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The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven- Page 5

The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven

#628re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 9/11/06 at 7:57pm

if its true that he is performing tonight and there was no info regarding this....then he has to have THEE worst PR people in the industry working with him! What a shame!

#632re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 9/11/06 at 8:09pm

Thanks picturetaker...i am guilty of lurking here too...but you all seem to have the best infor...and I am a big fan (although...I am by far the oldest i feel a bit ridiculous) seems unreal to me that Adam can not find people to promote his upcoming events in a professional and organized, when I want info on him....I come to this guys have the most up-to-date info on the web (along with connie...) good job!!

#636re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 9/11/06 at 8:23pm

Thank you siamese dream....but trust me, i am on the older range...side....i firmly believe that the main reason he sells tickets to his shows is due to this site and his very devoted fan base...the publicity is next to none....which really is such a shame....but, thankfully for you all...the information finds a way to get out to the public....

#643re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 9/11/06 at 8:36pm

he needs to learn how to be his own advocate! I understand he may not be able to spend the money for high end publicity...but with the internet, and the age of his fan base....he could provide the information and the connection his fan base would relate to...with myspace and these boards...he has a captive audience.........

#776re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 9/15/06 at 7:42pm

Not sure if anyone is interested in this...but being a fan of Rent, I thought I would share it...I found out about this via the CB board...

Public Events at the Library of Congress

Oct. 23
A tribute to the music of Jonathan Larson, composer of the Broadway musical “Rent,” features Anthony Rapp and Daphne Rubin-Vega, who starred in the original production,” along with Tim Weil, current music director, at 8 p.m. in the Coolidge Auditorium. Tickets are available from Ticketmaster (two per person) for a minimal service fee beginning Sept. 13. Although the supply of tickets may be exhausted, interested patrons are encouraged to try for standby seats at the will-call desk in the Jefferson Building by 6:30 p.m. Contact: 707-5502.

I was kinda hoping, since it coincides with Adam being on the East Coast....there would be a possibilty he might show???? hopeful thinking....but it should be a fun night anyway.....

#778re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 9/15/06 at 8:01pm

I realized (after the i read the CB board) that there was a thread for this...but i thought if there were other people out there like me...who only read the adam thread...this would be good information,.....

#781re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 9/15/06 at 10:20pm

chloe, its nancy....and I dont post often...but i do keep up with the boards...its always interesting to hear your views...and, as I have mentioned....its the best source of I check all the boards often.....and look forward to all the events to come....and the commentaries...should be fun!!!

#783re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 9/15/06 at 10:35pm

really??? was it in this thread?

#1352re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 10/8/06 at 8:14pm

I am looking forward to hearing your reviews...and everyone else that will be seeing him tonight...seems like it might be a more "sophisticated" crowd (for lack of a better word?) ...due to the time and place...I hope he changes it up a bit for you! Please post tommorrow...for those of us who will not be able to see him!

#1686re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 10/17/06 at 9:58pm

Thanks to all of you for the great reviews and wonderful pics! I am sorry that he didnt hang around that last night in NY...he kinda did the same thing at Rent 10....never showed for the "after party" because he had a plane to catch.....w/e...I thought it was very bad public really wanted to see him that evening too...It is kind of surprising...his NY fan base is his "home" its upsetting to see this happen there......I hate to be the "puppy" that bites...but he should be kind to those that are supportive to him thru EVERYTHING! Real fans, those that see every concert, buy every album ect...deserve to know if and when Adam will/will not sign/or take photos....before....its just being respectful....IMO

#1692re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 10/17/06 at 10:14pm

To Adams always seems as if he wants to do what is best for his fans...Unfortunatly, (and here is the bite) he seems to surround himself with people that arent solely looking out for his "public" best interest...

#1697re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 10/17/06 at 10:23pm

I am not suggesting that "catching a plane" is a bad thing...only that he was "signed on" to do publicity and then, after the fact, told others thats why he coudnt be there...he absolutely does not have to be there...but in certain instances...he let it be assumed that he would "take part" in the afterparty/ signing ect..... letting lots of fans be dissappointed...when it just wasnt seems to me that people deal best when they are simply told the truth, right from the start.............

#1700re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 10/17/06 at 10:30pm

orangeskittles.....i wasnt there for an autograph....i was just explaining what happened...and yes, a few others didnt show, which didnt bode well for them either.....but it was Adam we were talking about...........

#1702re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 10/17/06 at 10:37pm

I am well over it, thanks very much...and you wonder why you have no newcomers to this thread.....thanks......Its much safer to just be a stalker others have pointed out.....

#1704re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 10/17/06 at 11:00pm

you are probably right...and it are consistently the voice of reason....good thing....but, its no fun gettin involved here,,,,so carry do a great job of getting all the messages out....

GuitarGirl Profile Photo
#2627re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 11/21/06 at 6:15pm

Hi! I'm kind of new to these boards and I am a big fan of Adam's. I actually didn't know about the board here until about a week ago, so I just looked around and found it very lively and interesting.

I kind of regret that I didn't know about Adam until my birthday in March, so I wasn't around for some of the eventful parts of his life. But oh, well. No one can go back in time, so...

"I'm sort of like a child genius without being a child or a genius."~Tim Rice-Oxley

GuitarGirl Profile Photo
#2644re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 11/22/06 at 5:56pm

Thanks for all the welcomes!

The movie Goyband sound like an interesting thing for Adam to do. I can't imagine him singing/dancing in Yiddish. :P I hope the movie is successful. It sound like it will be funny.

"I'm sort of like a child genius without being a child or a genius."~Tim Rice-Oxley

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#2649re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 11/23/06 at 3:25pm

So I guess I'm delayed with the movie news, but does he have a main role in the film? (Sorry I'm sure that has been discussed already!)

GuitarGirl Profile Photo
#2660re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 11/24/06 at 5:20pm

That's funny. At least Adam was well remembered. Don't all the Rogers do that, though? I saw Tim Howar as Roger and he was very moody (but, I have to say, very good).

The Goyband site says "A gefilte fish out of water tale that’s fun for the whole mishpucheh (family)!" Does that mean that the movie is going to be rated PG? For some reason it struck me as a movie that....was not a family movie.

On another note, Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

"I'm sort of like a child genius without being a child or a genius."~Tim Rice-Oxley

GuitarGirl Profile Photo
#2708re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 11/26/06 at 8:28pm

Nice pictures! I'd never seen those particular ones but they're nice.

"I'm sort of like a child genius without being a child or a genius."~Tim Rice-Oxley

Chloe Profile Photo
#2842re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 12/7/06 at 10:33pm

Nice to see some of Amber's treats again.

Cybele wrote tonight that she had a serious allergic reaction right before Thanksgiving, which is why she hasn't posted recently. I hope she's feeling better.

lindsey618 Profile Photo
#3149re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 12/27/06 at 4:22pm

he's coming to my town!!! yay!!!! i can't wait!!!

#3773re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 1/28/07 at 3:33am

First time poster on this thread, long time lurker, but I had to post regarding the Duke concert, after reading about excessive traveling and how Adam hasn't been meeting the fans. I think someone wrote how a couple of girls drove up from Georgia to North Carolina, but I unfortunately win the prize for traveling the farthest, because I flew down from New York. In my defense, my friend from Duke had been begging me to go visit her, so when I saw Adam was going to be at Duke, I decided that was a good weekend to visit.

Like other people said, Adam told people he would take pictures and sign autographs after the Q and A, but after Larry came out and a decent amount of time had passed, someone made an announcement that he wouldn't be coming out. Which definitely disappointed the whole auditorium, and me, since well, while I know that meeting him afterwards is a bonus, I had dragged my Rent (so sue me. I didn't have his other shows) poster and his cds down with me to get signed. To make a really long story short, I ended up at the stagedoor with about a dozen other people after questioning a couple of employees about where it was. My friend from Duke, meanwhile, had been tagging along with me all this time, and frankly, hadn't liked Adam, so she was annoyed that he had said he would come out but didn't, since she knew how much I wanted to meet him, and well, didn't really care what he thought of her. All of us are standing around, freezing (b/c that weekend had to be the one time it snowed in NC), and my friend got fed up, and well, opened the stagedoor, looked around, and went inside. I'm thinking "WTF is she doing?" and other people are talking and she still hasn't come out, and I'm picturing security throwing us off the premises or something, when the door opens again, and out walks my friend with Adam. I almost died. Apparently she found him and told him that I had flown down from New York, along with some other stuff, and he said he would come out. I got my stuff signed, got a pic, a hug, and he thanked me twice for coming so far. So thanks to my friend, I met Adam. I'm pretty sure if we just waited around, he would've been rushed to the van.

and for all those who want to hear the new song, it should be up on soon re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven

#3784re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 1/28/07 at 1:12pm

I'm hoping that he didn't mean to lie to everyone, but it seems like he's done the same thing at the past two shows, tell everyone that autographs/pictures will be next, and then not actually come out. While there were quite a few people waiting around at Duke, there weren't any noticeably annoying/crazy fans (like the ones singing seasons of love), and when my friend went backstage, she said it didn't look like he was leaving anytime soon, just kinda sitting around. I know someone going to the show in Illinois, so I'll hear what that's like.

#3796re: The Official Adam Pascal Love Thread, part eleven
Posted: 1/28/07 at 7:46pm

Did Adam's myspace have the performance at the Forum Theatre on its list of shows? Because if it did, it's not there anymore. I thought it was up there.

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