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Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?- Page 2

Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#25re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 12:26pm

Something about Sally Struthers showing up to an Equity audition and pitching a fit...?

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Sing a Song With Me Profile Photo
Sing a Song With Me
#26re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 12:32pm

I think this is one of those fabled personal battles spilling onto the boards.

Onto the topic, there really is a load of ways to be seen/not be seen at auditions.
When I was non-equity, I was allowed into auditions for which I had been submitted by an agent or the casting director themselves. If I were trying to jump a cattle call, I had to wait with the Non-eqs. It's pretty demeaning to be a non-equity if you're auditioning in the Equity building itself. They make it pretty clear that you are beneath them.

This situation sounds a bit different but, since it's so much snarking right now, who's to say?

#27re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 2:00pm

Is it different at dancer calls? I've been to dancer equity calls and always been seen with everyone else, but that was in Chicago where there were fewer people auditioning. Because they take in groups, is there a decent chance for a non-Equity dancer to be seen?

Neverandy Profile Photo
#28re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 2:09pm

Let's clear a few things up.
1. No director is allowed to break equity rules(that is not to say that this rule isn't broken. Rules are rules. If it is an EPA or a Chorus Call day, all Union Actors that are signed in with the monitor need to be seen before any Non-Union talent can be seen by the creative team. Union membership is about protecting jobs.
2.I know that a lot of people complain about the Equity Building in New York and its Exclusivity, but I have no problem with it, nor did I when I was Non-Union (Or a "Future Member" as they so diplomatically refer to it now). An Equity card is something that is earned and it also is something that costs some money. There are rights and privileges that come along with it. One is the Member's lounge which also serves as the waiting room for the Audition Studios in the building. It is not, nor should it be, a Public Place. It is for members only. Equity doesn't want the place to turn into Chelsea or Ripley Grier where hundred's of people are milling about making noise causing chaos. There are benches outside for Non-members to wait and more often than not the people working the entry desk are very nice to those waiting. If you have an appointment and you are non-union the production team should give your name to the person at the desk to allow you to enter. Simple as that.
3.It is possible to sign a union contract with out joining the union. They cannot compel you to join. You will still be protected by the rues of that contract but you will not have to join. It can affect whether or not Equity will allow you to sign another contract, but you do not have to join. Under The Taft Hartley rule you can refuse to join. If you don't believe me, sign a contract and don't pay your initiation and see what happens.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#29re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 2:28pm

Thanks, Andy, that makes sense. But are directors allowed to interview non-union people for Administrative jobs during an Equity call if they desire?


#30re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 2:38pm

Sueleen - please refer to the Betty Buckley clause on page 69 of the Equity handbook for the answer to your question.

"Oh Link...your pork is ready..." - Edna Turnblad

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#31re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 2:44pm

Taft Hartley waivers apply to SAG, and they allow you to work a minimum (3) days non-union, b4 you are a MUST JOIN. You wont and cant be allowed to work SAG until that occurs after the third day.
If you are cast on, say Broadway, you won't be walking on that stage until you join Equity.

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page

robbiej Profile Photo
#32re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 2:57pm

EPA's suck. Suck it hard. Suck it big time. But for many of us with no agents (HOW IS THAT STILL POSSIBLE???), it's one of the only ways to be seen by someone in a casting office or from a particular theatre. Two dear friends of mine booked Broadway gigs through EPAs. I, myself, booked Penn Shakes through an EPA (years ago...that one job led to three other gigs). So, even though they SUCK SUCK SUCK...anything is still possible.

I certainly can understand the problems of being a non-Eq actor not being able to attend EPAs. After all, I'm a non-agented Equity actor who would LOVE to attend all the agent calls in the city. But that's just not open to me at this second. Life sucks.

Another point to make: many auditions that are taking place right now are VERY VERY popular. This past summer, I worked at Cape May Stage. The pay wasn't particularly high...but I was on the beach the entire summer in one of the most beautiful beach towns America has to offer. Places like CMS, Cape Playhouse, Ogunquit and even Penn Shakes, etc., are very popular to work for because they offer a pretty great time in a rather lovely place. It's like summer camp with legal alcohol, illegal drugs and better sex.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

Neverandy Profile Photo
#33re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 2:58pm

There is Taft Hartley in Reference to Actors' equity.I know because my roommate did it for his first contract. He chose not to join the Union at the time. He did the show collected his pay(The producers also did the Health and pension Input) and then called the Union to claim Financial Need. He never paid his initiation or turned in his contract to the Union and then went on to join two years later when he felt he was ready. Taft-Hartley allowed him to sign his contract and perform in the show. he then had 30 days from the end of the contract to do more union work. After that date he would have to join the union as full member if he peorformed in any Union more shows. Since he did no more union work for two years he was fine.
You cannot do this multiple times but it can be done

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#34re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 3:05pm

Things may have changed since I went through all of that 10 years ago. But I think that situation applies to houses that are allowed to employ both equity and non-equity due to their LORT tier. But I am pretty sure on Broadway, you MUST be union before you step on the stage. I could be wrong...the only way to know for sure is to probably call Equity for a definite clarification.

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page

Sing a Song With Me Profile Photo
Sing a Song With Me
#35re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 3:07pm

The funniest thing about the "quality control" at EPAs or the like is that it's only maintained at the Equity building. In the other buildings, anyone and everyone combines for a free-for-all. Having seen plenty of auditions from every possible angle, none are really worse than the others unless something's changed recently and now we have non equity hooligans spraypainting the walls or something.

JustinRZB Profile Photo
#36re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 3:09pm

To be fair. My brother goes to equity calls all the time. They call in non-e's if they want them.

Guess what? If he gets cast - he goes and gets his card on the spot.

While he's still in college, why should he grab a card if he doesn't need it?

Just the other day he was offered an equity role - if he chose it, he would have gotten his card.

Cages or wings - which do you prefer?

Neverandy Profile Photo
#37re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 3:10pm

It was in a LORT house, that hired Non-union and they gave him the contract to fulfill their minimum requirement. He did sign an actual Equity contract though. So He was a member for the purposes of that Contract and given all the rights and privileges that goes along with that. So it would make sense that you could do the same on Broadway. However, you wouldn't be able to extend or re-sign. It has probably never been done though.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

Neverandy Profile Photo
#38re: Non Union Actors at Equity Calls?
Posted: 1/26/07 at 3:18pm

The production team at Dance calls see more Non-union because of the numbers involved. You can see 100-150 dancers in an hour versus less than 50 singers because the dancers generally audition in groups. They often get to the Non-eq people much sooner in Dance calls.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?
