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Theatres in Orlando

#0Theatres in Orlando
Posted: 8/19/06 at 12:24am

Has anyone ever worked at the theatres in Orlando. There are three that I would like to audition for. I want to audition for Sleuth's Mystery Dinner Theatre, Capones and Pirates Dinner Theatre.


#1re: Theatres in Orlando
Posted: 8/19/06 at 7:06am

Orlando is a pretty dismal town. The theatres you mention are incredibly "low-rent" and tourist driven. The main theatres are the Orlando Rep and Orlando Shakespeare Festival, they do the majority of real theatre in town, but they have a pretty consistent stable of actors.

All 3 are dinner theatres and cater to tour groups. Sleuths is in a strip mall. Pirates is behind the International Drive and Capone's is on Hwy 192 in Kissimee. I'd have to say that Capone's is the worst of the 3.

Craig Profile Photo
#2re: Theatres in Orlando
Posted: 8/19/06 at 10:47am

Orlando Broadway Dinner Theater (I think that's what it's called - it used to be the Mark Two Dinner Theater) Has re-opened. I'm not sure if its still an equity house, but you could easily find out.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

#3re: Theatres in Orlando
Posted: 8/20/06 at 12:32am

What does low rent mean? Does that mean that the shows are not any good? I really enjoyed Capone's when I saw it and I thought it would be so fun to be in. I am going to see Pirates Dinner Theatre with my mom so I will form my own opinion about that theatre and I know someone who performs at the Orlando Rep and I have seen shows there.

harris007 Profile Photo
#4re: Theatres in Orlando
Posted: 8/20/06 at 12:37am

the old mark two is not equity as of right now, but hear the show qualty varies from production to production.

there is also and it's ironic i talk about this one but mad cow does outstanding shows as does theater downtown, they do newer type stuff like take me out etc etc etc, they both sometime do old classics.

if your college age, ucf has outstanding program

capones and the like and have simple dinner theater stuff

and orlando rep and shakespere are equity i'm almost 100%

Attend the tale of Bovine Boy His party threads we all enjoy But does he have Mad Cow Disease? He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!! With cocoa!?! And lemonade!?! The heifer-mad poster of Broadway (World)

#5re: Theatres in Orlando
Posted: 8/20/06 at 12:06pm

Thank you for your response. I plan to be in Orlando for a while unless I get hired by another theatre to perform in another state. Once again what does it mean if a theatre is low rent?


#6re: Theatres in Orlando
Posted: 8/20/06 at 2:31pm

Don't forget Disney. Many Orlando actors find work at the various theme parks around town. Disney has some sort of special arrangement with Equity.

JoshuaEads Profile Photo
#7re: Theatres in Orlando
Posted: 11/30/07 at 12:58am

Not sure how relevant this information is to you now, Natasha; but I work with Sleuth's Mystery Dinner Shows and can assure you that since our relocation to International Drive we are anything but low-rent. The shows have all received face-lifts, the meals are good and the actors are generally top-notch. I can't really speak about the other two "dinner-show attractions" (as I haven't seen them), but I do know that several of our actors work between the three places and seem to enjoy them all.

Check us out at if you get a chance. re: Theatres in Orlando


P.S. - Craig, to answer your question, the old Mark II/Orlando Broadway Dinner Theatre re-opened as the Starlight Dinner Theatre in Dec. '05. They were non-union (but paid fairly well for the area) and I typically enjoyed working with them from November '06 until they closed in October '07. I'm very sad to report that after thirty-plus years as a Dinner Theatre (Once Upon A Stage, Mark II, Orlando Broadway, Starlight) the building has been sold to the School Board and will be demolished soon to make way for an expanded High School.

My lip gloss is poppin'...

wickedmenzel318 Profile Photo
#8re: Theatres in Orlando
Posted: 11/30/07 at 1:01am

I go to UCF and they have a great program but I double the rep and shakespeare. They have great shows aand both pay well from what I heard though I am pretty sure they are not equity. I can find out cause they are our partners.
Updated On: 11/30/07 at 01:01 AM

#9re: Theatres in Orlando
Posted: 11/30/07 at 4:23pm

no there are no actors in central florida that are equity just to make that very clear. orlando rep HIRES equity actors but dont give contracts or even points. although osf gives points but not contracts. they are both VERY great theatres however very difficult to get into osf requires at least for more kids invited auditions. the rep is very difficult and they are one of the theatres where youll be ensemble and move up to bigger roles. but other than that theres not too much. and disney does give equity contracts..if ur lucky and get a good role
