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How many times...?

#50re: re: re: re: re: my two fav's.....
Posted: 8/29/03 at 4:13pm

People of all ages volunteer usher, but esp. younger people I guess. I'd say that students tend to buy the $25 rush seats and the bigger fans or people more ingrained in the theatre world will volunteer. I've never done it before...I've been begged to, but I always find a reasonable price for seats. However, I don't think I can pay to see Secada's just wrong.

#51re: re: re: re: re: re: my two fav's.....
Posted: 8/29/03 at 4:19pm

"However, I don't think I can pay to see Secada's just wrong"

Yes, Cabarethed, from the way you have described that experience, I suppose it is! re: re: re: re: re: re: my two fav's.....

Copeman63 Profile Photo
#52re: re: re: re: re: re: my two fav's.....
Posted: 8/29/03 at 5:19pm

It's not fair to tell people to broaden their horizons, seeing a show many times is just like watching your favorite movie over and over, it's just more expensive. I myself saw Mamma Mia 23 times (22 times in Standing Room) before I started working there, now I think I'm past 100. I've also seen Chicago 8 times. And Gypsy, Hairspray, Aida, Cabaret and The Producers 4 times each.

If Lincoln were alive today, do you think he'd be pleased with his tunnel?

luluhed Profile Photo
#53re: re: re: re: re: re: re: my two fav's.....
Posted: 8/29/03 at 5:48pm

I agree, Copeman. There has been criticism of people who see shows multiple times. Are they kidding? If I really like something in the arts, be it a show, film, book, ballet, etc. I'll go back for repeat performances as many times as I possibly can. In fact, if it's a painting, I may even BUY it! That way I can look at it every day!

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#54re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: my two fav's.....
Posted: 8/29/03 at 6:10pm

Wow Amneris, that's mind blowing. Some of the shows you mentioned, I could barely sit through once. That's dedication. Besides, it's your wallet, do with it what you will.

ChristineDaae Profile Photo
#55re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: my two fav's.....
Posted: 8/29/03 at 6:21pm

I agree Copeman, If you like something you'll go and see it many times!!!

"Life will be frozen peaches and cream. Baby, dream Your Dream" ~ SC

BudFrump23 Profile Photo
#56re: re: my two fav's.....
Posted: 8/29/03 at 6:27pm

The most I've seen is Hairspray (2 times, soon to be 3 with the tour)

Following that is The Producers (2 times)

I'm not a big fan of seeing shows twice or more, unless I really enjoy them. In the case of Hairspray, I got free tickets.

I'm as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo!

#57re: re: re: my two fav's.....
Posted: 8/29/03 at 6:35pm

Copeman, what do you do at the Winter Garden?

CCM '10!

#58re: re: re: re: How many times...?
Posted: 8/29/03 at 7:16pm

DOTV-7 times. I would still be going if it was running.

emmamia Profile Photo
#59re: re: re: re: my two fav's.....
Posted: 8/29/03 at 7:20pm

"Besides, it's your wallet, do with it what you will"
best quote yet thanks Al Dente ...

i try to see more than just one show ... but its pretty limited on what "broadway shows" we get here in vegas!! we get a few tours for a week at the aladdin ( worst sound ever ) and we have mamma mia and thats bout it ... I usually go to LA for a bway tour now... but when i go to NYC .. i like to see a variety of shows b/c i have the options!!

~*~ Little Boys Who Play With Fire Get Their Fingers Burned ~*~ Tanya (Mamma Mia)

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#60re: re: re: re: re: re: re: my two fav's.....
Posted: 8/29/03 at 8:26pm

I don't think anyone is being critical of people seeing shows more than once. Simply offering the suggestion that you try something new. And I think there is a big difference on seeing a broadway musical 25 times and watching your favorite movie over and over. I can buy my favorite movie on DVD for $25.00 and watch is as much as I want in my own home. Seeing Mamma Mia 25 times is like going to see Gigli (god help me) over and over and not seeing any other movie that's out in the theaters

#61re: How many times...?
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:22pm

After reading what some of you have posted I've come to the opinion that many of you time on your hands.

Yours for a life beyond Broadway!
Updated On: 8/29/03 at 09:22 PM

#62 How many times...?
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:30pm

I'll confess I don't really see the point of watching a movie 20 times and up but part of the charm of "live" theater is that no matter how many times you go and see it, no 2 shows are EXACTLY alike.

I can say that now that I can safely recite the prolog to both "Star Wars: A New Hope" and "Dune" (the 1st version) and almost entire scenes from "Star Trek".   How many times...?

Updated On: 8/29/03 at 09:30 PM

#63re: How many times...?
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:38pm

Bulldog, it is ok to see new Broadway shows such as Hairspray! You have something against them and I don't know why. Maybe it is because you cannot appreciate the change in theatre over the years.

CCM '10!

#64re: re: How many times...?
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:57pm

Double post. OOOPS! Updated On: 8/29/03 at 09:57 PM

#65re: re: How many times...?
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:58pm

HAIRSPRAY is a "old fashioned" musical. It is however a poorly executed one--that is my point. The argument I make to younger audiences is to focus on higher quality work instead of hack shows designed to pander to audiences. Raise the bar on what's acceptable and avoid promoting schlock work.

Yours for quality on Broadway, old or new!

#66re: re: re: How many times...?
Posted: 8/29/03 at 10:03pm

It is prob better for us to see all qualities at our age, but that's where money comes into play. Also, younger teenagers are usually into the newer rock musical these days.

CCM '10!

Phantess Profile Photo
#67re: re: re: re: How many times...?
Posted: 8/29/03 at 10:11pm

9 for POTO
2 for BATB

#68re: How many times...?
Posted: 8/29/03 at 10:57pm

DofB5, that is so true. Just going through main rotations of my love, Cabaret is COMPLETELY different when headlined by McGrath/Shields, Esparza/Ringwald, Stamos/Leeves, Harris/Gibson, and Secada/Kanakaredes. Those are just the stars, for instance the performances of Shelley and Hartley as Frl Schneider are completely different and adds to a new dynamic. Plus, the constantly changing ensemble and understudies...the show is always different in some way for me, and I love that. I also don't think I should be chastised for something that makes me happy. I've gone for long periods of time without going, while watching many other various new shows.

#69re: re: my two fav's.....
Posted: 8/29/03 at 11:09pm

I saw it when it was on tour in Sacramento most of the times as I worked for the theater that played it.
I did see it in NYC and in Hershey, PA too.

kec Profile Photo
#70re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: How many times...?
Posted: 8/29/03 at 11:36pm

"Oooo how was the London & Vienna productions Kec?"

Wonderful. Seeing it in Vienna was the second time I had seen the show. Someone in the Vienna branch of my office got the ticket for me, and I was surprised and delighted to be sitting about the 5th row orchestra on the right. My German back then was nonexistant (and is only marginally better now re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: How many times...? ), but it didn't matter because I knew the music so well from repeated listenings to the soundtrack. Interesting coincidence -- when I saw the show in London, the Phantom at that time was played by an American named Ethan -- his last name escapes me at the moment. But I remembered his name because I remembered seeing it in the German program as being an Alternate Phantom (but not the night I saw it).

luluhed Profile Photo
#71re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: How many times...?
Posted: 8/29/03 at 11:58pm

Erik-Yes, indeed there was quite a bit of criticism of multiple viewings of shows on at least two other theatre message boards I had frequented. The thread became quite ugly on one of them,

I might add (without mentioning names) that a prominent poster on this board was making the attacks, LOL! Updated On: 8/29/03 at 11:58 PM

Copeman63 Profile Photo
#72re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: How many times...?
Posted: 8/30/03 at 1:15am

I don't recall myself or anyone else saying "I see Mamma Mia!, and only Mamma Mia!". I see many shows, but Mamma Mia! is my favorite. And comparing it to Gigli??? It would be better to compare it to Spiderman, not the best of it's craft, but they are both very entertaining escapism shows, and have also been very profitable.
I'm a bartender at the Winter Garden, at least for the next couple days...

If Lincoln were alive today, do you think he'd be pleased with his tunnel?

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#73re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: How many times...?
Posted: 8/30/03 at 3:43am

Copeman....I was not refering specifically to you or comparing Mamma Mia to Gigli. Just using Gigli as an example for some humor. If you get a chance to see other shows as well there is no problem.
If I was going to be more clear about my analogy to movies I would say this...
There's nothing wrong with watching The Goonies a hundred times. But if watching The Goonies a hundred times stops you from seeing Citizen Kane...then something is wrong.
