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Shame on Kristin Chenoweth- Page 5

Shame on Kristin Chenoweth

magic8ball Profile Photo
#107re: Shame on Kristin Chenoweth
Posted: 1/13/05 at 5:35pm

"This is the dumbest, most ridiculous waste of a thread."


If you're not going to post something constructive, then don't bother to post AT ALL. Just because this isnt a happy-go-lucky, let's-all-agree-on-everything thread doesn't qualify it as a waste.

"Goodness is rewarded. Hope is guaranteed. Laughter builds strong bones. Right will intercede. Things you've said I often find I need, indeed. I see the world through your eyes. What's black and white is colorized. The knowledge you most dearly prized I'm eager to employ. You said that life has infinite joys."

magic8ball Profile Photo
#108re: Shame on Kristin Chenoweth
Posted: 1/13/05 at 5:38pm

"magic8ball I said nothing about supporting Bush. Far from it. Read again."

Ummm... NOTHING I said had ANYTHING to do with you supporting Bush. Read again.

"Goodness is rewarded. Hope is guaranteed. Laughter builds strong bones. Right will intercede. Things you've said I often find I need, indeed. I see the world through your eyes. What's black and white is colorized. The knowledge you most dearly prized I'm eager to employ. You said that life has infinite joys."

#111re: Shame on Kristin Chenoweth
Posted: 1/13/05 at 5:48pm

OK I'll bite.

1) She's doing what? I googled every thing I could think of and couldn't find a single story about this. Are you sure you aren't thinking of Helen Chenoweth, the conservative congresswoman?

2) If she does sing for the Inauguration, well, I'd be disappointed. I guess as long as your consistant, boycott or whatever to your hearts content. An Inuaguration is a pretty momentous event and I'd be hard pressed to turn down an invite to participate. I guess if I were a Broadway Diva, I'd go, sing "Take Care of This House" and then say, "Mr. President, some of my best friends are gay. Would you come over for dinner at my apartment with a few of them so you could see that they aren't horrible people, that they deserve civil rights, that them gettign married isn't a threat to you & Laura's marriage...." Of course by then Secret Service would have dragged me away but I'd try.

And folks you can argue "good Bush/Bad Bush" all day long: I understand how either side thinks. But disagreeing with the president is part of what makes America great. He isn't the country and it's not suspect to argue with his policies, even when we are at war. If you don't believe me, ask Newt Gingrich. He fought with Clinton throughout numerous military campaigns and I don't think anyone questioned his patriotism.

Meanwhile, if she does sing, WHAT should she sing? I think "Children Will Listen" is a good choice....

#116re: Shame on Kristin Chenoweth
Posted: 1/13/05 at 6:00pm

Sorry I found it...Heather Headley too? And Gary Sinise?

bta212 Profile Photo
#143god bless that little helium voiced blonde bobble head
Posted: 1/15/05 at 1:30am

It just never ocurred to me to care about her political views. She was the squeaky blond one from Wicked.

Everyone incorporates their sexual identity in their own way, Namo. Live and let live.

"They have never understood, and no reason that they should. But if anybody could . . . " --SS

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#166god bless that little helium voiced blonde bobble head
Posted: 1/15/05 at 12:17pm

"What surprises me is that ANY of you are surprised by this from Chenoweth? What part of Born Again Christian didn't register as Republican to you people?"

That sounds oddly familiar. Why all the shock, people?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

bta212 Profile Photo
#222god bless that little helium voiced blonde bobble head
Posted: 1/15/05 at 10:29pm

Wow--Justice thinks there's not enough vitriol and hurt feelings on this thread (s)he wants to make it a holy war too....

So--don't you think real "Christians" (believers in the teachings of Christ as opposed to the born-again nut jobs that seem to be infesting our great nation) are actually pretty O.K. ("love they neighbor" and all that?)

"They have never understood, and no reason that they should. But if anybody could . . . " --SS

#310So very sad.
Posted: 8/25/05 at 6:38pm

New's too short to hate anyone that you don't even know. To be as "humanly" possible means you love and not hate. And it wasn't the Republicans that put the Dixie Chicks thru anything...they did it to themselves...and they deserve whatever they got. The Chicks were gutless, especially when she said some pretty horrible things about her country and countrymen, and did so OUT OF THE COUNTRY. She wouldn't say the crap in the neighborhood where she grew up.

I will repeat myself on one point I made in previous post...if I want political commentary, I tuned to Fox News or CNN. When I want entertainment, I go see a movie or show. When you are a performer, you are on dangerous ground when you start offering your unsolicited opinion about politics. Just ask James Woods and many others.
