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Making a Cabaret Act, Help?

#1Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/26/07 at 1:08am

I really want to leave my stamp on my drama dept this year, so I want to do a cabaret show. It hasn't been done here yet, but I think I could pull it off. I'm just curious if there are any videos or scripts or anything out there of cabaret acts? I've never actually seen one, so I have no real idea as to what I'm aiming towards. Is it more of a one-man show? Does it tell a story? Is it jokes intercut with songs? Is it about my life? Thanks for any help.

#2re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/26/07 at 11:48am

I did one once that was pretty much just a music revue and made up loose connections between songs to have something to say between them. A lot of people do work their songs into a story or themes and write a script to tell anecdotes, give general conversation, and tell jokes around and between them. It can be a one man show (with accompaniment), or you can invite "guests" for a few of the songs. You don't have to talk about your life, unless you want to. Most of the ones I've seen have been kept to an hour. If you feel that's a long time, you can divide it into two parts and take a couple minute break in the middle, or utilize guests to take a bit of the strain off you. Break a leg!

"I thought that that was just going to be a like one shot deal for me, you know, but they kept talking about it like, 'when we do the production, when we do the production', and I was like, 'yes, yes, when you do the production, cool, I will come and see it'". - John Gallagher Jr. on SA

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#2re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/26/07 at 11:55am

"Is it more of a one-man show? Does it tell a story? Is it jokes intercut with songs? Is it about my life?"

I believe it can touch upon any one of those things. As jewelchk said, it is usually just a musical revue with songs that are loosely connected. You can choose to talk about your life and feature songs that are important to you. You can also tell jokes and have songs somehow related to the jokes. It can be one man (or woman!) singing a collection of songs or it can be a line of different acts. The thing that makes it a cabaret is that it tends to be more intimate - almost a sort of small night club feel.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#3re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/26/07 at 12:01pm

You obviously want to do songs that show off your range but put everything into context.

Are you in college? Talk about your four years there and your friends, fun stories, etc -- something that the audience can relate to.

#4re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/26/07 at 12:06pm

There are many different ways to structure a cabaret act. Make sure that before you start choosing material, you decide what the theme of the act is.

Some people design the show around their life (Elaine Stritch At Liberty). Others choose one or two composers and do a songbook of their songs (Jacques Brel). Some choose a time period and recreate the period with songs, film clips, etc.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
Updated On: 6/26/07 at 12:06 PM

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#5re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/26/07 at 1:03pm

I have all of my last show online.

#6re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/26/07 at 3:09pm

Ask yourself some hard and fearless questions:

What is different/special about me that will interest strangers for 60-70 minutes? Being orphaned or surviving cancer isn't enough. What is my 'fascination' for lack of a better word?

Will this act be 'text' or 'subtext'? 'Text' is overtly autobiographical and done directly for the audience. 'Subtext' is hinting and done mostly for yourself; if the audience 'gets it', so much the better, but don't tell them.

What do these songs have to do with me? How can I bring a new interpretation/meaning to these songs? Can I take an overdone standard and make it new? Can I make it my own?

Am I showman/woman enough to take this audience on a little trip?

Can I make them feel what I want them to feel?

Do I have a sense of humor? If I don't, how can I entertain the audience? [Clue: having a good voice isn't enough.]

What is my "public face"? Who will I be when I am out there? A heightened version of me? [Who/what the hell is that?] How will I project confidence that will let the audience know that I am in charge?

What will the first song be since it will introduce me and the evening? It is as important if not more important as your closing song and your encore ("This is cabaret. There's always an encore." - Nancy Lamott).

See what I mean? Fearless. But go there. And have fun.

Some of these terms are ones that I have made up for this post. I hope they convey a meaning.

"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true. And that would be unacceptable." --Carrie Fisher

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#7re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/26/07 at 4:51pm

wosq--that was an excellent post.

I agree with those who say that cabaret should be treated like any other piece of theatre. There must be a reason these people are sitting in a room listening to what you have to say.

Dancin Thru Life Profile Photo
Dancin Thru Life
#8re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/26/07 at 5:16pm


Your show was awesome!

CONGRATS on a very nice job!

"To love another person is to see the face of God!"

#9re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/26/07 at 6:11pm

Thanks everyone. Thanks Jerby, I'll take a look at those.

I think I'd like to focus on my four years of college and the fact that I'm about to graduate with a theatre degree, which in reality, doens't mean a thing. The fact that I'm graduating and I'm going to be standing in a line with people who look like me, have a voice like me, etc. And the fact that all my other friends are already getting real jobs, and a settling down, and stuff.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#10re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/26/07 at 6:25pm

thank you, dancin!

rentboy, that sounds like a perfect concept for your show. they say one should write what they know, and it would be an excellent way to conclude college with themes that are highly relatable.

another way one might describe some of the cabarets that people do: one man jukebox musicals. that can be an awful thing or a clever one.

#11re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/26/07 at 6:52pm

Thanks, that's what I think too. Not sure what songs to use. I know I'd like to end with "Flight" by Craig Carnellia (sp?), but not sure about any other songs.

Belleof14thStreet Profile Photo
#12re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/27/07 at 2:22pm

Two wonderful examples of cabarets that are on CD are Faith Prince: A Leap of Faith; and Christine Ebersole: Live at the Cinegrill. I know that they are women - but their set ups are what you want to look at anyway. Good luck!

#13re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 6/27/07 at 2:45pm

Go one step further with your theme.

Yes, you're getting a theatre degree and all that.

Most of the other graduates are also getting degrees that prepare them for not-much. [And if they have a degree in something that makes them automatically job-ready (Computer Science for instance), well you can get the same kind of education from a technical school.]

But you'll be happy.

Find the upside. Celebrate the irony.

Who wants to watch an hour of someone who considers themself a loser right out of the starting gate?

"Some People ain't me..."

Lena Horne gave a legendary show in about 81-82 that ran for 14 months and made her into a Capital L Legend. Early in the evening she sang a song that she was known for. It was a beautifully done "Stormy Weather'. Later in Act II she introduced a song by saying to the effect that she had heard this song years before but it took her a long time to find the song's meaning. With that she launched into "Stormy Weather" again, and she was singing about men, but also every hurt she had ever had for any reason and every piece of racism that had come her way and every career disappointment. This was all sub-text. She didn't mention it. She didn't have to. Because it was true. Electrifying.

Go for it.

Start with "Some People" or something. End with it. Can you find a learning curve difference? This is just a shot in the dark example.

An act has to have shape. Why does this song follow that song? You can get away with "because-it-shows-my-range/what-a-pretty-voice-I-have" once. other than that build, shape, dig deeper, go to those places even your friends don't know about.


And listen dammit, we want a full report. Hit, miss, whatever, we don't care. We want you to fly.


"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true. And that would be unacceptable." --Carrie Fisher

#14re: Making a Cabaret Act, Help?
Posted: 7/1/07 at 8:24pm

Thanks for the support. I think I have something crafted in my mind. I just need to give it sometime. When I started this thread it was sort of a pipe dream, but now I think I really want to do it.
