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Sit down, shut up and clap: A guide to theater etiquette by Amanda Duarte- Page 5

Sit down, shut up and clap: A guide to theater etiquette by Amanda Duarte

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#100Sit down, shut up and clap: A guide to theater etiquette by Amanda Duarte
Posted: 6/29/18 at 6:01pm

bk said: "As everyone here has pointed out to you - EVERYONE - the only racist comments going on here are coming from you, friend. You should have stopped long ago, but instead on you go. And you know what, I AM entitled to have a perfect theatre experience without suffering fools and idiots - you bet I am. And until B'way became the circus I had it - every time, every place. I know this is a horrifying thought for you but there was a time when cell phones didn't exist, there was a time when theaters did not hawk food like people were at a baseball game - yes, that time is gone, but people have become insufferable, entitled little twits and frankly they deserve to be called out on their bad theater behavior and bad theater behavior transcends race, creed, color, and any of your stupid buzzwords."

Ah, Make America Great Again.

Make Theater White Again.

And I didn't have a cell phone until I graduated college. Nice try, bigot. 


#101Sit down, shut up and clap: A guide to theater etiquette by Amanda Duarte
Posted: 6/29/18 at 6:12pm

Fraudulent Fury is hilarious x

#102Sit down, shut up and clap: A guide to theater etiquette by Amanda Duarte
Posted: 6/29/18 at 6:14pm

poisonivy2 said: "bk said: "As everyone here has pointed out to you - EVERYONE - the only racist comments going on here are coming from you, friend. You should have stopped long ago, but instead on you go. And you know what, I AM entitled to have a perfect theatre experience without suffering fools and idiots - you bet I am. And until B'way became the circus I had it - every time, every place. I know this is a horrifying thought for you but there was a time when cell phones didn't exist, there was a time when theaters did not hawk food like people were at a baseball game - yes, that time is gone, but people have become insufferable, entitled little twits and frankly they deserve to be called out on their bad theater behavior and bad theater behavior transcends race, creed, color, and any of your stupid buzzwords."

Ah, Make America Great Again.

Make Theater White Again.

And I didn't have a cell phone until I graduated college. Nice try, bigot.


I'll let the moderators deal with you calling me that, you insufferable little person.  You're everything that's wrong with the world today, chum, but thankfully your inane posts here point that out every time.  As to being a bigot, I think you take that particular cake, chum, along with a severe lack of a sense of humor.  You must be a barrel of fun to be around.  Frankly, you make me want to vomit on the ground, but that's just me.  And who gives a flying Wallenda when you got your cell phone?  And I'm surprised you say you didn't get it until you graduated college, since you have the behavior of a twelve year old, no offense to twelve year olds.

Updated On: 6/29/18 at 06:14 PM

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#103Sit down, shut up and clap: A guide to theater etiquette by Amanda Duarte
Posted: 6/29/18 at 6:21pm

Keep on clutching those pearls and I'll be sure to pass those smelling salts next time I see you fainting at the theater because someone wore shorts. You sound like a barrel of laughs yourself.

"Yes, a matter of taste, with taste being the operative word.  Taste has gone the way of the dodo bird.  If people want to wear shorts to the theater no one is going to stop them.  Nor is it going to stop me from thinking they have no taste.  They don't care and I don't care and the world goes round.  Some people think the theater is a very special place.  Some think it's all about them and don't give damn about special places.  I don't necessarily dress up to the nines but I am respectful of the building that I'm entering and what it represents for ME.  But I understand the world in which we live today in which there is little taste and even less class."

Updated On: 6/29/18 at 06:21 PM

EllieRose2 Profile Photo
#104Sit down, shut up and clap: A guide to theater etiquette by Amanda Duarte
Posted: 6/29/18 at 6:27pm

Just shut up poison ivy, the only person who brought race into this was you.  And, no one on this thread has threatened violence on a fellow theater goer.  When I get up and tell someone to shut off their phone...that is not violent.  When I threaten to take candy away from a chomper?  Again, not violent.  My husband is from Nigeria. He has told plenty of theater goers what to do regarding their phone, food, or ice.  He did not get treated any differently from any Caucasian in the theater so again, you are wrong.  I am not calling you a racist, but you might want to see a bit more culture and not just rely on Fox News and Buzzfeed, thank you.  

"If I pay good money to see a show and I get a little thirsty, I'm not going to sit there uncomfortably with my throat dry. I'm gonna take a quiet drink of water without ice from my crinkle-free water bottle. I don't care how much it offends the occasional pearl-clutcher spending more time watching the audience than watching the show."

I pay good money as well.  To not be disrupted.  And hey, crinkle free water bottle?  Go at it.  What you don't get is we don't watch the audience.  People like us are entirely engrossed in the gorgeous work of art happening on the stage.  And then a cell phone rings, or someone opens their phone, or they start chomping, etc. We don't look for problems, ever. We just simply want people to be polite and respectful to their fellow patrons, cast, crew, and everyone else who works their ass off to make a show happen.

Updated On: 6/29/18 at 06:27 PM

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#105Sit down, shut up and clap: A guide to theater etiquette by Amanda Duarte
Posted: 6/29/18 at 6:28pm

Threads like these really makes me wonder how many of you here are actually capable of conversations like this in person. Is it the internet which gives you the freedom of being so...vile? I for one don't think civility is always the answer but the way y'all are talking is not something I have ever observed in real life, only internet.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

EllieRose2 Profile Photo
#106Sit down, shut up and clap: A guide to theater etiquette by Amanda Duarte
Posted: 6/29/18 at 6:31pm

I have a rule:  If I would not say it to your face, I don't say it online.  You have read many stories about people confronting rude theater-goers here, so I am sure the same applies to them as well.  

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#107Sit down, shut up and clap: A guide to theater etiquette by Amanda Duarte
Posted: 6/29/18 at 6:31pm

Valentina3 said: "Threads like these really makes me wonder how many of you here are actually capable of conversations like this in person. Is it the internet which gives you the freedom of being so...vile? I for one don't think civility is always the answer but the way y'all are talking is not something I have ever observed in real life, only internet."

^ This

#108Sit down, shut up and clap: A guide to theater etiquette by Amanda Duarte
Posted: 6/29/18 at 6:34pm

Ok, folks. Unfortunately it appears that this discussion has run its course, since it looks like we can't have productive conversations without them devolving into personal attacks. We've warned the collective group a couple of times on this topic, but a few people continue to choose to pick fights rather than engage in meaningful discussions. We will go ahead and lock this thread for good now. Thank you to those who have tried to debate this topic respectfully. Have a great weekend, all. 
