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Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#0Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 3:43pm

I now completely believe in fate. I was on my way to get tickets to STEEL MAGNOLIAS last night, but instead I decided to go over to CAESAR. And as I said off-topic, Clive Owen was sitting behind me. It was fate. I thought I had died and gone to heaven, and now we're planning our wedding.

Anyway, on to my review:

With someone as incredibly famous as Denzel Washington leading the cast (of a Shakespeare production, no less) there is bound to be tons of speculations and cries of stunt casting. Going into the show, I will admit that I was very cynical going in because of the things I heard about the show. However, I left the show applauding Washington's efforts and his casting was justified, atleast in my mind.

The strength of this production lies not in the performers, but in the direction and in the way this particular prouduction is presented. With a stronger cast (Washington excluded,) this proudction would be nothing short of breathtaking.

With the exception of Denzel Washington, Colm Feore, Jessica Hecht, and Jack Willis, most of the supporting cast is disposable and exemplifies mediocrity. As Calpurnia, wife of William Sadler's Caesar, Tamara Tunie is pitiful. She overacts and under-acts at the same exact time. She is absolutely terrible. She's fine when she's just standing there...but in the scene where she tells Caesar about her dream, she is embarrassingly bad. Lucky for the audience, that's her only real scene. William Sadler's Julius Caesar lacks the illusion of power and authority. He never once provides the audience with anything that would lead them to believe he is the Emperor of Rome. He comes off as a pushover, weak, and just pathetically puny. His acting isn't by any means terrible, but in a production like this, he neeeds to command the stage. Eamonn Walker's Marc Antony isn't bad - just not great. He comes off as if he's just trying too hard. If he just relaxed and let the language speak for itself, he would be fine, but he over-does everything and it becomes irritating, especially in his overlong, tiresom speech at Caesar's funeral. As Lucius, Maurice Jones is a fine physical actor, particularly in the second act when he "kills" Brutus and is confronted by the enemy. His facial expression and physicality is heartbreaking and brilliant - but as soon as he opens his mouth, the entire illusion is killed. His acting really is just terrible, and it's no surprise that the only listed credits in his bio are productions at Rutgers University. He's still young - he has time - but he needs some acting lessons.

And finally, Denzel. I was pleasantly, pleasantly surprised by him. You've got to give any film actor credit when they decide to take on Shakespeare in a live producion, but Denzel succeeds in ways that I thought he wouldn't. I've never been taken by his film work, but his work in Ceasar has absolutely made me a fan. His only problem is that he speaks too fast, and half of what he says in his beginning scenes is lost. Not like half of the audience really cares, they paid $101.25 to gawk at him, but it definitely detracted from his performance. He gets stronger as the play progresses, and is particularly striking in the war scenes in the second act. I'm not saying Denzel is award worthy or amazing - he's not - but he deserves some credit. He appears absolutely comfortable on stage, and his casting in this show is justified - atleast in my mind.

Overall, this production is a bit abundant - but it's striking and stunning. Ralph Funicello's set design is haunting, creepy, and glorious. It's just amazing in every sense of the word. I've never been frightened of a set before - his work really is stunning here, particularly in the battle scenes where rocks come tumbling from above and crash down on stage. Being so close up, I felt as if I was in the middle of a war, and it was incredibly unnerving, yet somehow satisfying. Mimi Jordan Sherin's lighting is also incredible - really very stunning and brilliant, again, particularly during the battle scenes in act two. The sound design by Dan Moses Schreier is probably the best on Broadway right now. I can't even describe to you how perfect it is - you must see (and hear) it for yourself.

Daniel Sullivan's direction, in my opinion, is stunning here. The only thing that detracts from his direction is some weak performances, but I am convinced that this is a fantastic, fully-realized modern day look at Shakespeare's classic. Obviously, I am in no position to review Shakespeare, but I am quite certain here that his direction of this piece is nothing less than stunning.

In fact, the entire production is stunning. Again, despite some weak performances, the show holds its own as it progresses. Act One is just incredibly dark and mysterious, and Caesar's death scene is quite disturbing and frightening. Act Two pretty much takes place entirely on the battleground, and I think it hit a little too close to home with some people, considering America's current involvement with Iraq. The battle scenes are disturbing, frightening, and incredibly graphic. There is a beheadding scene where the men beheadding the other man have those knit-face masks on - the exact ones we see all too often on the news. It's very disturbing, so I caution you. I'm not saying it's bad - it's effective, but still very disturbing and often just flat out scary.

So with those few disclaimers about how disturbing this production is, it is absolutely worth your attention. I know there are those that are opposed to classic works re-set in modern times, and I'm hardly skilled enough in Shakespeare to know for sure if it has succeeded here, but with my amateur opinion, it absolutely has succeeded and the production is nothign short of stunning.

I know most of this board has absolutely no interest in this piece, but I encourage you to consider it. Seeing Shakespeare, especially a professional production, is always an honor as an audience member and I encourage you all to take advantage of this. I am not sorry that I went. It takes a pretty impressive and stunning production to make me forget that Clive Owen is sitting behind with that, I hope that at least some of you will decide to see this - it closes June 12, so hurry up!

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Thenardier Profile Photo
#1re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 3:46pm

Nice review - maybe I will return to the Belasco.

Updated On: 4/30/05 at 03:46 PM

#2re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 3:50pm

You sat in front of Clive Owen? You lucky, lucky person...

Great review. This sounds a lot better than I'd originally thought it would be.

And goddammit, you sat in front of Clive Owen!

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#3re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 3:50pm

You should!

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Drew7810 Profile Photo
#4re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:02pm

Munk, this is a great review. re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR reviewI love your respect for the piece of work! Unfortunately I will not be able to get back to the city before it closes, but the review was a wonderful read!

Dummy Profile Photo
#5re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:06pm

Great review, Munk. I'm glad so many people are going to this production...the attendance numbers have been impressive (though perhaps due largely to Washington's star power).

I wouldn't consider Washington as "stunt casting" by any means. He's done Shakespeare before on stage and screen (see Branagh's "Much Ado"--he's a wonderful Don Pedro). He's a natural choice for Brutus, given the powerful and sympathetic aura he exudes in almost everything he's done. That said, I found his performance in JC disappointing. I won't go into details, as I've already posted my thoughts on this before.

One other response I would make, however, to Munk's review:

"William Sadler's Julius Caesar lacks the illusion of power and authority. He never once provides the audience with anything that would lead them to believe he is the Emperor of Rome. He comes off as a pushover, weak, and just pathetically puny."

That's exactly the point that Shakespeare makes about Caesar. Note the bits about his being deaf in one ear and the suggestions that he is sterile, incapable of producing an heir. He's a sad excuse of a man who happens to be the leader of the can imagine why the producers thought this would be a timely play to perform now.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#6re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:11pm

Thank you for your remarks, they are much appreciated.

I certainly understand why the producers thought this would be a timely play to produce now, it was almost frightening.

I see your points about Caesar, and I suppose you are correct. I am of no authority to critique Shakespeare, I think I put that disclaimer in my review 3 times, but what you are saying is definitely correct. Something about his performance just irritated me, though.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Dummy Profile Photo
#7re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:21pm

His saggy bottom, perhaps??? re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review

I don't mean to pick apart your review by any means...just to clarify the role of Caesar. You make a number of shrewd observations & I'm glad you enjoyed the production!

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#8re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:23pm

What do you mean by shrews observations?

Yes, perhaps his saggy bottom. I was sitting in the 3rd row, center section (more towards stage right) and I got a full view of his penis. The women in front of me yelled "EW!" - which was funny - but it really was disgusting. I felt bad for that man massaging his nasty-ass feet.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Thenardier Profile Photo
#9re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:24pm

Well, Dummy is right.

But I think that while he should seem a "sad excuse for a man," I don't think Caeser would see himself this way. I think that there would be an air of feigned nobility.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#10re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:27pm

I know Dummy is right, I said that...

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Thenardier Profile Photo
#11re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:30pm

I was agreeing with what you said.

And his shrewd comment is a compliment...

Updated On: 4/30/05 at 04:30 PM

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#12re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:32pm

I just don't know what he means by shrewd...I didn't think it was an insult.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Thenardier Profile Photo
#13re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:37pm

I think he means that you have a good grasp on reviewing JC.

Dummy Profile Photo
#14re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:39pm

"I felt bad for that man massaging his nasty-ass feet."

ROTFLMAO. You are too funny, Munk. By shrewd observations, I refer to your many insightful remarks about Walker's and Jones's performances, your descriptions about the lighting and sound, how actors occupied the stage, etc. etc. You have a very perceptive eye and take in the various elements of a production, putting the pieces together to form a rich synopsis that helps even those of us who've seen the show think about it in new ways.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#15re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:48pm

Why thank you, sir!

I'm going to see something tonight, I'm just not sure what. Any suggestions?

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Thenardier Profile Photo
#16re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 4:49pm

What haven't you seen?

You could make Corine happy and see FB and Jen leave.

Dummy Profile Photo
#17re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 5:04pm

Doubt, Pillowman, & Spamalot top my list of must in I haven't seen them yet. But I'd also consider Turandot at the Met tonight. Let us know what you see!

#18re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 5:26pm


"William Sadler's Julius Caesar lacks the illusion of power and authority. He never once provides the audience with anything that would lead them to believe he is the Emperor of Rome. He comes off as a pushover, weak, and just pathetically puny."

That is how Caesar is supposed to be...

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#19re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 5:27pm

I've seen DOUBT - I thought it was amazing.
I saw SPAMALOT - I thought it was not so good.

Perhaps I'll try for SPELLING BEE.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Thenardier Profile Photo
#20re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 5:29pm

See The Pillowman - I want to see it on Monday I think...

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#21re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 5:30pm

Well, I don't know how easy it's going to be to get last minute tickets on a Saturday.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Thenardier Profile Photo
#22re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 5:31pm


Does Pillowman have student rush?

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#23re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 5:33pm

Yea, they go on sale at 5 PM for evening shows. I think I missed the boat on that one.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Thenardier Profile Photo
#24re: Munk's JULIUS CAESAR review
Posted: 4/30/05 at 5:46pm

Awesome...maybe I will get there early enough.
