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"The Wiz Live!" Reviews

Posted: 12/5/15 at 4:02pm

Viewers and critics were tweeting and saying that she was brilliant, moving, and that she's a star.


But...that's amateurish, I guess.

Updated On: 12/5/15 at 04:02 PM

Posted: 12/5/15 at 4:07pm

Unfortunately there has been no information released about that black girl, no press about the show before it aired AT ALL, and very little after.  So dave19, and the rest of us, are left in the dark, you should excuse the expression.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Posted: 12/5/15 at 4:20pm

Where exactly did "race" come in?


I prefer to look at talent.

Updated On: 12/5/15 at 04:20 PM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
Posted: 12/5/15 at 4:26pm

You're asking questions that a very quick google search can provide u the answers to.

and if u r looking at talent u r a very poor judge of it.

why don't u try to get picked out of obscurity to headline a major television broadcast alongside some of the most talented people in the business and tell us how u hold up.

Posted: 12/5/15 at 4:28pm

He wouldn't be chosen because of the racial and gender requirements of the role in The Wiz, they would miss out on the best possible Dorothy, dave19.  It's reverse ism!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Posted: 12/5/15 at 4:28pm

FindingNamo said: "How did you restrain yourself from calling her "that black girl??"


Because I never called anyone by their color, and I never will.


Why do you?


I find you disgusting.


Posted: 12/5/15 at 4:29pm

Charmed, I'm sure, bro.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Posted: 12/5/15 at 4:30pm

CarlosAlberto said: "You're asking questions that a very quick google search can provide u the answers to."


I'm not asking questions. I'm not interested after I heard her sing in the clips, so no reason to Google. I Google people that I'm impressed with. What would her "name" add?



Updated On: 12/5/15 at 04:30 PM

Posted: 12/5/15 at 4:31pm

FindingNamo said: "He wouldn't be chosen because of the racial and gender requirements of the role in The Wiz"


They have racial requirements? wow. Not my style anyway.



Updated On: 12/5/15 at 04:31 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/5/15 at 4:56pm

I don't recommend  that Dave 19 go into the casting business.


Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:01pm

Jane2 said: "I don't recommend  that Dave 19 go into the casting business."


I already am.


And I don't recommend people to cast on race in a show where race does not matter for the story. 


I'm glad that color fanatics like you stay out of the business.


Scarywarhol Profile Photo
Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:09pm

Dave19 said: "

I already am."


God help us all.


And if you do not understand why this show was cast with black performers, you do not understand The Wiz, or why the musical was necessary to begin with. 

Updated On: 12/5/15 at 05:09 PM

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:12pm

"And I don't recommend people to cast on race in a show where race does not matter for the story."




Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:16pm

I'm also wondering, is this project really live? I see some cuts in scenes that don't match and seem edited.

If it is pre-recorded, I think they can do much more with it. Especially some re-takes of the vocals.

Updated On: 12/5/15 at 05:16 PM

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:20pm

You're obviously clueless about this whole show so you CLEARLY don't have any foot to stand on when criticizing the performances. Go watch the Les Mis film and gripe about that instead of being a basic boojey boob on a show you know nothing about

Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:24pm

So only people who cheer an "off-key, amateurish, strangely pinched vocal chords that sound like bouncingballs" performance of "home" know something about the show?


Let me decide for myself what I like please. Thank you.


Edit: Now this is what I love. Finesse, truthfulness, on key, perfect:

Updated On: 12/5/15 at 05:24 PM

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:26pm

You obviously don't have an ear for singing. She wasn't off pitch at all. Seriously, you're kind of an idiot.

Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:32pm

He's in the casting business but did not know until this very thread and my very post that there are racially based casting requirements for The Wiz.  How funny.  If you ever get around to casting the X porn parody of The Wiz, dave19, you might want to remember that.   Glad I could help.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

SNAFU Profile Photo
Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:38pm

Dave it was live, believe me. It was the Moon Landing that was taped in a Hollywood backlot.


Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Jane2 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:40pm

Dave, you're already in the casting business? That you don't know much about the Wiz is kind of strange.


One of my best friends is a casting director. One of the duties of a casting director is to be familiar with, or know well, all shows. You  must attend shows every night. And while doing so, you should familiarize yourself with all the actors, old and new, on the scene.


As far as casting goes, my experience is limited to a few free lance gigs with Bernie Telsey. Otherwise, I've been in the business since the 80's, as an actor, and then in theater management. From what you post here, you don't sound like someone who would do well in casting.




Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:44pm

I know more than you can imagine.

I am just making a statement against color obsessed casting and amateurish performances.

Updated On: 12/5/15 at 05:44 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:45pm

"I know more than you can imagine."


You would have to.


Hamilton22 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:47pm

"I know more than you can imagine."


Translation: Les Mis is bad blah blah blah movie actors cant sing blah blah blah.




Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:53pm

Meanwhile, the "pitch and amateurish" Shanice Williams is still getting glowing reviews and responses

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/5/15 at 5:59pm

^ Not to mention she most likely will be going to broadway. Dave's clueless.
