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Modern Orthodox & Little Women

#0Modern Orthodox & Little Women
Posted: 4/24/05 at 3:32pm

Hey whats up everyone ... Yesterday i saw Modern Orthodox and Little Women... They were both amazing... MO was awesome ... absolutly hilarious and John Cariani steals the show once again... Hunter was of course amazing... I met both of them afterwards and it was fantastic ... Little Women was great also...Sutton will most definitly win the Tony for best actress... I was wondering if anyone saw these shows and what they thought.. also if anyone knew of what John and Hunter were up to after they are done with MO in May... Please write back soon....

IMsooHyprToday Profile Photo
#1re: Modern Orthodox & Little Women
Posted: 4/24/05 at 4:15pm

i would have loved to see MO when i was in NY, but sadly i didnt

i thought Little Women was not great. Sutton Foster was amazing and was WELL worth the $50 i payed. The set was sexy. her surrounding cast reallly didnt do it for me.... the music didnt fit well in the show, and the books was not as great as it needed to be.

if you are talking about john tartaglia you should go to his webiste and read his blog.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#2re: Modern Orthodox & Little Women
Posted: 4/24/05 at 4:26pm

I think s/he meant John Cariani (Fiddler, and now Modern Orthodox).

A work of art is an invitation to love.

inishmore Profile Photo
#3re: Modern Orthodox & Little Women
Posted: 4/24/05 at 4:28pm

Well Hunter will have the Summer of '42 concert/recording shortly afterwards in May. Other than that I'm not sure what he'll be up to yet, he was originally contracted to Modern Orthodox until August.

Time rushes by, memories fade, dreams never do

IMsooHyprToday Profile Photo
#4re: Modern Orthodox & Little Women
Posted: 4/24/05 at 4:28pm


<-- totally retarded. i have got johnny t on the brain. What can i say!?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#5re: Modern Orthodox & Little Women
Posted: 4/24/05 at 4:29pm

I totally condone one-track minds.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#6re: Modern Orthodox & Little Women
Posted: 4/24/05 at 5:30pm

I was at Modern Orthodox yesterday too, and Hunter told me that it looks like he'll be returning to The Producers in July!
