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iruvyou Profile Photo
Posted: 5/17/04 at 9:41pm

Ok i just want to see what kind of conversations i can stir up about parade (an amazing musical) which people thought was to dramatic for a musical

Bobby is my hobby and I'm givin' it up!

GovernorSlaton Profile Photo
#1re: Parade
Posted: 5/17/04 at 9:48pm

I love Parade (as you can tell from my name), and think the recording sounds brilliant, especially with the full orchestra. Does anybody think it would make a great movie? Now, I didn't see it, but when I listen to it I can see it as a film. Of course, they would have to make it after the revival is a huge hit and everyone loves it (lol) because it probably needs a large budget.

iruvyou Profile Photo
#2re: Parade
Posted: 5/17/04 at 9:59pm

I don't think it'll work out as a movie (for ex- when they did little shop- it scared people to see audrey and seymore die since there wasn't any bowing to show the actors were ok so,they cut it out)I wouldn't want to see it as a movie it would be a very bad idea to me but i hope there is a revival of it soon!

Bobby is my hobby and I'm givin' it up!

iruvyou Profile Photo
#3re: Parade
Posted: 5/17/04 at 9:59pm

I don't think it'll work out as a movie (for ex- when they did little shop- it scared people to see audrey and seymore die since there wasn't any bowing to show the actors were ok so,they cut it out)I wouldn't want to see it as a movie it would be a very bad idea to me but i hope there is a revival of it soon!

Bobby is my hobby and I'm givin' it up!

iruvyou Profile Photo
#4re: Parade
Posted: 5/17/04 at 9:59pm

ok i keep sending messages twice by mistake

Bobby is my hobby and I'm givin' it up!

#5re: Parade
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:00pm

I loved Parade, more than I can say. I'd love to see the musical version turned into a movie -- but there already is one movie out there based on the story. It's called "The Murder of Mary Phagan", and it's actually very good....Peter Gallager was Leo Frank, with an awesome cast...

Murder of Mary Phagan

iruvyou Profile Photo
#6re: Parade
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:09pm

i never heard of that movie before wow it sounds cool

Bobby is my hobby and I'm givin' it up!

GovernorSlaton Profile Photo
#7re: Parade
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:16pm

Wow...Jack Lemmon, Kevin Spacey, Peter Gallagher; Great Cast!

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#8re: Parade
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:40pm

Bear with me here... I've never seen Parade nor I am I familiar with the songs or the story but I know Jason Robert Brown wrote the score, was nominated for a Tony for it, and that the girl from Even Stevens who's in Beauty and the Beast now was in it. I love his Songs for a New World and The Last 5 Years and can't believe I'm completely clueless about this show. Could someone kindly fill this huge gap I seemed to have missed?

#9re: Parade
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:53pm

You should really look into this cast recording -- the music is amazing.

In the early 1900s, a young girl was murdered in a pencil factory -- and the owner was accused of her murder. The musical tells the story about how Leo Frank was tried and convicted of her muder - and his wife went on a crusade to prove his innocence. **Don't read any further if you don't want to know the ending**
Just as it looked like the governor might pardon him, some men broke into the prison - kidnapped him and hung him.

I've researched this story a lot, and basically it appears Leo Frank didn't murder Mary. He also received an official pardon not that long ago......

GovernorSlaton Profile Photo
Posted: 5/17/04 at 10:58pm

Surely! Parade is based on the true story of Leo Frank. It happened in the early 1910's. Leo used to live in Brooklyn, but moved to Atlanta and lives there with his wife Lucille. He is framed for the murder of a young girl named Mary Phagan, and there is a huge trial. The prosecution twists the stories of the witnessess, and gets Leo the death penalty. Lucille fights for him, and gets his sentence lowered to life imprisonment. He and Lucille reunite and renew their love, but then Leo is taken from his cell in the middle of the night and lynched. The music is beautiful and brilliant, and the recording is a must-have. Oh, and one more thing; JRB won the tony for Parade; he might not appreciate it much, but we Parade fans take it as a consolation prize for the show closing so early. So run, don't walk, and get the cd!

GovernorSlaton Profile Photo
Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:01pm

By the way, in the musical it isn't revealed who actually killed Mary, and it hasn't been completely proven, but there is a major suspect in the case and it is one of the best characters in the show. Try to figure out who it is!

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:06pm

Thank you all sooo much! I can't wait to hear it! SPOILERS!

nesatchr Profile Photo
Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:27pm

Parade is one of the only show cast recordings that have made me cry. It's amazing. The story hits a lot of nerves about our society. Child labor, immigration, us vs. them, racism, anti-Semitism, sexual predation, socioeconomic differences, Reconstruction, the justice system... I remember watching the movie with Peter Gallagher when I was in high school. It was a made-for-TV movie, it was very moving at the time, but not as much as Parade would be. There are still descendants of Mary Phagan, apparently, who believe Leo Frank was guilty. The accepted belief, though, is that he was not.

"Knock knock" "Who's there?" "Control freak--now you say 'control freak who?'"

Posted: 5/17/04 at 11:36pm

There was an office boy who confessed on his death bed that he saw the night watchman (Conley) carrying Mary down to the basement - and he was threatened if he told. He didn't tell...for like 69 years. His mother told him to keep quiet, and he did until he was dying. Not to mention most who have done extensive research think Conley probably did it.....the evidence is overwhelming that Leo couldn't have done it. Updated On: 5/17/04 at 11:36 PM

iruvyou Profile Photo
Posted: 5/18/04 at 7:21am

I also cried when i first heard parade, it has such beautiful music and I always get sad when leo & lucille sing "All the Wasted Time" and when he (leo) sings the "Sh'ma" before his death

Bobby is my hobby and I'm givin' it up!

Barihunk Profile Photo
Posted: 5/18/04 at 8:20am

Parade is a beautiful musical about an ugly period of American history. If anyone is interested in the details of the Leo Frank case there is a great website :>

"When you're a gay man, you have to feel good about yourself when a urologist says, "Yeah. I pick you". - Happy Endings

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/18/04 at 8:59am

Parade touched me like very few other shows have been able to do - I remember crying for about an hour after the show was over...walking home alone on New Year's day and thinking that I had seen something that was gonna shake up the broadway community and turn it on it's ear. Unfortunately it closed not too long after I saw it and I was so dissappointed - its such a brilliant piece of writing and the cast was amazing.(Carolee Carmello is one the best actress/singers working in the American theatre today, and she blew me away. I highly recommend that if there is a production somewhere near you - go and see it. You won't regret it at all.

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

sabrelady Profile Photo
Posted: 5/18/04 at 11:53am

I loved the music & the performances were good but the staging stunk on the musical.
I actually own vhs of The Murder of Mary Phagan as well as the Long Days Journey into Night the Spacey, Lemmon & Gallagher did Truly phenom!

BroadwayBound06 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/18/04 at 1:46pm

Parade is indeed an amazing shows, it's one of my favorites, I think it can stand a revival. Frankie is one of my favorite characters and has some of the best songs.

It's too bad alot of really good songs arn't in the song book. Like It Don't Make Sense, The Picture Show, and How Can I Call This Home.

marincrazy11 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/18/04 at 2:08pm

It is such a fabulous show! The music is just hauntingly beautiful. I had a friend who was killed in a car accident 5 years ago, she was only 18, and I was 13. I could never express my feelings about until I heard There Is A Fountain/It Don't Make Sense. It put into words exactly what I felt. I balled like a baby! All The Wasted Time is probably my fav song from the show

"Did you know that if you take the first two vowels in Olive and rearrange them it spells I-Love?"-Spelling Bee "It's night like this that hotel bars were specifically made." Light In The Piazza

Elphie Profile Photo
Posted: 5/18/04 at 4:02pm

God I wish I saw Parade when it was on Broadway. I love the recording. I dont think I have ever been as moved by a recording as I was by that one. Its brilliant. Jason Robert Brown is the best composer out there in my opinion. Does anyone know if he's doing anything now?

"They hear drums. We hear music."

GovernorSlaton Profile Photo
Posted: 5/18/04 at 5:35pm

I'm a pretty good piano player, but those songs are really hard to play! Especially Big News, but I'm sure if I keep working on it, it will sound great. I can play You Don't Know This Man, Leo at Work/What am I Waiting For, and Come up to my Office fully. I'm working on it!

Menken Fan Profile Photo
Menken Fan
Posted: 5/18/04 at 6:32pm

If anyone is in the Chicago area, there is a fantastic production of Parade currently running at the Bailiwick. It's an ambitious production, and they've done an amazing job.

Jamie Hat Profile Photo
Jamie Hat
Posted: 5/18/04 at 11:29pm

Parade is the musical that actually sparked my serious interest into musical theatre. I liked it before, but never in that special way. :b
