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Mooing in theatres

#25re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:27pm

Did you really laugh out loud as you got to the end of that sentence?

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caitiesus1522 Profile Photo
#26re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:30pm

Both time I went we took a vote before the movie. The first time we oked mooing and people did. The second time there was a huge chorus of NO so no one mooed

DougieYero Profile Photo
#27re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:33pm

Yes Finding Namo, I like to lol.


JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#28re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:34pm



#29re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:36pm

I mooed once with Alex and Jonathan, and then we continued our laughing about the tv screens.

Billboard Girl Profile Photo
Billboard Girl
#30re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:37pm

"Billboard Girl you must not go to many concerts, because people NEVER stop screaming during concerts, no matter what the song. Which, yes, I agree, sucks during the slow songs, but it happens.

I would hope that whoever you saw could sing OVER the screaming. If not, you didn't get your money's worth lol."

I've gone to 6 concerts this year, and at 5 of them people kept screaming through the entire performance. The performers were more than able to sing over it, but it still annoyed me and detracted from the experience. It's one thing to scream and cheer during an uptempo song, but for ballads, just shut up until the song is over.

I don't mean to sound like a killjoy, and I understand that Over The Moon isn't exactly a ballad, but I know that when I see the movie I want to be able to focus on the movie and not the actions of other people in the audience. Moo to your heart's content when you're watching it on DVD next year.

"There was this one time an alarm went off - it was in the middle of '24.' That's just wrong. Everyone knows everyone was watching '24' at that time." --NYU student quoted in the Washington Square News about students ignoring the frequent fire alarms in dorms
Updated On: 11/22/05 at 11:37 PM

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#31re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:46pm

I don't want to disturb my family by mooing in my home, I would rather disturb a paying audiance.

jimmirae Profile Photo
#32re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 2:48am

He'll be mooing down under - not to worry, you'll hardly hear him in NYC.

"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance." - Elizabeth Taylor

#33re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 2:51am

Better mooing than BOOing.

#34re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 2:57am

My goodness. You're all douches.

True, in the show it's an audience participation part. In the movie, Maureen will be talking to her on-screen hobo audience, but if people want to moo (for an entire 5 SECONDS!!!!!!!!!), let them.

Don't tell me none of you screamed like 10 year old girls when Harry took off his shirt in the new movie. Even more disturbing. NOT expected. Harry didn't ask you to scream, like Maureen does. And guess what... no one in MY theatre seemed to give a hoot.

If the people want to moo, so be it.

You know it's coming. If you see RENTheads dressed up at the theatre, plug your ears at the end of OTM.

It's OK people... it's JUST mooing!!!!!


#35re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 3:26am

"There's nothing wrong with mooing in movie theaters. I did it during "The Pianist," "Passion of the Christ" and "Schindler's List." It really lightened the mood during those downers."

That quote was better than the Rent movie.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

Jenny1284 Profile Photo
#36re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 3:37am

When I saw it this evening, I was really surprised that no one mooed. It was a pretty big theater, so maybe I just missed it. I thought for sure that people would be mooing like crazy, especially since they were clapping after almost every song and cheering periodically. I don't talk/cheer during movies, but if you want to moo, then moo. I don't see how that would be as disruptive as talking, or even clapping. (As long as it doesn't carry over into the dialog, which it shouldn't, unless you're mooing for quite a while.) Have fun!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#37re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 3:40am

To those of you who moo:

Please keep in mind, that unlike in the audience of a live performance, many people surrounding you in a movie theatre have in their very laps several small, easily aimed projectiles of various weights.

Sure, they average out about $8/lb., but I'm sure many won't be afraid to use them.

Thank you.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#38re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 5:01am

There was definite moo-age at the Ziedfeld midnight show tonight.

MUNKY Profile Photo
#39re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 6:14am

And there was MOOOOOING at the Metreon for the midnight show from at least 90% of a sold-out auditorium. Even those that had no intentions to moo, mooed! It was all good fun.

"Now I may not have much, but I have more determination than any man you're likely to meet." - Big Fish
"Misdirection. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes." - Swordfish

#40re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 7:16am

I just heard the song and I was thinking: "would people "moo"?" I guess so.

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#41re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 8:41am

Actually, I'll be mooing in Maryland, not Perth where I said I was from.

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#42re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 8:49am

I don't understand the point of mooing at a movie screen. In the stage version, you are Maureen's audience. In the movie, she has her very own homeless audience. There is no need to participate. Besides, if you moo, you may miss that final terrific moo. It's the highlight of the score!

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Luscious Profile Photo
#43re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 8:53am

Judas... you, and others like you, are the reason I'd rather get a Brazilian Wax than go to a theatre to see a movie. I'll wait for the DVD and watch it surrounded by considerate, well behaved friends and family, who were raised to respect other people's feelings, opinions, and space. Have a grand old OBNOXCIOUS time!

Updated On: 11/23/05 at 08:53 AM

#44re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 9:07am

Obviously you have to be a fan to know what you mean by this, but when I saw Phantom some people thought it was a sing along. I wanted to tell them to shut the hell up. I just gave them a dirty look.

BluCat500 Profile Photo
#45re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 9:16am

Don't tell me none of you screamed like 10 year old girls when Harry took off his shirt in the new movie.

No...No I didn't. The boy is 16, I'm not old but I'm too damn old to lust over a 16 year old,let alone shriek about it. And this does not mean I did not have "fun".

So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.~Office Space

#46re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 11:02am

So, someone mooing during Over The Moon would ruin your movie experience? Have any of you even SEEN the broadway version? If so, I imagine you leave the theater at the end of Christmas Bells and then come back in time for La Vie Boheme, so as the audience participation doesn't ruin your theater experience as well.

softershade Profile Photo
#47re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 11:16am

i saw the midnight showing in orlando last night and i was set on not mooing because honestly it is kind of rude. once the movie started though the crowd was very into it since everyone was a fan and of course come over the moon a lot of people were mooing so just gave in and let out a moo. seeing it at a showing of just rentheads i could understand it but please if you're going to just a normal showing where people haven't seen the show over 20 times and actually want to see and enjoy it, save it. you could quite possibly be thrown out if people complain.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#48re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 11:26am

Go to the Nederlander if you want to Moo. You'll just look like an ass if you do it in the movie theater.

#49re: Mooing in theatres
Posted: 11/23/05 at 11:26am

You know....etiquette has always held me back personally from mooing all nine times I've seen RENT I can't imagine I will I see in about a half hour from now.

However, I've always considered the mooing people part of the experience....I wish I could have arranged to see the show in Times Square but that won't happen.

I can't see myself being offended by the mooers at the cinema but I just don't see the point. I mean I can understand it live but on a screen.....

