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The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!- Page 2

The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#25re: The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 7:12pm

I think the logo is very boring and they could have done a lot more with this one. But I love the pictures of the Characters.

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#26re: The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 7:41pm

I like the marquee. The marquee's font is a homage to its' creator's handwriting on a dark black and burgundy background...the show is about a dark family. It's not like they could get away with a marquee like Finian's. I don't think a big, flashy marquee would work for a show about the ADDAMS family. I think this works.

And no one was really gushing about the marquee itself...they were merely discussing that the marquee being up stirred excitement.

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

#27re: The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 7:47pm

I like it. It's simple and classy.

#28re: The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 9:06pm

Thank you very much for offering to hang up your hat on the subject of TAF. I look forward to hearing your opinion on other topics, and am very happy to hear that you are moving on. Best of luck to you.

#29re: The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 9:08pm

Adendum: The above post was directed to PGenre.

Pgenre Profile Photo
#30re: The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 9:10pm

It's P genre, fan_B.

Updated On: 12/11/09 at 09:10 PM

CrazierThanYou Profile Photo
#31re: The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 9:51pm

Pgenre, can you honestly shut the hell up and get a ****ing life?

You seriously need to find better things to do than trash this show. You don't have to be so ****ing rude about everything. I usually am not this bitchy, but I have had enough.

I saw the Addams Family and enjoyed it despite its flaws. There is a difference between criticism and just plain bashing. If you hate the show so much (even though you haven't seen it) then GO READ OTHER THREADS FOR GODS SAKE!

There are shows I don't like, so I don't read about them when I check the message board.

You have turned multiple threads into arguements and it is getting incredibly aggravating. Make better use of your time and get a hobby, read a book, go see a show, get a boyfriend or girlfriend, talk to your friends BUT STOP BEING SO RUDE WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE. It has gone too far, and it is wasting my time as well as everyone elses. I'm not saying you can't critique a show, but for god sake, stop being such a downer!!!

love and respect,

- Love and Respect

MusicSnob1 Profile Photo
#32re: The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 10:23pm


Stick to the NINE Film threads, you crazy mofo.

When I think about you, I touch myself.

#33re: The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 10:37pm

"I will not respond to the question of if or if I have not seen it as I have not criticized anything but the book and score and how the performers handle that material."

umm, I'm just wondering. If you haven't seen the show, then how can you even KNOW how the performers handle the material????

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#34re: The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 10:48pm

I think it looks cool, I saw it with a few more characters up.
CHICAGO uses the same banner effect, right?
It's smart to use the great drawings, saves $ when cast changes.
The dynamic of 46th St has changed with the loss of
Howard Johnson's and the multi lit American Eagle.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#35re: The ADDAMS FAMILY marquee is up!
Posted: 12/11/09 at 10:50pm

As long as the banners of the cartoon characters are near the marquee, then I'm pleased. People passing by need to notice the cartoons, as the marquee won't get attention on its own (judging solely on the pictures in this thread as posted above). Those iconic characters are the eye candy. The theatre's exterior doesn't need to be flashy as long as there's the cartoon.

I'll never forget passing by the Shubert with the Spamalot logo and a group of European tourists thought it was a restaurant & gift shop for Monty Python.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."
