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KD Lang After Midnight

#1KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 12:43pm

KD aced every song she sang in this wonderful show and had a wonderful stage presence. I never had a desire to see this at Encores or with Fantasia but this is a great piece of polished entertainment.

Patash Profile Photo
#2KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 2:49pm

So much so that you couldn't add your comments to the similar ones on another post?

DAME Profile Photo
#2KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 2:53pm


Who gives a **** about the other post. Sometimes one wants to start their own thing and no one owes you any kind of explanation. And sometimes one just didn't realize there is another thread. WHO CARES! I hate you self proclaimed BWW police. You are the germ behind the infestation that makes this board at times nasty.


Patash Profile Photo
#3KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 3:16pm

If one wants to find a perfect example of "the germ behind the infestation that makes this board at times nasty" one only needs to look at your post.

You call MY post nasty? It was simply in the form of a friendly question -- which might serve as a hint to a poster who may be new and not even realize how to find another thread. But now YOUR post -- that was simply nasty! You rant about another poster's right to post anything he wants, yet you bitch about my right to do that as well! Huh?

Updated On: 2/24/14 at 03:16 PM

DAME Profile Photo
#4KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 3:24pm

No. You meant it in a nasty way. Your not fooling anyone. I am transparent. ( at least I hope). Perhaps my wording was not the best. But "self proclaimed" BWW police is a front for a troll. Just my opinion.


Patash Profile Photo
#5KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 4:15pm

Thank you for telling me I meant it nasty. I really meant it as a way to say "there are posts than you can add to" but it's nice that YOU know that I meant it to be nasty when I didn't know that at all. Have you ever looked at how some others here say not to start a new post?

Thanks for telling me what's in my mind. Now do you mind telling me what I'm thinking of YOU right now, Mr. Psychic? But yes you ARE right that you are transparent. You left no doubt to anyone that you are just plain NASTY.

DAME Profile Photo
#6KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 4:28pm

YOU ARE NASTY. YOU MEANT IT NASTY AND YOU WANT IT TO BE NASTY. You were just called on it. It would have been just as easy for you not to click on the thread . But you wanted to be a bitch.. so there you are.



Eris0303 Profile Photo
#7KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 4:43pm

KD Lang After Midnight

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

DAME Profile Photo
#8KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 4:45pm

Kittys make everything good. KD Lang After Midnight


Childcatcher Profile Photo
#9KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 5:02pm

Are you two 15 years old ? Gettagrip and stop showing yourselves up !

DAME Profile Photo
#10KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 5:56pm

I would love to be 15.


DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#11KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 7:11pm

^Ha - that is one age I'd gladly NOT return to!!

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#12KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 8:52pm

Understudies aren't allowed to scold Legends. I think it's engraved on the wall of the St. James or something.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

DAME Profile Photo
#13KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 9:17pm



PalJoey Profile Photo
#14KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 10:22pm

Yes, Marty, you are absolutely right: "KD aced every song she sang in this wonderful show and had a wonderful stage presence."

I feel very lucky to have seen her. And the show itself is remarkable.

#15KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/24/14 at 10:33pm


Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

HorseTears Profile Photo
#16KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/25/14 at 12:04am

Jeeze, what's with all the cattiness? Arguing style aside, I actually agree with Patash. Not because of my membership in some supposed BWW police state, but because it actually benefits the discussion to see it continued in one thread. Posting in one thread allows a discussion to have continuity, historical context and a sense of community. Some folks on this board are like me--just some schmo who occasionally shares his opinion on a production. Others are folks with a deep knowledge of theatrical history and dramaturgy whose historical context and seasoned opinions deeply enrich these discussions. But being able to quickly and easily access these discussions--whether in realtime or weeks, months and years from now--is one of this board's strengths.

Having these discussions enclosed in one or two threads also allows one to take a much more enjoyable trip down BWW memory lane and read opinions on productions/topics which may have passed one by at the time of their greatest relevance. This isn't ATC (thank God) in which threads disappear after a couple of days. I think it's kind of courteous to take a minute to do a search to see if there's a relevant thread to post in--especially since the mods were good enough to add a "subject line only" functionality to the search options a couple of mos ago.

Please note, this not an attack on Marty, but simply a defense of using the search function. Marty, I'm glad you enjoyed the show and I'm jealous that you got to see k.d. lang!

#17KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/25/14 at 1:43am

The search function is notoriously wonky.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

DAME Profile Photo
#18KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/25/14 at 3:23am

Stop searching Namo. The answer is within.


HorseTears Profile Photo
#19KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/25/14 at 4:37am

The search function, while hardly perfect, is much better than it was. It used to suck smelly balls, but now that you can specify which board you want to check and limit your search to just thread subjects (rather than searching the entire post), it's pretty easy to quickly see if there are recently updated existing threads on your topic of choice.

But I like Dame's answer, too. KD Lang After Midnight

Patash Profile Photo
#20KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/25/14 at 8:12am

Thank you HorseTears for being a voice of reason.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#21KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/25/14 at 8:34am

Also, I think sometimes people confuse the two searches. The one in the upper right is for the whole site and the one on the board is specifically for the board.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

HorseTears Profile Photo
#22KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 2/25/14 at 9:42am

Oh, yeah, good point, Eris. If you're using the general site search, instead of the messageboard search, I can see why you wouldn't bother.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#23KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 3/8/14 at 10:09pm

So BWW has an "article" (ahem) about tonight's performance where a couple of odd things happened. Unfortunately, the BWW journalist fails to note why any of this stuff happened. Did anyone else attend? Curious to know what this was all about. The photos show Dule Hill introducing Brian Stokes Mitchell. Then we see Stokes coming on stage to say something. Then we see Stokes introduce k.d. lang who comes back out to perform an encore of "Hallelujah". WTF? Don't get me wrong, it's perhaps Leonard Cohen's greatest songs and k.d. does a very nice job with it, but why on earth is she singing it at After Midnight? Reminds me of when I saw Petula Clark in Sunset Blvd in San Diego. She gave a curtain speech in which she said how much she was enjoying being in... downtown San Diego and then immediately launched into an acapella "Dowtnown". Oy.

So, anyone know what was going on? Is Stokes joining the cast or something?

BWW article - KD Lang and Stokes at After Midnight Updated On: 3/8/14 at 10:09 PM

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#24KD Lang After Midnight
Posted: 3/8/14 at 11:02pm

I follow Dulé on Twitter and he tweeted that she had done it at the end of the show. Nothing about why but since kd only has a few shows left it might have something to do with that.

Since he was currently tweeting I took the opportunity to ask if he would still be in the show when Vanessa Williams joins the cast and he said yes.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".
