I could have been at least cast as a baseball player. The next night, I auditioned for Simpatico, I was so stiff and the director tried to pull stuff out of me. Even giving me a couple of chances...I don't know what was wrong with me! It all worked out for me, a week later I prepped and gave one of my best auditions and got cast as Marco in A View from the Bridge.

So that was the worse audition based on my own hubris.

Last summer, I auditioned for an original play, and I did every thing you were supposed to the play in advance blah blah blah...the director took a break and when we came back, of the eight actors auditioning, one was told his services were no longer required.... me! Obviously what I was giving her was not what she wanted...but to be the only one of eight actors the director had no further interest in seeing was not a good experience.


musical medea Profile Photo
musical medea
#31re: Worst Audition
Posted: 5/23/05 at 10:34am

i had three horrid auditions and cant decided which was worse. one was for hair when i was 12 and i sang castle on a cloud...ahd no idea what the show was about and performed my song on the floor like i was scrubing the floors. the second one was for BTP this year...the piano player had no idea how to play my song even after i said just play the chords if you get lost...lastly i auditioned for j/h and i sang when i look at you from scarlet pimpernel. you would think since it was a fairly known song from the same writers of j/h, the piano player woudl know it...ahh not so much..she butchered everyone who sang that song, but mine was much worse since i was the first to go.

#32re: Worst Audition
Posted: 5/23/05 at 5:37pm

wow some of these make my expierience seem pretty OK..hahah I feel for ya..

#33re: Worst Audition
Posted: 5/23/05 at 5:58pm

I was auditioning for a review...they were looking for someone with my body type and my vocal part. A tenor...a Belting Tenor! Now, I was trained classically and loved singing opera, etc. But have always enjoyed Broadway music more. So I had been working on belting for over a year and knew I could give them what they wanted. So I chose to do the last part of "Wheels of a Dream"

"BEYOND THAT ROAD! ... And we'll travel on from their CAAALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR WHO KNOWS WHERE! AND WE WILL --"

Ride suddenly clamped around my throat and i croaked. Litterally. LIKE A FROG. I CROACKED. I wasn't able to recover and the last two lines of the song came off more like me screaming then actually singing. It was terrifying.

CostumeMistress Profile Photo
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:22pm

Avatar - Isaac, my blue-fronted Amazon parrot. Adopted 9/7/07. Age 30 (my pet is older than me!)
Updated On: 2/7/06 at 06:22 PM
