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Gold Club vs Play by Play vs Club Free time vs Any Other Similar service

Gold Club vs Play by Play vs Club Free time vs Any Other Similar service

#1Gold Club vs Play by Play vs Club Free time vs Any Other Similar service
Posted: 2/1/17 at 10:58am

I   am a member of Gold Club and am happy so far with the service, but I would like to see more Broadway shows, which is very limited. Is anybody who is subscribed to Play by Play or other similar services and can comment on Broadway and real theatre offerings through the club? I saw some similar threads, but they are very dated as 2009 or earlier. Can anybody comment on present offerings and if it is worth to be a member of both Gold and Play by Play, or offerings  are about the same? Does any new great similar service exist? Any info from regular theater goers is appreciated.  Are any members of Club free time and how is that service comparable to Gold and play by play? All insights  and opinion are appreciated

Updated On: 2/1/17 at 10:58 AM

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#2Gold Club vs Play by Play vs Club Free time vs Any Other Similar service
Posted: 2/1/17 at 11:07am

I had Gold Club for months and it was really the dregs; nothing you couldn't already see for essentially free through non-subscription services. Hardly any actual theater. I'm curious about this as well. 

#3Gold Club vs Play by Play vs Club Free time vs Any Other Similar service
Posted: 2/1/17 at 3:32pm

Also, if  anybody knows what monthes are the  best for those kind of services?  January seems so much slower to me than December when I  joined. I researched various  forums and there are claims  that some  members saw a lot of Broadway from Play by play  vs Gold, or other saying  that most offerings overlap very much.  I saw a few concerts, 2 ballets, one average circus, one long running Broadway  musical when I joined. Some shows where not in NYC, but  NJPAC and Brooklyn locations.

Any personal experience in general ( I know we cannot name the shows)  that can be shared.?  

#5Gold Club vs Play by Play vs Club Free time vs Any Other Similar service
Posted: 2/1/17 at 3:49pm

Yes, I saw that, but this information is very old.  Some of those messages go back to 2003.

I am interested in the most recent experience, in the year 2016 up to now. It seems that offerings and structure was different in 2003 vs.  2017 , 2016.
