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Tales of the City Cast Recording?- Page 2

Tales of the City Cast Recording?

choitoy Profile Photo
#25Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 7/17/11 at 1:30pm

I think it's funny also when people say the books are a "San Fancisco" thing, as when I went down to see the show, it was my first ever time in San Francisco (my sister's too).

And she seemed to get the plot of the show just fine, even though she's reading the books now (she started a week ago, and just finished the second book).

So there must be some sort of univeralsity to the characters that attracts us to them.

I do agree, though, that the books did get a little weaker as they progressed. But even reading Maryanne (which I did on the plane ride to and from SF), which had a lot of hokey plot points and a few overgeneralized characters that didn't have all the nuances of the prior books, it still was like revisiting an old friend.

Xanadu! Can't cry on cue!

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#26Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 7/17/11 at 1:42pm

I suppose it's like the difference between seeing just the movie and both having read the book *and* seeing the movie. Yes, the characters are easy to "get", but if you've read the books, there are things that you can appreciate that much more. And if by some wonder and miracle you were in SF when they first appeared, that depth goes even further, with, as I noted, little Easter eggs that Maupin left lying around for the devoted fans to find.

#27Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 7/17/11 at 10:19pm

Eric, the "Dear Mama" "Reprise" in Act 2 happens just before "No Apologies" when Mrs. Madrigal sings the bridge of "Dear Mama" (please don't ask yourself...). I believe it's been in the show since it started previews.

#28Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 7/17/11 at 10:44pm

Just home from "the City." Saw the show yesterday and have a few opinions to offer. First and foremost, Judy Kaye is frickin' amazing. Her peformance, alone, is absolutely worth the price of admission. I found the show delightful, overall. As a former resident of SF, it was wonderful seeing the show there. I did feel that there were a few too many "inside" references to SF that may not translate to a stage elsewhere. While it is necessary to keep true to the books and establish the uniqueness of SF, I felt there were some references that simply would be lost to any non-SF connected audience (the Nuns of Perpetual Indulgence, for example). But, that said, the spirit of the 70's is well captured. As for the rest of the cast, I enjoyed Betsy Wolfe, Mary Birdsong, Manoel Felciano, Diane Finlay and Richard Poe. I didn't feel the play too long. I don't, however, necessarily feel it ready for Broadway. Trimming a few songs would not hurt the integrity of the show, imho. To keep with the theme of the thread, if this is the only chance to record Ms. Kaye, then just do it!

FlyingMonkey1223 Profile Photo
#29Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 7/17/11 at 11:10pm

I thought Judy was one of the weaker cast members. Just didn't like her singing voice or acting choices. Would have loved to see Betty Buckley in the role.

choitoy Profile Photo
#30Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 7/18/11 at 2:41am

I thought Judy was fine in the show (and it was great to finally see her live).

I thought the acting choices made total sense to who the character is. She mentioned in the Talkback after the performance I went to that she tries to be very careful during vocal warm-ups before the show to not open up her higher register, because her character wouldn't have that higher register (for reasons I don't want to give away to anyone who hasn't read the books/seen the tv movie/seen the musical/read reviews of any of the aformentioned formats). I wouldn't have even thought of this, but knowing this and looking back at her performance, a lot of choices I think make sense for the character (though there are a few points where I think her character could have been more strongly written).

Though I was initially disappointed that I wouldn't get to see Betty Buckley in the role, I feel like she lives off of giving that powerhouse register of hers which may be a little too feminine for the role.

And I agree that it's finally time to record Judy Kaye in something!

Xanadu! Can't cry on cue!

#31Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 7/18/11 at 2:53am

I was disappointed that Betty didn't stay with the role, but the more I think on it, the more I wonder how she would have been. She comes across as so steely (I think that's why she was recast out of Brothers and Sisters, they wanted a more maternal feel), and while some of that reminds me of Dukakis in the miniseries, I think a bit more warmth might have been better, which Kaye provides.

SM, I definitely will tell you what I think about Maryanne, I'll probably read it in the next few weeks. Your point about the city makes a lot of sense. The only joke in the show where much of the audience laughed, and my friend and I just looked at each other, was the joke about Marin being dull--but I've had it explained since. But I imagine if this show does have future productions outside of SF, that the writers will be smart enough to remove some of that.

Gcal--that makes sense, I actually didn't realize that that was taken from Dear Mama for some reason, I'm ashamed to admit.

#32Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 7/18/11 at 11:12am

I'm disappointed Betty Buckley didn't stay with the show either.

Hest882 Profile Photo
#33Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 7/18/11 at 10:34pm

For me, I know it's hard to separate out what I *wouldn't* know if I hadn't read the books. Certainly there are many inside jokes, but, yes, if there were not so much universality the books wouldn't have been so popular in the UK and Japan. Plus, I also think it pays for books like this to have a nice sense of place. People read the Tales books in part to read about SF at a certain time, in the same way we might read books to lose ourselves in Paris or New York or Tuscany. Although I'm from the Bay Area, I'm hardly of the SF milieu detailed in the books. Much went over my head during my initial readings, but I loved them anyway.

Eric, I would be interested in your take on Mary Ann in Autumn. I was one of those sorely disappointed in what happened to the young, optimistic woman who first introduced us to that version of San Francisco, and I was happy to have some of the young Mary Ann back.

maila Profile Photo
#34Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 7/19/11 at 2:42am

eric, did you get my second private message? i already changed my setting. thanks again.

#35Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 8/8/11 at 4:24pm

Anyone heard anymore info on the possible cast recording mentioned in the playbill article?

stagedoorslacker Profile Photo
#36Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 8/8/11 at 10:53pm

I hope they make this recording. Loved it in San Fran!

#37Tales of the City Cast Recording?
Posted: 8/10/11 at 5:52am

If it was happening, wouldn't we have heard something by now? Or am I just being cynical (of course, I do hope I'm wrong).

RainbowJude Profile Photo
#38TALES OF THE CITY Cast Recording
Posted: 12/3/11 at 5:27am

All right, so I've read the first volume of the books and listened to an audio of the show. Yes, there are problems, but hell yes, there is a great deal of potential in this show. I think it's not bad as an adaptation at all. It has more going for it than it has going against it and I would love to see it developed further. A recording would be great, but a new production that's been worked on a bit would be even better!

Musical Cyberspace: a tribute to the musicals of Broadway and beyond.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#39TALES OF THE CITY Cast Recording
Posted: 12/16/11 at 3:58am

I just heard that there are talks for a small UK production... I would guess Fall 2012? (and re-reading this thread I still haven't read Maryanne in Autumn so must get onthat--apparently withintwo years the "true" finale, about Madrigal will come out).

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#40TALES OF THE CITY Cast Recording
Posted: 12/16/11 at 11:12am

Are you kidding? Anna's gonna have a longer death tour than Sarah Bernhardt. TALES OF THE CITY Cast Recording

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#42TALES OF THE CITY Cast Recording
Posted: 3/15/12 at 2:36pm


RippedMan Profile Photo
#43TALES OF THE CITY Cast Recording
Posted: 3/15/12 at 5:38pm

Are there clips anywhere? I read the first book and was sooo into it. I need to get all the others.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#44TALES OF THE CITY Cast Recording
Posted: 3/15/12 at 6:27pm

You need at least the first three. I actually like all six of the initial series but they do get more serious with characters getting less likeable.

There are a few VERY brief clips still on youtube I think. The brief minute montage is up, a few behind the scenes things, and the two song performance at Pride--just do a search for Tales of the City Musical. And of course some of us *ahem* have live recordings to tide us by.

Justin2 Profile Photo
#45TALES OF THE CITY Cast Recording
Posted: 8/28/14 at 1:46pm

Sorry to ressurect this thread but wanted to know who's read the last Tales book?
Just such a great one to finish on.
Mary-Anne in Autumn was a great one but the Days of Anna Madrigal was just something else.

Anyway, would love to know everyone's thoughts...

(First post too here! Hurrah TALES OF THE CITY Cast Recording     )

There's gotta be somethin' better than this...
